How To Change Calorie Goal on Apple Watch: Quick Guide

How To Change Calorie Goal on Apple Watch
Credit: AppleToolBox

The key to customizing your Apple Watch’s health tracking is learning how to set its move goal to meet your needs. In one sense, you can do very little with an Apple Watch’s activity and health tracking because you can only set the Move Goal. However, if you use that one option correctly, the calorie counter will better suit you. This is because the Move Goal tracks the number of active calories you burn while standing or exercising. So, by selecting the appropriate Move Goal for you, you are changing your recommended calorie count.

But before going over how to change your calorie goal, let’s find out how to determine the right calorie goal for you.

How To Know the Right Calorie Goal for You

There’s nothing in the Apple Watch health or activity app that tells you what the best calorie count goal is for you other than the fact that Apple has already chosen what’s probably the best. It does this based on the information you provide about your age, for example, but it does change over time.

If you’ve had the Watch for more than 180 days, you can view a chart of activity trends that will be useful. Here is how to go over that:

  • Start the Activity app.
  • Select Trends.
  • On the information screen that appears, press OK.
  • Scroll down to the section “Worth a Look.”

Your mileage will vary, as will your mileage, but you will notice two sections here. Keep It Going is one, and it’s basically what you’re doing right now. The other is Worth a Look, which indicates areas where you could or should improve.

How To Change Your Daily Calorie Goal on Apple Watch

  • On your Apple Watch, launch the Activity app.
  • Swipe down and tap Change Goals from the bottom. Open the Activity app on your Apple Watch and select Change Goals.
  • Use the plus and minus buttons or rotate the Digital Crown to change your Move Goal. Tap Next.
  • You can also modify your Exercise Goal. Tap Next.
  • If necessary, modify the Stand Goal. Finally, press OK to save all of your changes.

How to Change Your Apple Watch’s Move Goal

These steps will also work on other Apple Watch models running most Watch OS versions.

  • Step 1: Open the Apps menu by pressing the crown button on the side of the watch, then select the Activity app.
    The crown button is the digital crown on the watch’s side. It can be turned or pressed. You may have to scroll around on this screen before finding the app. The Activity app is indicated by the three rings in the image below.
  • Step 2: Swipe up from anywhere on the screen, then tap and hold the Move option.
    If nothing happens, you may need to press a little harder.
  • Step 3: Select the Move Goal Change option.
  • Step 4: Use the + and – buttons to increase or decrease the current move goal, then tap the Update button to save your changes.

If you ever need to know how to change the calorie goal on an Apple Watch Series 1, return here and adjust it as needed.

What are the Three Apple Watch Goals?

The Apple Watch has three goals: Move, Exercise, and Stand.

To complete the Move goal, you must burn the number of calories specified in the previous section.

You must exercise for at least 30 minutes to complete the Exercise goal. You can do this by actively launching an app and selecting an exercise (such as the Fitness app or a third-party exercise app like RunKeeper) or moving for at least 30 minutes with an elevated heart rate. You can often accomplish this with a brisk walk or lawn mowing.

To complete the Stand goal, you must stand for at least one minute during the twelve hours of the day.

In WatchOS 6 and earlier, only the Move goal can be changed. In WatchOS 7, you can change all three goals.

What Is the Best Goal for Changing Move Goal on Apple Watch?

During the initial setup, your Apple Watch will recommend a goal based on height, weight, age, activity levels, and other factors. This algorithm is not perfect, and you should not feel obligated to stick with it. If you set a low goal, you can earn 200%, 300%, and 400% badges if you double or more your goal. If you consistently meet your goal, your watch may suggest that you raise it, but you are not obligated to do so.

Most people are more motivated if they can close their rings on a daily basis. Others enjoy a good challenge. Your fitness objectives, lifestyle, physical health, and personal preferences determine your ideal move goal. You can change your goals as often as you want, so if you need clarification, keep experimenting to see what works best for you or seek advice from your doctor.

The Apple Watch’s Activity App

The Apple Watch Activity app works differently than other fitness trackers. While it can track your steps, it is more concerned with your movement and calories than how many times you took the stairs.

The Activity app makes use of three rings. A ‘Standing ring’ encourages you to stand for an hour daily. There is a ‘Exercise ring,’ which can include pre-programmed workouts, and a Move ring, which counts daily movement. Each ring expands when you perform one of the corresponding actions.

The Move goal is the one you can tailor to your specific requirements. It calculates how much you move by combining all its sensors, including a heart rate monitor, into a calorie counter. It will then assess a healthy level based on your age, gender, height, and weight and gradually stretch those goals to help you improve.

The Move goal is met by burning active calories (movement, exercise, etc.).

Viewing Apple Watch Activity Goals

The Activity app compiles all of your goals on a daily or weekly basis. If you want to improve or see how far behind you are, you can do so quickly within the app.

  • Scroll to the Digital Crown in the Activity app.
  • Scroll through the data to see it as numbers, the ring, or a graph.
    The app compiles the previous week’s data for you to view every Monday.
  • Long press the screen while the Activity app is open.
  • Choose Weekly Summary from the dropdown menu.

When viewing weekly goals, you have the same display options as when viewing daily goals.

Do Fitness Trackers Really Work?

The first Fitbit was released in 2009, and ten years later, Americans are still getting bigger and more unfit and unhealthy. So, do these gadgets work?

As of now, the evidence is inconclusive. Fitness trackers will not make you fit, according to studies. A fitness tracker will be more effective when combined with a genuine desire to get fit and improve your health. So, if you’re hoping for the Apple Watch to force you to change your life, you’re out of luck. If you want it to help you achieve your stated objectives, it can do that and more.

To make a fitness tracker worthwhile, you must already want to lose weight, burn more calories, move more, or do something else. We’ve all seen people who wear one and never seem to lose weight. It’s just an ugly bracelet unless you’re psychologically invested in the process as a whole.

Can I turn off reminders?

Absolutely! Whether you want to take a break from fitness or want to control which reminders you receive, you can do so with your Apple Watch. Here’s how it’s done:

Launch the Apple Watch app on your phone and select ‘Activity.’ Turn the switches on and off as needed. You can turn off ‘Stand’ reminders, competitions, etc.

I want to share my activity with my friends. Is that possible?

Yes! Open the Activity App (Fitness App if you’re using iOS 14 or later) and tap the ‘Sharing’ tab in the lower right-hand corner. Tap the ‘+’ icon and enter the contact information for the friends with whom you want to share your activity. Tap the ‘Send’ button in the upper right-hand corner.

Your friends will be notified that you want to share your activity, and they can choose whether or not to accept it. This is an excellent option for those who want to exercise with others or have an accountability partner to assist them in becoming healthier.

How does the Apple Watch monitor my activity?

There are several ways in which your Apple Watch can track your movement and thus help you stay on track with your move goal. To begin, begin an activity. It’s critical to do this if your arm isn’t constantly moving (as Apple suggests if you’re pushing a stroller).

The Apple Watch also tracks your movement through, well, activity. As you swing your arm, your Watch recognizes the movement and logs it toward your move goal.

If you care about your health, one of the many ways technology can help is to increase your move goal on an Apple Watch gradually. Along with many other useful features, becoming healthier is an excellent reason to purchase a new Apple Watch!

How To Change Calorie Goal on Apple Watch: References

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