PARROT OS: Features, Reviews & Installation

How to Install Parrot OS security use vs Kali
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There has been a meteoric rise in the need for and prevalence of penetration testing and ethical hacking in the business world over the past few decades. The software industry has become extremely cautious due to the millions of dollars at stake in the case of a breach, with many companies taking precautions against online threats and hacking. Parrot Security OS is an operating system made specifically for ethical hackers, which helps spread this kind of knowledge even further. In this article, I explained everything about Parrot OS and how to install it. I also added the differences between Parrot OS vs Kali for it to be much easier to navigate your choice. Enjoy the ride!

What Is Parrot OS Security?

Parrot is a free and open-source Linux system based on Debian that is popular among developers, security experts, and those who value their privacy. It has everything you need for digital forensics and cyber defense, and it’s completely portable. Everything you need to create your own apps and protect your privacy online is included as well. Parrot is offered as a virtual machine, a Docker image, and a downloadable Docker container, in addition to its Home and Security Editions with the KDE and Mate desktop environments. Parrot OS is regularly updated, and it has numerous security-related settings such as hardening and sandboxing. The distribution tools are compatible with almost any system that uses containerization software like Docker or Podman. Parrot OS is great for PCs with older hardware or fewer resources because it is lightweight and quick to launch.

This program has a special “Forensics Mode” that is even less noticeable than normal because it does not mount any of the host computer’s hard drives or partitions. This setting allows forensic processes to be performed on the host machine.

When Installing Parrot Security OS, What Must My Computer Meet?

If you want to use Parrot Security to its maximum potential, you’ll need the following hardware and software:

  • There’s No Need for Special Graphics Hardware
  • The required memory must be at least 320MB
  • A dual-core processor of at least 1 GHz is necessary.
  • It supports UEFI and older booting methods.
  • A minimum of 16 GB of free space on the hard drive is required prior to operating system installation.

Parrot Security has always done a great job despite having relatively few requirements. 

Parrot OS Editions and Features

The following are Parrot OS editions and features:

#1. Parrot 5.0 LTS Security Edition

The Operating System’s full version is the Security Edition. A pen testing setup with over 600 preinstalled tools is included. This operating system may be installed on PCs and laptops, and its developers advocate installing it on machines with at least 4 GB of RAM. 

This release comes equipped with the following features:

  • Suite of office equipment
  • Players and editors: VLC and GIMP
  • Resources for remaining covert, like the Onion Router (TOR) and modified versions of Firefox
  • Full disk encryption and access to all available encryption software
  • Rizin and Powersploit are only two of the many pen testing tools available.
  • Tools for programming like VSCodium and Geany
  • Universal language support for software development
  • The list of included functions hints that this release is meant for security professionals, academics, and students.

#2. Parrot 5.0 LTS Home Edition

Parrot OS Home Edition is the stripped-down variant, which only includes the bare minimum. 

This version does not have any security tools as the Security Edition does. It uses the same repositories as the Security Edition, so users can install the required programs directly from the command line. 

In addition to the languages and frameworks supported, the Home Edition also includes a full office suite, video player, image editor, anonymity tools, full disk encryption, and many development tools.

If you’re experienced with pentesting distributions and only need the very minimum set up, this is the version for you. The target audience includes Linux users, programmers, system administrators, and students. 

#3. Parrot 5.0 LTS Cloud Edition

The Parrot Cloud Edition is a variant of the Parrot OS optimized for use in the cloud and other embedded devices. Docker images are included in this release to facilitate the OS’s use as a layer on top of other platforms.

The HackTheBox edition of Parrot OS is a web-based system with all the features a hacker might want. 

#4. Parrot Architect Edition 5.0 LTS

If you’re an expert and want to build your own version of the Parrot Operating System, the Architect Edition is for you. There is no bundled software or DE with this OS release. The distribution is about 330 MB in size and supports the amd64, i386, and arm64 CPU families.

The Architect Edition comes “ready for any context,” allowing you to customize it with whatever apps, tools, and desktop theme you like. 

Users can install the minimum necessary components offline, but a complete desktop installation requires access to the internet or a local mirror. This release of Parrot OS is favored by many as a server operating system.

Parrot OS Download

To get the correct file for Parrot OS, follow the instructions below.

  • Step 1: If you visit the official parrot download page, you will see two buttons labeled OVA Home and OVA Security.
  • Step 2: Select the appropriate edition for your needs before beginning the download; the Home Edition contains the bare minimum of tools needed for regular use, while the Security Edition includes more advanced features for things like penetration testing and digital forensics.
  • Step 3: Parrot-home-4.11.3_virtual.ova is the correct name for the file.
  • Step 4: Replace the.ova file extension with.tar. Check the View menu and enable File name extensions if you cannot see the extension. You may also toggle the visibility of file extension icons by pressing Alt > V > HF.
  • Step 5: There will be three additional files after extraction.

