How To Build Docker Image: Simple Beginners Guide

How To Build Docker Image
Photo Credit: @freepik

Are you new to Docker and looking to build your own Docker image from a Docker file? Look no further, as this simple beginner guide will walk you through the process step-by-step. Building a Docker image is a fundamental skill that every developer should have in their toolkit. Docker has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its ability to simplify application deployment and improve scalability. We will discuss the necessary tools and commands, explore best practices, and provide tips to optimize your Docker image. So, if you’re ready to dive into the world of Docker and learn how to build your images, let’s get started!

Build Docker Image

A Docker image is a lightweight, standalone, and executable software package that encapsulates everything needed to run a piece of software, including the code, runtime environment, libraries, system tools, and settings. It serves as a template for creating Docker containers, which are instances of images that can be run on any system that supports Docker.

Docker images are created using a declarative and repeatable process with the help of Dockerfiles, which are text files containing a series of instructions. Here’s a simplified overview of how Docker images work:

#1. Creation:

Developers define a Dockerfile that specifies the base image, dependencies, configuration settings, and commands required to build their application environment. These instructions are used by the Docker engine to automatically build the image.

#2. Layered structure:

Docker images use a layered structure, with each instruction in the Dockerfile creating a new layer on top of the previous one. Each layer represents a change or addition to the filesystem, which allows efficient storage and sharing of common layers between images.

#3. Image registry:

Once the image is built, it can be stored and versioned in a Docker registry, such as Docker Hub or a private registry. The registry serves as a centralized repository for sharing and distributing images among a team or across different environments.

#4. Portability:

Docker images are designed to be platform-independent and portable. They can be run on any system that supports Docker, regardless of the underlying infrastructure, operating system, or hardware.

#5. Docker containers:

To run an application using a Docker image, you create a container instance. Containers are isolated and lightweight environments that leverage the image’s components and runtime environment. Multiple containers can be spawned from the same image, each running independently and making efficient use of system resources.

#6. Immutable and reproducible:

Docker images are immutable, meaning they cannot be modified once built. This ensures consistency and reproducibility of the application environment across different deployments, making it easier to manage and control the software’s behavior.

Docker images provide a consistent and efficient way to package, distribute, and run software applications, enabling developers to easily deploy their applications on any Docker-enabled environment. They promote scalability, portability, and reproducibility, making them a popular choice in modern software development and deployment workflows.

What is Docker from Command?

Docker is an open-source platform that allows you to automate the deployment and management of applications using containerization. It provides a way to package an application and its dependencies into a container, which can then be run on any operating system or cloud environment that supports Docker.

From the command line, you can interact with Docker using the Docker CLI (Command Line Interface). The Docker CLI provides a set of commands that allow you to build, run, and manage Docker containers.

The following are a few of the most often-used Docker commands:

  • Docker run: This command is used to create and start a new Docker container based on a specific image. You can specify options such as port mappings, environment variables, and volume mounts when running a container.
  • Docker build: Using a Dockerfile and this command, a new Docker image can be created. A text file with instructions on how to create a Docker image is called a Dockerfile.
  • Docker images: This command lists all the Docker images that are available on your system.
  • Docker ps: This command shows you every Docker container that is currently running on your system.
  • Docker stop: This command terminates a Docker container that is currently running.
  • Docker rm: A Docker container can be removed with this command.
  • Docker rmi: This command is used to remove a Docker image from your system.

These are just a handful of the numerous commands that Docker offers. By using these commands, you can efficiently work with Docker containers and manage your applications in a containerized environment from the command line.

How to Build Docker Image

To build a Docker image, you need the following few steps:

#1. Create a Dockerfile:

An image-building guide is contained in a text file called a Dockerfile. It specifies the base image, the required dependencies, and the commands to be run.

#2. Choose a base image:

The base image acts as the starting point for your image. It usually contains a minimal operating system and a few basic tools. Depending on your requirements, you can choose from existing base images available on Docker Hub or create your own.

#3. Define the build context:

The build context is the directory that contains the Dockerfile and any files required during the image build. The Docker daemon will process this directory.

#4. Run the build command:

To build the image, open the command-line interface and navigate to the directory containing the Dockerfile. Then, execute the build command, specifying the tag and path to the build context. For example:


docker build -t myimage:1.0 .


This command tells Docker to build an image with the tag myimage and version 1.0 using the Dockerfile in the current directory.

#5. Wait for the build process to complete:

Docker will now read the Dockerfile and execute each instruction one by one. This includes installing dependencies, copying files, and running commands specified in the Dockerfile. The build process may take some time, depending on the complexity of the instructions and the size of the base image.

#6. Verify the image:

After the build process completes, you can use the “docker images” command to check the newly made image. This will display a list of all the images available on your system, including the one you just built.

Building a Docker image in this way allows you to define a reproducible and consistent environment for your application. It also enables easy distribution and deployment across different platforms and hosts.

How to build a Docker Image in Pipeline?

Looking for guides on how to build Docker images in the pipeline? In this section, the following will walk you through the process.

#1. Setup your Pipeline:

Start by setting up a pipeline in a CI/CD tool of your choice, such as Jenkins or Travis CI. You should ensure that you properly configure the tool to execute the pipeline and grant it access to your source code repository.

#2. Define the Dockerfile:

Create a Dockerfile in your source code repository. This file defines the instructions for building the Docker image, such as the base image, dependencies, and commands required to set up your application.

#3. Configure the pipeline:

In your pipeline configuration file, specify the stages and steps needed to build the Docker image. This typically involves checking out the source code, installing any dependencies, and executing the Docker build command.

