SCALEFUSION: Overview, Pricing, Reviews & Alternatives 2023


Managing and safeguarding mobile devices within a company is critical for productivity, data security, and smooth operations. Scalefusion, a leading Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution, provides a comprehensive platform designed to simplify and empower modern business device management. In this blog article, we will go into the world of Scalefusion MDM, exploring its features, pricing, and alternatives, and providing an in-depth review to assist you in making an informed decision.

What is Scalefusion MDM?

Scalefusion MDM is a powerful solution that helps enterprises manage and secure their mobile device fleet, which includes smartphones, tablets, and rugged devices. Scalefusion’s user-friendly interface and advanced capabilities enable enterprises to streamline device provisioning, remote management, content delivery, and security enforcement.

Scalefusion MDM Key Features

Scalefusion provides a plethora of powerful features to meet the different needs of organizations. Among the significant features are:

  • Device Provisioning and Enrollment: Scalefusion facilitates device onboarding and enrollment by allowing IT managers to swiftly set up devices with pre-defined policies and configurations.
  • App and Content Management: The platform allows for granular control over app distribution, updates, and content management, ensuring that the appropriate apps and content are available to the appropriate people or groups.
  • Remote Device Management: supports remote device management, allowing administrators to troubleshoot issues, update settings, and take actions such as a remote lock or wipe from a centralized console.
  • Security and Compliance: Scalefusion focuses on data security with features such as passcode enforcement, encryption, and remote data wipe capabilities. It also helps with compliance by enforcing policies, monitoring device usage, and producing thorough data.

Exploring Scalefusion’s Benefits

Businesses profit from Scalefusion MDM implementation in various ways:

  • Increased Productivity: With simplified device administration and simple app/content delivery, employees can focus on their tasks without being hampered by technical issues or obsolete software.
  • Improved Security: Scalefusion’s strong security features safeguard sensitive data, enforce compliance, and prevent unauthorized access, lowering the risk of data breaches or loss.
  • Cost and Time Savings: Scalefusion decreases IT support costs and saves important time for both IT teams and end users by automating device provisioning, upgrades, and troubleshooting.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Scalefusion caters to organizations of all sizes, providing for smooth scalability as the company grows. Its adaptable policies and configurations cater to the specific needs of various sectors and use cases.

Scalefusion Review

Let’s look at a detailed review that focuses on the user experience and customer feedback to get a better picture of Scalefusion’s performance and user happiness.

#1. User Experience: Streamlined Device Management

Scalefusion is renowned for its user-friendly interface, which makes device management jobs easier. Users enjoy the platform’s simplicity and ability to easily browse through numerous features and settings. Also, the dashboard provides managers with a thorough overview of their fleet by offering a centralized view of all controlled devices.

Scalefusion’s device provisioning and registration process is one of its most notable features. Users have remarked that the shortened onboarding procedure at Scalefusion has made deploying devices and customizing settings considerably more efficient and time-consuming. Also, the platform enables bulk device enrolment, ensuring a smooth setup experience.

#2. Customer Feedback: Enhanced Security and Compliance

When it comes to managing mobile devices, security is a significant priority for enterprises, and Scalefusion has gotten favorable praise for its sophisticated security capabilities. Users value the platform’s capacity to impose passcodes, encrypt data, and remotely delete data. These features help to make sensitive data more secure and defend against potential breaches.

Scalefusion also provides thorough policy enforcement, helping firms to remain in regulatory compliance. Users have praised the platform’s flexibility to tailor regulations and limits to their individual needs. This guarantees that employees follow corporate policies and avoid unlawful use of devices or programs.

#3. User Experience: App and Content Management

Users have given Scalefusion’s app and content management features high marks. Administrators have lauded the platform’s ease of distribution and management of apps across devices. IT teams can utilize Scalefusion to remotely push updates and install or uninstall applications, ensuring that users have access to the most recent software versions and tools.

Scalefusion’s content management tools have also been positively regarded. Users value the ability to send files, documents, and other content to specified devices or groups, which improves cooperation and productivity. The technology enables seamless document sharing and syncing, allowing employees to access critical resources while on the go.

