How To Repost A Video On TikTok: A Step-by-step Guide

How To Repost A Video On TikTok:

Do you want to know how to repost a video on TikTok? TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms and it is always adding new features to keep users engaged. And one of the newest features that the platform recently rolled out is the “Repost” button.

So, what is the TikTok repost button? How do you access the repost button on TikTok? How do you undo reposting on TikTok? Also, how can you see reposts on TikTok? Here’s everything you need to know.

What Is Reposting On TikTok?

TikTok’s repost feature allows you to repost TikTok videos that belong to other users from your own TikTok account to share with your audience.

TikTok previously didn’t have any official way to repost videos. So, if you wanted to repost something, you had to download the video first and then re-upload it on TikTok. This was a stressful series of steps that in some cases could even lead to a copyright warning.

However, now with the new repost feature introduced to the TikTok app, users can finally share other people’s content on TikTok without any infringement.

The reposting feature is very similar to Twitter’s “retweet” feature, as it allows you to curate content from others to share with your individual audience, while still crediting the original creator. Only difference is, a TikTok repost doesn’t show on your own profile like a Twitter retweet; it only sends the repost video out to your friends’ For You feeds.

TikTok started testing the “Repost” button in January 2022. They officially launched the feature in May 2022.

How To Repost On TikTok

The repost button makes it extremely easy to re-share a video on TikTok. Simply check the easy steps below to repost a video on TikTok:

  • Step 1: Open the TikTok app on your phone and find the video you want to repost.
  • Step 2: Once you find the video you want to repost, tap the Share button in the bottom right-hand corner.
  • Step 3: Now, you should access the Send to pop-up. From here, you can see the new “Repost” option that appears next to your contacts. Just tap on it.
  • Step 4: The Reposted information should appear, and you can add a caption message here for repost.

How To Undo A Repost On TikTok

While some users have found the new feature beneficial, others complain that the placement of the TikTok repost button always lets them mistakenly share videos that they didn’t intend to share, which can be very annoying.

So, if you accidentally reposted a video on TikTok and you want to remove or delete it, you can do this very easily.

  • Tap the Share button again
  • Click on Remove Post
  • A pop-up will appear; go ahead and click on Remove. This will delete the repost from your TikTok account.

How To See Reposts On TikTok

Are you trying to see videos that you have reposted on your TikTok, but you are not able to do so?

Well, as we mentioned earlier on, TikTok reposts do not show up on your own profile. When you repost a video on TikTok, it will be shared on your friends’ For You feeds, and only mentioned with your recommendation.

Hence, TikTok doesn’t offer the option to see the reposted videos. You can only see your reposts on TikTok through your friend’s FYP.

More things to know about the TikTok Repost feature:

  • Any likes will go only to the original videos, so you cannot get the likes of the videos after reposting.
  • If there are comments on the reposted video, they will also only stay on the original video.
  • Also, the follows will only be counted and applied to the original creator of the video.

Why Repost A Video TikTok?

Reposting is a way to curate and share quality content with your TikTok followers while still giving credit to the videos original poster. It also helps the original creator of the content to get a boost in both reach and TikTok engagement while you get to share your interests with your audience.

Here are other top reasons why you should repost videos on TikTok: 

Get More Mileage Out Of Content

Reposting TikTok videos lets you get the most value out of video content. 

Even if they don’t cover an evergreen topic, videos can still generate long-term user engagement when paired with effective reposting. This allows you to make the most out of the resources spent on creating that video. 

Save Your Agency’s Resources

Creating video content is time-consuming — and, in some cases, really expensive. 

If your agency is in charge of creating TikTok videos for your client, your team can be stretched too thin trying to keep video production in full swing. This negatively affects productivity and overall content quality. 

Reposting videos, however, is a great way to keep users engaged while your team regroups and crunches through backlogs.

Give Your Target Audience Fresh Content From Authoritative Creators

TikTok’s repost feature lets you quickly share top-quality content without actually creating them. 

Regularly sharing content from popular influencers also encourages their fans to follow you. This will help you build your relationship with TikTok influencers, especially if you respond with something positive or constructive. 

Expose Your Best Content To A Wider Audience

Reposting videos exposes your best TikTok to as many users as possible. 

