The Best Online UX Design Courses & Certificates for 2024.

UX Design Courses
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Design teams implement user experience (UX) design while aiming to make products that users will find useful and enjoyable. Branding, visual design, usability, and functionality are all parts of the bigger picture in UX design, which encompasses the complete journey from discovering a product to using it in everyday life. This article reviews the best free online UX design courses and their syllabuses.


Branding, design, usability, and function are just some of the many facets that a UX designer considers when working on a product. For a product to have a positive user experience, not only must the software be user-friendly, but so must the marketing campaign, the packaging, and the after-sale assistance. 

The primary focus of user experience design is on meeting user requirements and alleviating problems. Designers who specialize in the user experience (UX) pay close attention to how consumers engage with the products they create, whether digital or real. They improve the utility, pleasure, and accessibility of common social interactions. Accelerate your way into a well-paying position. An occupation in user interface design lies ahead of you. You can acquire marketable skills and be ready for the workforce in under a year. There is no requirement for formal training or experience.

More Information

UX designers come from a variety of disciplines, including visual design, programming, psychology, and interaction design, among others, because the field as a whole encompasses the user’s experience from beginning to end. When designing for people, it’s important to keep in mind the wide variety of abilities and disabilities that people may have, such as difficulty seeing small writing.

Users are researched, personas are created, wireframes and interactive prototypes are designed, and designs are tested. These are just some of the many duties that fall within the purview of a UX designer. The specifics of these responsibilities can vary widely from one business to another. 

However, they still expect designers to act as users’ advocates, placing their requirements front and center throughout the design and development process. That’s why most UX designers follow a user-centered design process, where they can focus their knowledge and expertise on the end user and their problems until they’ve found a solution that works for everyone.

Online UX Design Courses

As an alternative to intensive, time-consuming, and expensive UX design bootcamps, consider enrolling in a course online. Complete one of these courses in as little as a few hours or as long as a few weeks to build a solid UX portfolio to exhibit your abilities. Your abilities as a user experience designer are your greatest asset. You can improve your proficiency in these areas by enrolling in an online course. Include them on your resume if you want to stand out as a UX designer:

#1. Soft Skills

UX designers require not only technical expertise but also soft skills such as the ability to work well with others, manage projects, empathize with clients, and effectively communicate with them.

#2. User Testing

Understanding how customers use a product is crucial to designing an interface that lives up to their expectations and runs smoothly. 

#3. User Research

Most of a designer’s time is spent outside of the design process, conducting research and analysis on their intended audience through methods such as card sorting, surveys, and user interviews. 

#4. Design Thinking

You need to have a can-do attitude if you want to solve your end user’s problems before they even arise. You can also improve your design iteration with this talent. 

#5. UX Principles of Design

Find out how to make the most of visual signals like font, color, and visual hierarchy in your designs. 

#6. Prototyping and Wireframing

You must possess these two abilities to undertake any user experience design assignment. You’ll be able to think up new products more easily and bring them to life with their help. 

The Essential Components of a Good Online Course in User Experience Design

The following are components of a good online UX design course:

#1. Length

Some online courses last just a few hours, while others stretch over several months. Think about what you can actually do, what will fit into your schedule, and what will help you learn the most.

#2. Pricing

Set a price range before looking for a design course. The price of a course varies widely, so it’s important to shop around to find one that fits your budget. 

#3. Reviews

There are certain courses that aren’t geared toward your particular educational objectives. Learn more about each course’s contents and whether or not it meets your needs by reading reviews written by past students. You can use this to judge the content quality of a course as well. 

#4. Instructor

Learn as much as you can about the course’s teachers to determine if you’ll get anything out of their classes. You can also find self-guided design classes that allow you to learn at your own pace.

#5. Performance Capability

This is a crucial aspect to think about before making a final choice. It’s a waste of time and money to try to improve your skills if you’re already at the appropriate level. 

#6. Curriculum

Take a look at the course outline to get an idea of the topics and skills covered in UX design. Choose a course of study that is suitable for your existing knowledge and long-term ambitions. 