#4. Build the Docker image:

Within your pipeline, execute the Docker build command with the appropriate arguments to build the image. This command usually takes the path to the Dockerfile and optional build arguments.

#5. Push the Docker image:

After successfully building the Docker image, you can push it to a container registry like Docker Hub or a private registry. This step ensures that the image is available for deployment or sharing with other team members.

#6. Automate the pipeline:

To make the process more efficient, integrate webhooks or triggers to automatically trigger the pipeline whenever changes are pushed to the source code repository. The Docker image is continuously built and up-to-date as new code is committed.

#7. Test the Docker image:

As part of your pipeline, consider running tests against the Docker image to ensure its functionality and quality. This can include unit tests, integration tests, or any other tests relevant to your application.

#8. Deploy the Docker image:

After making and testing the Docker image, you can put it into any environment you want, like a local development environment, a staging environment, or a production environment.

By following these steps, you can build a Docker image in a pipeline, making it easier to automate the build process and ensure consistency across different environments.

Build Docker Image from Dockerfile

Here’s a complete insight on how to build a Docker image from a Dockerfile. To build a Docker image from a Dockerfile, you can follow these steps:

#1. Create a Dockerfile:

Start by creating a text file named Dockerfile (without any file extensions) in the root directory of your project. This file will contain instructions that specify the base image to use, the dependencies to install, the environment variables to set, and the commands to run.

#2. Choose a base image:

The base image is the starting point for your Docker image. It provides a basic operating system and runtime environment. You can choose an official base image from the Docker Hub repository, such as Ubuntu, Alpine, or CentOS, or use one of the many community-contributed images. Selecting a lightweight base image can help reduce the size of your final Docker image.

#3. Define dependencies and environment:

In your Dockerfile, you need to specify the dependencies that your application requires. This can include system libraries, programming language runtime, and any other software packages. Use the appropriate package manager (e.g., apt-get for Debian-based images, apk for Alpine) to install these dependencies. Additionally, you can set any environment variables required by your application using the `ENV` instruction.

#4. Copy files to the image:

If your application relies on certain files or directories, such as configuration files or source code, you need to copy them into the Docker image. Use the `COPY` directive to copy local files from your project directory to a specific location inside the image. This ensures that your application has access to these files during runtime.

#5. Expose necessary ports:

If your application listens on specific ports, you need to expose them in the Docker image so that external services can communicate with your application. Use the `EXPOSE` instruction in your Dockerfile to specify the required ports.

#6. Define runtime commands:

Lastly, you should define the commands that will execute when running the Docker image. This can include running your application, executing startup scripts, or initializing databases. Use the `CMD` or `ENTRYPOINT` instructions to specify these commands. The `CMD` instruction is usually used to define the default command and arguments that will be executed when the container starts. The ‘ENTRYPOINT’ command, on the other hand, sets the main executable for the container and makes it hard to change.

#7. Build the Docker image:

Once your Dockerfile is ready, you can build the Docker image using the `docker build` command. Open the terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory containing the Dockerfile, and run the following command: `docker build -t image_name:tag .` Replace `image_name` with the desired name for your image and `tag` with a version or tag name (e.g., `latest`, `1.0`). The `.` at the end specifies the current directory as the build context.

#8. Verify the image:

After the build process completes, you can verify your Docker image by running the `docker images` command. It should list the newly created image along with its details.

Building a Docker image from a Dockerfile allows you to automate and standardize the process of creating containers for your applications. It ensures reproducibility and portability, making it easier to deploy your applications across different environments.

How to Create Docker Containers From Images?

To create a Docker container from an image, the following are the steps:

#1. Pull the Docker image:

First, you need to download the image from a Docker repository. Open the terminal or command prompt and use the docker pull command followed by the image name and tag.


   docker pull <image_name:tag>


For example, to pull the latest version of the Ubuntu image, you would use:


   docker pull ubuntu:latest


#2. Run a Docker container:

After downloading the image, you can create a container by using the docker run command and specifying the image name.


   docker run <image_name>


By default, this command will create and start a new container based on the specified image.

#3. Customize the container:

If you want to customize the container, you can pass additional flags with the docker run command. For example, to name the container, expose ports, or mount volumes, you can use the following options:


   docker run –name <container_name> -p <host_port>:<container_port> -v <host_directory>:<container_directory> <image_name>


Replace `<container_name>` with the desired name for your container, `<host_port>` and `<container_port>` with the corresponding port numbers for port mapping, and `<host_directory>` and `<container_directory>` with the directories for volume mounting.

#4. Verify the container:

To verify that the container is running successfully, you can use the docker ps command, which lists all running containers.


   docker ps


That’s it! You have successfully created a Docker container from an image. You can now interact with the container, install additional packages, or run commands within it using the Docker command-line interface.

What Is the Command to Build a Docker Image With a Tag?

Using the -t flag, you can apply a tag to the image at the time of construction. If you don’t select a tag, the system automatically uses the most recent one. Additionally, you can indicate which image tag to include in the Dockerfile.

What is the difference between a Docker image and a container?

A container is an instance of a Docker image that is currently operating. A Docker image contains the application and environment needed for the application to run.


Building Docker images is a simple and efficient way to package and distribute your applications. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can easily create your own Docker images and take advantage of the benefits that containerization offers. This guide will help you start with Docker, no matter how much experience you have or how little. So why wait? Start exploring the world of Docker today and unlocking the power of containerization for your projects. Happy building!

How To Build Docker Image FAQs

What is a docker image?

Developers use a Docker image to execute code inside a Docker container.

It gives you an easy way to bundle preset server setups and applications.

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