#4. Customer Feedback: Support and Integration

Scalefusion’s customer support services have garnered positive comments. Users have expressed satisfaction with the support team, praising their responsiveness, competence, and desire to assist with any questions or technical concerns. The commitment of Scalefusion to customer satisfaction has contributed to a favorable overall user experience.

Scalefusion interacts smoothly with many corporate systems, such as Active Directory and Single Sign-On (SSO), allowing organizations to leverage their existing infrastructure while improving interoperability. Users have praised this integration option for simplifying the deployment process and ensuring a smooth transition to Scalefusion.

Also, Scalefusion has shown to be a dependable and user-friendly MDM solution based on user experience and client feedback.

Scalefusion Pricing

Understanding the pricing structure of a Mobile Device Management (MDM) system like Scalefusion is critical. Scalefusion provides multiple pricing plans to meet the needs and budgets of various businesses. Pricing is determined by elements such as the number of devices, features required, and support levels. Let’s have a look at the Scalefusion pricing alternatives.

Scalefusion operates on a subscription basis, allowing organizations to select the plan that best meets their needs. While pricing details vary, Scalefusion normally provides multiple tiers or versions with differing amounts of features and support. Pricing plans are frequently classified such as Basic, Pro, and Enterprise.

In general, the Basic tier provides fundamental functions for small businesses or organizations with a small number of devices. It includes basic security capabilities as well as device management and app delivery. This tier is reasonably priced and provides a cost-effective alternative for small organizations.

The Pro tier, which is usually more expensive than the Basic tier, includes more complex features and functionalities. It has better security features, content management capabilities, and support choices. also, the Pro tier is frequently appropriate for medium-sized corporations or organizations with more extensive device management requirements.

For larger enterprises or organizations with advanced requirements, Scalefusion offers an Enterprise tier. This top-tier package has extensive features, strong security safeguards, innovative integrations, and priority support. The Enterprise tier is tailored to meet the specific needs of larger organizations and may include additional services such as dedicated account management or customizations.

It is best to contact Scalefusion directly for precise pricing information for your firm. Scalefusion’s sales personnel are frequently educated and helpful in guiding you through the pricing alternatives and determining the best solution for you.

Scalefusion Alternatives

When looking for a Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution, it’s a good idea to look into Scalefusion alternatives to ensure you get the best fit for your organization’s needs. Here are some prominent MDM alternatives that provide comparable functionality:

#1. VMware Workspace ONE

VMware Workspace ONE is an all-in-one MDM solution that includes device management, application management, and content management. It has strong security features that are integrated with VMware’s ecosystem and supports a variety of device platforms.

#2. Microsoft Intune

Microsoft Intune is a cloud-based MDM and mobile application management (MAM) system that is part of the Microsoft Endpoint Manager package. Device enrollment, application distribution, policy enforcement, and security controls are among the features available. also, Intune works well with Microsoft 365 services and offers a unified experience for enterprises that currently use Microsoft’s ecosystem.

#3. Jamf Pro

Jamf Pro is a popular MDM solution created exclusively for Apple devices like as iPhones, iPads, and Macs. It includes full device management, app delivery, security controls, and connectivity with Apple’s ecosystem. Also, Jamf Pro is designed for businesses that have a large number of Apple devices.

#4. MobileIron

MobileIron is a mobile device management (MDM) solution that focuses on delivering safe access to corporate resources and data protection on mobile devices. It offers features including device management, application management, and content management. MobileIron places a premium on security and compliance, especially in regulated industries.

#5. Cisco Meraki Systems Manager

Cisco Meraki Systems Manager is a cloud-based MDM solution that includes functionality for device management, application deployment, and security. It provides unified device management across several platforms and works effectively with other Cisco networking and security products.

#6. SOTI MobiControl

SOTI MobiControl is an enterprise-grade MDM system that includes capabilities such as enrollment, application management, content management, and security controls. It supports a variety of platforms and offers strong security and remote management features.

Consider cost, scalability, ease of use, security features, platform support, and integration possibilities when comparing these options. Assess your organization’s exact requirements and compare them to each alternative’s offerings to discover which option best meets your needs.

It’s also a good idea to ask for demos, trial versions, or proofs of concept to obtain hands-on experience with the options you’re considering. This will allow you to evaluate their usability, performance, and fit for your organization.