TikTok users have different usage patterns and schedules. Re-sharing an awesome video promotes it to those who may have missed it the first time. This removes the need to attempt producing another video that’s equally as great. 

You can also share (and re-share) TikTok videos on other social media platforms to reach a wider audience. 

Reuploading videos lets you experiment with viral TikTok hashtags that match the topic of your content. 

It also allows you to take advantage of new and trending hashtags if you uploaded your video too soon. 

Keep in mind that hashtags trend on TikTok all the time. And instead of constantly conducting hashtag research, you can use social media management platforms that provide hashtag suggestions. 

How To Repost On TikTok To Get More Views And Engagements

The new repost feature can be extremely beneficial for individuals and brands if you use the right strategies. Scheduling and using hashtags are just the beginning; to get the most out of your TikTok reposts, try implementing these reposting best practices: 

Use Stitch

Before you repost a video from someone’s profile, see if you can Stitch it instead. This allows you to combine videos as different clips that play at specific parts of your video timeline. 

TikTok Stitch allows you add value to the original post rather than simply reposting it. You can attempt to copy or replicate what the original post is showing, share your reaction, or provide additional information to help the target audience understand the first video better. 

Use Duets 

Unlike Stitch, Duet doesn’t combine videos that play at specific parts of your video timeline. 

The Duet feature lets you add an overlay or split-screen clip of your response or reaction to the original video. Both the original and your recording will play side by side at the same time. 

Like Stitch, Duets are useful if you want to share your reaction to a popular TikTok video. They are easy to make since you can record Duets while watching the original post. 

Create An Automated Posting Schedule

Configure an automated posting schedule that will allow you to consistently publish posts on TikTok at the perfect times. 

When adding new posts or reposting existing content, simply add them to your queue. This will automatically schedule them at the next available slot.

An automated posting schedule streamlines your social media publishing strategy not just on TikTok, but on other platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as well. 

Track The Performance Of Reposts 

Reposting lets you experiment with different captions, hashtags, and posting times for TikTok marketing. 

Track the performance of your reposts to optimize your content strategy over time. 

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Reposting On TikTok

Not Giving Proper Credit To The Original Content Creators

Always give credit and attribution to the original creator of the reposted video. It can be as simple as using the platform’s built-in feature to tag the content owner or by adding their TikTok handles in the caption.

Be sure that you have the necessary permissions and licenses to repost someone else’s content. Don’t run the risk of potentially facing legal consequences.

Not Being Authentic

TikTok users value authenticity and originality, so ensure the content you want to repost aligns with your purpose. Avoid reposting content that doesn’t feel genuine or relevant.

Failing To Customize The Content You Repost

Avoid simply reposting someone else’s content without adding your own touch to it. Personalize the content when and where you can.

Reposting Too Frequently

While it is important to stay active on TikTok, reposting too frequently can also be a mistake. Followers can become overwhelmed or irritated with too much reposted content, so try to aim for a consistent but reasonable posting schedule. 

Not Monitoring Performance

Keep track of how each of your reposted content performs on TikTok. It can help you understand what types of content are resonating with your audiences and inform your future content strategy.

Overusing Reposted Content

While you can use reposted content as a great way to engage with audiences and save time, avoid overusing it. Try to strike a balance between original content and reposted content to keep your client’s feed fresh and interesting.

What Is The Difference Between Reposting A TikTok And Stitching A TikTok?

Reposting a TikTok is a way that lets you share another user’s TikTok with your audience. Stitching a TikTok, on the other hand, is where you take a snippet of another user’s TikTok — no more than five seconds — and combine it with your own footage.

Stitched TikToks will begin with footage from another TikTok, after which you can add your own footage. You can use it to explain something further, comment on the snippet, or respond to a question from the original TikTok.

What Is The Difference Between Reposting A TikTok And Dueting a TikTok?

Dueting a TikTok is where you add your own footage and allow it to play alongside the original TikTok using a split screen.

Duets are usually used for reaction videos or to join the original creator of a video in a challenge. The entirety of the TikTok you are Dueting will play for the duration of the Duet.

How To Repost A Video On TikTok: In Conclusion

That’s all for how to repost videos and remove reposts on TikTok. If you find this post helpful, feel free to share it with others.

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