How To Remove Best Friends on Snapchat: Simple Steps

How To Remove Best Friends on Snapchat
Credit: WebliHost

If you frequently use Snapchat, you may want to know how to remove someone from your best friends list. The app analyzes who you talk to the most and who you send the most snaps to before naming them your best friend. However, things change, friends part ways, and you may want to remove that person from your profile. This article will show you how to remove someone from your best friends list if you want to change up your Snapchat besties.

What You Should Know

  • Go to the Chat tab to delete a friend. Tap and hold the name of a friend, then tap Manage Friendships. Select Remove Friend.
  • When replacing a Best Friend, keep your interactions with them to a minimum. Send Snaps to other users regularly and consistently to replace them.
  • Tap the three dots icon in Chat to change a Friend emoji. Tap the Customize Best Friend Emojis button. Choose your favorite emoji.

What Is A Snapchat ‘Best Friend’?

On Snapchat, you may notice that emojis appear next to the names of some of your friends. Each of these emojis has a different meaning: if a smiley face appears next to a friend, it means they have become one of your “best friends.”

On Snapchat, a ‘best friend’ is anyone to whom you regularly send snaps and messages. You can have up to eight best friends; when you send a snap, they will appear at the top of your screen.

Can Others See Your Snapchat ‘Best Friends’?

When Snapchat first launched, others could see your list of best friends.

This feature, however, has been removed in recent years. This means that only you know who is currently on your list of best friends.

In other words, you don’t have to be concerned about others seeing who your best friends are: the only way they could see this list is to log into your account and view it for themselves.

How Long Do Best Friends Stay Together?

Snapchat has not specified how long best friends will remain on your list. But, based on my experience with the app, it appears that not chatting with your friend for a couple of days may be enough to remove their status.

It is worth noting, however, that if you are a frequent snapchatter with a large number of best friends, it may take longer. Those who don’t use the app frequently may notice that sending a few snaps back and forth can result in a new best friend. The answer is really dependent on how frequently you use the app.

How Do Snapchat’s “Best Friends” Work?

Snapchat’s Best Friends list keeps track of the people you talk to the most. Snapchat used to allow you to add specific contacts as Best Friends, but that has changed slightly. It is displayed at the top of your main friend list, making those users more accessible when sending a new Snap.

However, how does Snapchat determine who your Best Friends are? It’s quite simple.

You may have noticed that each user has a Snap Score, which is a calculation of the total number of Snaps sent and received since joining. Individual conversations between you and your friends are given a similar score. The more you talk to someone, the higher your friendship score becomes.

Snapchat analyzes these scores and ranks the friends you chat with the most in order of friendship score to create your Best Friends list.

How To Remove Someone From Your List of Best Friends on Snapchat by Deleting Them

If you want to completely remove a contact from your list of friends, the first option is probably the simplest. This is how it’s done:

  • Navigate to the Chat function in the bottom left corner of your app. This will open your contact list.
  • Select the friend you want to remove by clicking on their Bitmoji Profile Icon, which will take you to their profile.
  • There will be three small dots, forming a horizontal ellipsis, in the upper right corner. When you click on them, you will be given the option to block or delete the contact.

Removing a friend is a temporary solution that allows them to still message you. If you change your mind, you can add them back in later. Blocking a friend, on the other hand, is more permanent. When you select this option, you will not only remove them from your list of friends, but you will also remove yourself from theirs. They will no longer be able to see your Snap score.

How to Remove Someone From Snapchat Best Friends by Replacing Them

This option may take a little longer, but it will still work.

Begin by sending fewer snaps to those you want to be removed from your best friends list while sending more to others. Simply put, interacting with others causes the algorithm to change the status of your contacts.

You can also limit your interactions with your undesirable best friend by muting their stories, messages, and notifications.