How to Install Parrot OS

 You can use the following instructions to install Parrot OS Security or Parrot OS Home:

#1. Check That Your Equipment Is up to Snuff

On an i386 architecture computer, Parrot OS needs 16 GB of free space on the hard drive and a minimum of 256 MB of RAM. The bare minimum for an amd64 machine to run Parrot OS is 320 MB of RAM.

The OS is platform-agnostic, so you can run it on anything from a Raspberry Pi to a Windows PC, as well as in virtualization software like Virtualbox or VMware. The ISO images are available for download from the main site. 

#2. Create a USB Flash Drive that Can Start Your Computer 

To perform this, you’ll need a USB drive with at least 4 GB of storage space and either Rufus or Windows’ built-in Win32DiskImager Utility.

Etcher or dd can be used to permanently write the image on the drive in Linux.

Selecting the drive and the ISO file and letting the tool burn the image is the standard procedure for writing an image to a disk, regardless of the operating system or tool. You should set out a few minutes for this. 

#3. Finalize the Setup Process

Detailed instructions on how to set up Parrot OS are provided below.

  • Put your computer to sleep. 
  • To enter the computer’s boot menu, press the key the manufacturer specifies. 
  • Make the USB drive your primary boot device.
  • In this case, it’s the boot screen for Parrot OS. Click “Install” and then “Graphical Install.”
  • During setup, choose your language from the drop-down.
  • Choose your time zone below.
  • Pick a keyboard layout you’re comfortable with.
  • You will be prompted to enter your Parrot OS user information into a form. Type in your name and password to log in. 
  • The disk will be partitioned once the installer starts up. Select “Guided – use entire disk” for a single-boot installation. 
  • To partition your drives manually according to your preferences, however, select “Manual.” Choose the “Guided – use the largest continuous space” option if you want to install Windows alongside another OS. 
  • Now please wait a few minutes while the installation begins.
  • The installation will next direct you to add the GRUB boot loader to the Master Boot Record (MBR). Make sure you select “Yes.”
  • Choose the disk where the boot loader will be stored. The “/dev/sda” partition is typically used for this purpose.
  • The installation will give you a warning to eject the USB disk after a while. The next time you turn on your computer, you can install Parrot OS.

Parrot OS First Look

Here is Parrot OS first look:

 [Applications]: Selecting the first tab from the top left will bring up a pre-sorted assortment of privacy, programming, system settings, games, and libre office software.

 [Application operation]: Provides quick access to the most utilized programs, such as a terminal, the Firefox web browser, and the Pluma text editor. You can also “pin” a frequently-used app with simple accessibility.

 [Memory usage]: Provides a visual representation of the system’s resources (CPU, Memory, and Network).

 [Setup of a Network]: There are controls for the network, the battery, the media player, the time, and the calendar in the upper right corner.

 [Menu]: It’s very much like the Applications page, except here you can look for apps that don’t fall under that particular heading.

 [Space for Work]: A well-organized workplace can greatly improve productivity and productivity-related outcomes. You could, for instance, separate your work area from your e-mail and chat windows by placing the latter in a separate workspace. There’s a chance that your music supervisor is actually located in a different country.

User Configuration

Here is the user’s configuration:

Step 1: Click the terminal icon in the menu bar to launch the command prompt. Check out the Linux Commands blog first if you’re unfamiliar with the terminal or want to learn more about it.

Step 2: You’ll need root access to create a new user. Type

sudo su

You will be prompted for a password; assuming you’ve followed the instructions so far, you should already be signed in as root and can enter the password “toor.”

adduser <username>

(Substitute your own replacement text here) and press Enter. You’ll be asked to enter a password and reenter it, along with a few more details that you can skip through by pressing enter; to proceed, type “y” and then press enter.

Step 3: Let’s go ahead and provide some permissions to the new user you just made. Enter the following command as a single line:

echo “<username> ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL” >> /etc/sudoers

To use the one you just made, replace the one above with it.

How to Use Parrot OS

The Parrot Operating System can be used in four main ways. The following are ways to use Parrot OS:

#1. Live USB Streaming 

Flashing Parrot Security requires a USB drive with at least 8 GB of storage space. Even though it requires more tweaking, some scenarios offer persistent storage on live USBs. The stick might be able to start a fully functional OS after the ISO image has been flashed onto it.

#2. Data Storage Device Setup 

Parrot security can be installed on a hard disk, overwriting all other data and the operating system, making any changes to the system permanent. Changes to hard disk installs are irreversible, however, the live boot desktop clears user data on reboot.