With this checklist in hand, you’ll be able to compare and contrast the many different UX training options and settle on the ideal one for your needs. The following are the top recommendations for online UX design courses that will help you advance in your career:

#1. UX Design Certificate by Google 

In order to get a degree in UX design from Google, students need no prior expertise in the subject. It’ll help you establish core abilities in UX design with 240 hours of learning materials and a completely flexible timeline that puts you in charge. 

#2. UX Academy Foundations by DesignLab 

DesignLab’s UX Academy Foundations is an introductory course in user experience design that may be completed in four to eight weeks. Learn the ins and outs of professional design software like Figma, Sketch, and Adobe XD in this 35-project hands-on course for beginners. 

#3. LinkedIn Learning: UX Design Advancement

LinkedIn Learning has an eight-hour course called “Advance Your Skills in UX Design.” Tools like Figma and Sketch are covered extensively throughout the training. Advanced UX topics, including online analytics, interaction design, and remote research, are also covered.

#4. Business Value From UX Advanced Futurelearn Design

The Business Value Through User Experience Design course demands a 4-hour/week commitment of four weeks to dive deep into the commercial applications of UX design. You’ll leave this course with the knowledge and tools to become an expert in the UX field. 

Best UX Design Courses

The courses here were chosen because they are known to be effective in imparting both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. These courses can help you become a professional UX designer, whether you’re a complete beginner or already have some expertise in the field. The top user experience design programs include:

#1. Motion Design With Figma

Using the most up-to-date methods in motion design and UI/UX design, this course will show you how to effectively create interactions, animations, and motion graphics for your future web and mobile app projects. It has supplanted older, more archaic design tools as the go-to method for today’s designers.

#2. IBM UX Design

Topics covered in depth during the course include user testing, usability testing, user interface design, and information architecture. In addition to working on individual projects, participants will have the chance to form groups and work on a variety of assignments with other students. The IBM UX course is ideal for anyone wishing to enter the rapidly expanding field of user experience design or for those already working in the field who want to sharpen their abilities.

#3. Ideou

This course is designed to give students not only a theoretical understanding of user experience and user interface design but also practical experience applying those theories to actual projects. Expert designers from Ideo, a famous design and innovation organization, crafted the curriculum and infused it with their extensive understanding of the field.

Free UX Design Courses

The principles of UX design, the tools used by UX designers, and the professional route into UX design are all available for free online. Whether you’re looking for UX micro-courses or free UI/UX lessons, this guide will point you in the right direction. All of them are made by authorities in the subject and are available for free online. Free resources for learning UX design are listed below.


Greg Rog, a designer with 15 years of experience working for Fortune 500 businesses, built the video-based learning platform’s mission is to educate aspiring and working UI and UX designers on the latest and greatest technologies and tools. This well-organized site has both free and paid video lessons. 

#2. The Free UX Design Coursework From Springboard

Springboard not only provides paid programs for tech professionals like UX designers but also offers free learning routes in fields like data analysis, machine learning, digital marketing, and more. The Free UX Design Curriculum is a 55-hour course made up of videos and materials from across the internet structured into a logical pathway for novices. While techniques and methods are covered, the tools themselves are not. 

#3. UX Fundamentals for the Gym

The gym provides access to free online classes taught by professionals in a variety of fields. In addition, they provide access to the staffing agency, Aquent. The free UX design course at Gymnasium instructs aspiring UX designers on the fundamentals of user-centered design for digital products. 

UX Design Courses Syllabus

Acquire the knowledge necessary to work as a user experience or user interface designer. Design principles, software like Figma, and study techniques are all covered in this seminar. Career-focused training, portfolio development, and personalized coaching will help you succeed in the field of user experience and user interface design. The following course syllabus for UX design is as follows:

#1. Outline of the Study

User Experience, or UX, is an acronym. This is how product design teams come up with innovative ways to improve people’s lives. A user’s experience with a product or service, such as an app or multi-step form, as a whole falls within the purview of UX designers. 

