Typosquatting: What Is It & How Do You Prevent It?

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Typosquatting refers to the practice of employing intentionally misspelled domain names with the aim of misleading users into believing that the website they intend to visit is authentic. What is the outcome? Individuals are directed towards websites that contain malicious software or engage in fraudulent activities, hence increasing the risk of identity theft and other consequential issues. This article aims to provide comprehensive information on the subject of typosquatting in cyber security, including its mechanics and protection measures. 


Someone commits “typosquatting” by registering a domain name that sounds like an established internet site but has a misspelled word or two.

Typosquatting, also known as URL hijacking, is a type of cybersquatting that targets people who accidentally type the wrong website address into their browser. Cybersquatters register domain names with spelling issues that deviate from the brand. Many people surfing or doing business on the internet are unaware that they are on a simulated website. Additionally, fraudulent website operators might employ identity theft to market competing products or, worse, deceive consumers into revealing their personal information.

How Does Typosquatting Work?

Misusing a commonly misspelled or misunderstood domain name is known as typosquatting. A user could accidentally visit a malicious website if they didn’t double-check the domain name they typed in. In 2006, Google fell prey to Goggle.com, a site commonly believed to be a phishing or fraud site and the victim of a typosquatting cybercrime. The typosquatters also targeted domain names that were physically close to the letter g, such as foogle.com, hoogle.com, boogle.com, yoogle.com, toogle.com, and roogle.com. If your company deals with a high volume of customers, this can pose a serious threat to its cyber security.

Eight different kinds of typosquatting have been identified.

  • Typos: commonly misspelled versions of well-known domain names in the browser’s address bar, such as “facebook.com.”
  • Domains with typographical errors are extremely frequent. To a greater extent if the domain name is a made-up word. Use “google.com” as an illustration.
  • Incorrect domain extensions: The number of typosquatting websites is growing alongside the number of new top-level domains (TLDs). An example here would be Google.co. Another typical typo is using the “.com” extension when a “.org” should be used.
  • Abstract spellings of services, brand names, or items may mislead users. 
  • Hyphenated domains/combosquatting: This refers to the practice of missing or adding a hyphen to a domain name (like facebook.com or face-book.com) in order to fraudulently divert visitors to a typo domain.
  • Domain name additions: adding relevant phrases to prominent brand names (like “shop” to “apple”) might make a typosquatted domain name look more genuine (like “apple-shop.com” instead of “apple.com).

In What Ways Can Typosquatting Do Harm?

Apple, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft have had to register typographical error variants of their domains or use ICANN’s service to prohibit typosquatting domains due to their prevalence.

Even if cybercriminal activity isn’t behind every attempt at typosquatting, many typosquat domain owners do indeed do so in bad faith. Also, websites created by thieves often contain malware, ransomware (like WannaCry), phishing scams, and other attempts to steal sensitive information.

Some common uses of typosquatting domains are:

  • Domain parking occurs when the owner of a typosquatted domain tries to sell it to the victim for an exorbitant price.
  • Imitators: In a phishing assault, the fraudulent website disguises itself as the legitimate target site.
  • Site parodying a well-known trademark or brand name.
  • Giveaways and surveys: The fake website tricks visitors into disclosing personal information through a feedback form or survey.
  • Fake website owners use pop-up ads and other forms of advertising to monetize their traffic.
  • Visitors’ devices are infected with malware or adware when they view the malicious website.
  • To steal sensitive information, login passwords, or user emails, cybercriminals create malicious websites that seem just like legitimate ones. This practice is known as “phishing.”

Typosquatting in Cyber Security 

Another type of domain squatting, known as “cybersquatting,” occurs when someone purchases a domain name related to a well-known brand in the hopes of selling it to the brand’s owner for a high price.

Due to the cyber danger of typosquatting domains and potential revenue loss, many companies are willing to pay a lot of money for “fake” URLs to prevent abuse and bring additional visitors to their websites. Cybersquatting can provide enormous profits due to the low cost of domain registration for most TLDs.

How Has Cybersquatting Changed?