#3. Virtualization

 Parrot Security can be run as a guest OS in a host OS by creating a virtual machine instance. The hardware requirements can be modified to suit your needs. Users can customize installation settings like RAM, storage, USB input, and more when they utilize a virtual machine instead of installing the OS directly on a hard disk.

#4. Combining Linux and Windows

 In this scenario, parrot security OS won’t replace the current OS on a computer, but rather run in tandem with it. Many people have both Windows and parrot os on their computers, and they use them for very different purposes.


Parrot OS vs Kali

While Parrot OS isn’t exactly a household name, it does have several benefits that make it worth considering. Those interested in entering the field of Cybersecurity should also familiarize themselves with the various distributions used in the field. Here, we highlight the key differences between Parrot OS vs Kali Linux.

Parrot Operating System

  • Many tools for hiding your online and offline tracks are built right into Parrot OS.
  • Because MATE is the default desktop environment, Parrot OS is more compact than Kali Linux.
  • To protect its users, Parrot OS creates a closed and protected system.
  • Users are denied the ability to log in as root and gain access to the full desktop.
  • Parrot OS is less intimidating than Kali for newcomers. 

Kali Linux

  • Kali Linux does not come pre-loaded with anonymity utilities like the Tor Browser, Anonsurf, and Tor chat, nor does it include the I2P network.
  • Kali Linux features GNOME by default. Parrot OS’s MATE desktop environment uses much less memory (256-320 MB) than GNOME.
  • Logging in as root with access to the complete desktop environment is particularly risky when working with confidential company data.
  • Kali Linux was developed for use in penetration testing and other secure contexts. This isn’t something you should rely on on a regular basis.

Can Parrot OS run on 2 GB RAM?

The minimum RAM need for the OS is 512 MB, although 2 GB is suggested for both the Parrot Security and Home Editions.

What Is Parrot OS Used For?

For security professionals, programmers, and privacy-conscious users, Parrot Security (ParrotOS, Parrot) is a free and open-source GNU/Linux distribution based on Debian Stable. It comes with everything you need to conduct digital forensics and IT security operations on the go.

Do Hackers Use Parrot OS?

Hackers can also use Parrot OS to do many different things, such as vulnerability research, penetration testing, computer forensics, and more. It has the benefit of being presented as a lightweight, resource-constrained program.

How Much RAM Does Parrot OS Need?

RAM of 320 MB or more is recommended. A dual-core processor running at least 1 GHz is needed. It supports both UEFI and older booting methods.

What Are KDE and Mate?

KDE is one of the most aesthetically pleasing desktop environments because of the importance it spends on design. Mate is a Linux desktop environment based on GNOME 2. There was a lot of dissatisfaction when GNOME 3 was released since it ditched the familiar taskbar in favor of the newer GNOME shell.

What Exactly Is GNOME?

The desktop environment and most-used apps are modeled after Windows in an effort to make Linux more user-friendly for non-technical users. Actually, GNOME has several desktop themes from which to pick.

Can Parrot OS Run From USB?

Once the process of burning is complete, you can use the USB flash drive to start Parrot OS on your computer.

Is ParrotOS Better Than Windows?

 Because of its extensive suite of built-in security and penetration testing capabilities, Parrot OS is a top pick among cybersecurity experts. Standard Windows and Android don’t have these security capabilities, but Linux does: sandboxing, firewalls, and encryption tools.

Do You Recommend Parrot OS Over Kali Linux?

Due to its smaller footprint, Parrot OS easily beats Kali Linux in terms of system requirements. Matte-Desktop-Environment was chosen throughout development, which means that not only is less RAM required for optimal operation, but the full installation is also rather lightweight.

Is Parrot OS Suitable For Everyday Use?

Parrot Home is perfect for everyday users who prefer a minimal but feature-rich and regularly updated desktop. It looks and feels like a regular Parrot habitat, and it features all of the same fundamental activities. In other words, you can definitely rely on Parrot OS for your day-to-day needs.

Is Gaming Even Possible on Parrot OS?

It has proven stable enough for general use and gaming on my PC. Some users may have different results than planned due to their hardware.

Does Parrot OS Work With Windows?

With GRUB and the right partitioning, you can set up Parrot OS alongside Windows. A word to the wise: switch to Legacy mode in the BIOS if you’re using UEFI on your machine.

Final Thoughts

Various cyber security procedures, such as penetration testing, reverse engineering, and digital forensics, may all be performed with the help of Parrot OS, which can be thought of as a completely mobile laboratory. Furthermore, it has everything you need to keep your data safe and create your own programs.

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