#2. The Acronym UI Means “User Interface.”

Designing an app’s or website’s user interface is all about how it looks. A user interface designer is someone who creates the interface components (menus, buttons, icons, etc.) that customers interact with when using a product or service. 

#3. Course Skills

Course competencies include the following:

Tools for designers; Designer vs. Developer; Top-Tier Designer Abilities; Sketching and User Flows; Figma Sitemaps, wireframes, prototypes, and user input; visual design; spacing and the grid; typography; color; forms and UI elements; visual assets, accessibility, application design, and design systems; design patterns; mobile design; motion and micro-interactions; and the history of the web (HTMS). 

#4. Results of Course Study

This syllabus course will equip its students with the UX design skills to: 

  • You can’t design with purpose unless you know what UI/UX design is and how it works. 
  • Learn all you can about the design process, its goals, and its associated tools. 
  • Learn about the UI/UX processes, tools, and deliverables that are typical in the industry. 
  • Justify your design choices in your project presentations.

What Qualifications Do I Need to Be a UX Designer?

Although a bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline like graphic design, interaction design, psychology, or computer science is recommended by many employers, some merely demand an associate’s degree. Learning to code is not necessary if you want to work in user experience and user interface design. 

To become a UI/UX designer, you need to have a knack for visual design, an awareness of the psychology of human-computer interaction, and knowledge of web design paired with strong creative and technical skills. To your advantage, having:

  • Ability to use code editors and build platforms.
  • Ability to use design programs such as Adobe’s Creative Suite.
  • Ability to create wireframes and prototypes both manually and digitally.
  • An understanding of agile project development processes.

Can I Learn UX in 3 Months?

The typical length of time for a UX Bootcamp is between two and ten months. UX bootcamps often teach students the fundamentals of user experience design and lead them through introductory projects that can be used as the foundation for a future portfolio. Mentorship opportunities and real-world experience are offered in some programs as well.

What Education Is Needed to Become a UX Designer?

A bachelor’s degree in design is a solid choice. A master’s degree is an option if you want to gain expertise in a specific field. Attend a training camp: UX bootcamps are short-term, online training programs that can get you hired in the UX field quickly.

What Pays More UX or UI?

Average salaries for user experience designers (UXDs) and user interface designers (UIDs) show that UXDs earn more worldwide.

What Is a UX Designer Salary?

According to Glassdoor, the national average compensation for a user experience designer is $94,516. Over 138,000 jobs are available in user experience design, with a typical starting salary of $112,000. 

Is Google UX Certification Worth It

Graduates of graphic design, marketing, or communication programs will benefit the most from this course because it teaches them how to apply their prior knowledge to the challenges of UX design. However, he stresses that the course is useful for anyone with a background in marketing or communication.

How Do I Become a UX Designer With No Experience?

The following are:

  • Learn about UX designers and their importance.
  • Try to find people who have complementary creative backgrounds, interests, and skills.
  • Pick a course of study and get smart.
  • Invest in a strong portfolio.
  • Do some sort of prep work. 
  • Find the best career path for you. 
  • Attend a class at no cost.
  • Utilize free resources. 
  • Make progress on tasks. 
  • Finish a training program. 
  • Obtain a credential. 
  • Acquire practical knowledge about user interface design.
  • Start looking for work after studying the course.

Can I Become a UX Designer Without a Degree?

You should have a good chance of getting employed if you can show that you have the relevant skills and can effectively communicate your expertise to potential employers. 


No prior experience or formal education is necessary to enter the rapidly expanding area of UX design. Designs will be made both on paper and in software like Figma. After completing the certificate program, you will have a professional UX portfolio that features three completed projects. Google and more than 150 other U.S. companies, such as Deloitte, Target, and Verizon, will accept your applications immediately upon completion. Success in user experience (UX) design requires a commitment to lifelong learning and the pursuit of professional development opportunities.  

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