All you have to do is take the following steps:

  • Return to the Chat menu in the bottom right corner of your screen.
  • Locate the horizontal ellipsis in the top right corner of the Bitmoji of the friend you want to remove.
  • The Mute Game, Mini Notifications, and Mute Story buttons are below the Block and Remove options. These will assist you in avoiding interaction and thus speeding up the process.

How to Remove Someone from Snapchat Best Friends List Without Deleting Them

#1. Remove Someone from Best Friends by Using Algorithm Trickery

This method may be more suitable if you want to remove someone from your list of best friends in a less dramatic manner.

You learned about Snapchat’s algorithm at the beginning of this article. Reduce your interaction with the person in question as a simple solution to this problem. By sending fewer snaps and messages, the algorithm will begin to track the change, altering your best friend’s status over time. You may have to wait 10 to 15 days for this to happen, but you’ll undoubtedly agree it’s a much more subtle way of doing things.

However, remember that the time period will vary depending on how many contacts you have and how frequently you interact with them.

#2. Hiding Best Friends on Snapchat

Don’t worry; your Snapchat best friends are only visible to you. They are, however, visible on your screen. You can easily hide them from view if you don’t want to see them or if you don’t want someone else to see them.

On the Send to screen, you can’t hide who your best friends are, but you can on the Chat screen. Here’s how it’s done:

Follow these steps if you’re an Android user:

  • Click on your Bitmoji icon in the top-left corner to open your profile, then tap the cog icon in the top right to open your Settings.
  • Scroll down until you see the option labeled Customize emojis. This option displays which emojis label your friends as Super BFF, BFF, Bestie, Close friend, Good friend, and other similar terms.
  • Then, tap on the emoji you want to replace, and then choose another one. It can be any emoji you want, as long as it isn’t already in use in another field.

If you are an IOS user, proceed as follows:

  • Locate the cog icon in your profile.
  • Locate the Manage option and tap the Friend emojis bar.
  • Repeat the procedure as previously described. You can easily return to the previous default later by clicking the Reset to default button.

Changing your Number of Bestfriends on Snapchat

Did you know you can choose how many best friends you have on Snapchat? With a few clicks, you can quickly change this from the default (three Snapchat best friends), whether you want to limit it to one or expand it to eight (the maximum number Snapchat currently allows).

To learn how, proceed as follows:

  • Scroll down to the Manage option in Settings.
  • Choose the number of Best Friends.
  • Change the number to suit your needs.

If Someone Is Your Snapchat Best Friend, Are You Also Theirs?

If someone is your Best Friend, it does not necessarily follow that you are also one of their Best Friends. It all depends on the emoji you’re looking at.

So, how do you know? The presence of any of the heart’s emojis is a good sign. The Double Pink, Red, and Gold Hearts all mean you’re each other’s Best Friend; the only difference is how long that lasts. The simple Smile emoji indicates that the person in question is one of your Best Friends but not your #1 Best Friend. That could be true if the roles were reversed, as with the Smirking Smiling Face.

Finally, you shouldn’t be concerned about this. Continue to have fun as long as you enjoy sending them Snaps and Chats, and they appreciate it. It makes no difference if they converse with more people on Snapchat at any given time.

How Many Snapchat Best Friends Can You Have?

You can have as many as eight Best Friends.

Some people only have one or two. Others communicate with so many people that the Best Friends emojis change contacts on a daily basis.

How Do You Make Someone Your Snapchat Best Friend?

You cannot “designate” someone as your Best Friend. Snapchat’s algorithm determines who you talk to the most.

Send lots of Snaps and Chats if you want someone to be your Snapchat Best Friend! Of course, you should make sure the feeling is mutual—it’s pointless to bombard someone with Snaps if it’s going to irritate them.

And just because one user is your Best Friend doesn’t mean you’re theirs.


It should not bother you that you are not someone’s Best Friend on Snapchat.

Perhaps you don’t talk enough on the app, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t good friends in real life. After all, Snapchat’s Best Friends feature ignores SMS, messaging platforms, and face-to-face interactions.

How To Remove Best Friends on Snapchat: References

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