Scalefusion Customer Success Stories

While specific customer success stories are not always readily available, the following are a few examples of how organizations have profited from Scalefusion implementation:

#1. Retail Industry

Scalefusion was utilized by a retail chain with several stores to handle the mobile devices used by staff for inventory management, point-of-sale systems, and customer service. They were able to maintain device security, speed app upgrades, and enforce usage policies by utilizing Scalefusion’s device management features. As a result, operational efficiency has increased, data security has improved, and customer service has improved.

#2. Healthcare Sector

Scalefusion was utilized by a Healthcare Sector to manage its fleet of tablets and smartphones used by healthcare workers for patient care, data capture, and communication. The security features of Scalefusion, such as remote lock and data wipe, assisted in protecting critical patient information in the event of device loss or theft.

#3. Logistics and Transportation

Scalefusion was utilized by a logistics company to handle the mobile devices used by drivers and warehouse workers. Scalefusion’s device tracking and geofencing capabilities enabled the organization to monitor device whereabouts and assure delivery route and schedule compliance.

These examples show how Scalefusion has aided organizations in a variety of industries. While individual customer success stories may differ, these instances scenarios the potential benefits that firms can gain by utilizing Scalefusion.

Who uses Scalefusion?

Scalefusion is utilized by a diverse range of businesses in a variety of industries. Here are some examples of the enterprises and industries that use Scalefusion for device management:

  • Enterprise Organizations
  • Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs)
  • Education Institutions
  • Healthcare and Medical Facilities
  • Retail and Hospitality
  • Transportation and Logistics

How do I get rid of Scalefusion?

Follow these general procedures to remove Scalefusion from your devices and organization’s infrastructure:

  • Identify the devices: Determine which devices have Scalefusion installed or enrolled in them.
  • Disable device enrollment: If your devices are already registered in Scalefusion’s management system, you must disable the enrollment process.
  • Uninstall the Scalefusion agent: Remove the Scalefusion agent or software from each device.
  • Revoke administrative privileges: If Scalefusion had administrative privileges on the devices, it’s important to revoke those permissions.
  • Remove device management profiles: In some cases, Scalefusion may have installed device management profiles on the devices.
  • Clean up residual traces: After uninstalling the Scalefusion agent and eliminating device management profiles, it’s a good idea to look for any left traces.

How do I set up Scalefusion?

Follow these general steps to install Scalefusion:

  • Create an account: Go to the Scalefusion website and create an account. Fill in the blanks with your organization’s name, email address, and contact information.
  • Define your requirements: Before installing Scalefusion, identify your organization’s specific needs and ambitions.
  • Create device profiles: Create device profiles in Scalefusion to describe the settings, constraints, and rules you want to implement on managed devices.
  • Enroll devices: After you’ve created the relevant device profiles, enroll the devices you’d like to manage with them.
  • Configure policies and restrictions: After enrolling devices, use the dashboard to configure policies and limits.
  • Customize the user interface: You can change the device’s home screen and branding.
  • Test and deploy: Before delivering it to all devices, it is advised that a smaller selection of devices be tested to confirm that the configurations and policies perform as intended.
  • Monitor and manage devices:  With Scalefusion installed, you can now monitor and manage the enrolled devices from the centralized dashboard.

How do you unlock Scalefusion?

If you’re talking about unlocking Scalefusion on a device that’s already enrolled and managed, the processes are normally as follows:

  • Access the Scalefusion Dashboard: Go to the web portal and log in using your administrator credentials to access the Scalefusion Dashboard.
  • Locate the Device: Within the Scalefusion dashboard, navigate to the device you want to unlock.
  • Remove Restrictions: Look for the ability to remove or modify the device’s limits inside the device details or management options.
  • Confirm Unlocking: To unlock the device, follow the prompts or confirmation steps.
  • Sync Device: After unlocking, the device may need to be synced with the Scalefusion server for the modifications to take effect.


Scalefusion has established itself as a top MDM solution, meeting the increasing needs of modern enterprises. Scalefusion delivers a comprehensive solution for efficient device management, security enforcement, and productivity increase by utilizing its technology capabilities and a user-centric approach. Consideration of Scalefusion’s features, pricing, alternatives, and customer comments will assist enterprises to make an informed decision when picking the best MDM solution for their needs.


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