Buying up domain names connected to well-known, long-established brands that had not yet established a web presence was a common form of cybersquatting in the early days of the Internet. The companies were therefore compelled to purchase the previously registered domains in order to protect their online reputations.

Similarly, registering the domain names of well-known people like actors and politicians became a common practice. Furthermore, creating a new top-level domain (TLD) like.XYZ or. coffee is a common practice in cybersquatting nowadays. With each new TLD comes the possibility of cybersquatting hundreds of thousands of domain names.

Is Cybersquatting or Typosquatting Illegal?

The 1999 Anti cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) makes it illegal to register, trade, or utilize domain names that are confusingly similar to or dilute trademarks or personal names in the US.

The regulation targeted cybersquatters who registered trademarked domain names to sell them to the trademark owner or a third party.

According to the ACPA, domain name owners must prove they will use their URLs legitimately and that they are not confusingly similar to trademarks, brands, or websites.

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) can help trademark owners sue cybersquatters and typosquatters, according to ICANN’s UDRP.

To successfully get domain ownership through WIPO, you must provide:

  • The name of the website is the same as or quite close to yours.
  • The registrar is making malicious use of the domain.
  • The goal of the Coalition Against Domain Name Abuse (CADNA), founded in 2007, is to reduce incidents of cybersquatting of all kinds in order to make the Internet a safer and less confusing place for everyone. CADNA thinks the current maximum damages don’t adequately reflect the harm caused by typosquatting; hence, they want to make them higher for all cases.

Typosquatting Protection

Businesses can lessen the effects of typosquatting by registering valuable and noticeable typo-domains and pointing them to their main website. In addition, they can register alternative nation extensions and other relevant top-level domains, different spellings, and variants with and without hyphens.

To prevent typosquatting in cyber security, we advise domain registrations before, during, and after the dawn period, it is recommended that you register your brand name with the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) and use the Trademark Registry Exchange Service of ICANN (TRex).

Using an SSL certificate is an excellent way to prove that your website is legitimate. Also, they protect user information during transmission and inform the user of their connection’s identity. The absence of an SSL certificate is a common indicator that you have been sent to a malicious website.

Misleading emails sent from typosquatted domains should be taken seriously. It’s, therefore, necessary to have your DNS information include a sender policy framework and to use secure email gateways and software that can automatically detect mismatched headers and envelope sender addresses. if you suspect someone is misrepresenting your company or is about to do so, take these typosquatting protection steps:

  • Inform the relevant parties: Warn your clients, employees, or anybody else who needs to know to be on the lookout for phishing emails and websites.
  • Have malicious domains and email servers shut down. 

Protection of Your Online Business from Typosquatting

Your website is vulnerable right now. No, not from some stranger in a trenchcoat knocking on your door. Or perhaps some unknown hacker is attacking its database. Absolutely nobody is out to get anything from you. The danger is not as obvious. It’s called typosquatting, and it has the potential to wipe out all of your hard work.

Here are some ways to prevent typosquatting from harming your internet enterprise:

#1. Trademarking Your Company Name 

It is an essential step in securing your brand. This is also true for websites, as it avoids typosquatting and provides legal protection from competitors who may try to steal your clients by using a similar domain name. When trademarking your company name, you can utilize a business name generator to ensure its uniqueness and simplify the process.

#2. When a User Performs a Search for a Domain With a Misspelling

These services will instantly reroute them to the proper site. This effectively renders any attempts to typosquat fruitless. Second, if someone attempts to register a domain with an incorrectly spelled name (to mimic an existing trademark), they will be unsuccessful.

#3. To Complain to WIPO

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) created the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP). This policy provides a mechanism for legitimate trademark owners to pursue legal action against infringing users. Persons who, without the trademark holder’s consent, register a domain name and then use it to advertise their goods or services fall into this category.

#4. Employ Email Anti-Spoofing Measures

Most criminal operations involving typosquatting involve sending emails to persons who have requested information about a “target” business but instead received an email with a phony link or content that falsely claimed to be from the “target” firm.

Using a DMARC analyzer and other anti-spoofing technologies, you can protect yourself from typosquatting attacks. Also, this helps legitimate business owners recognize counterfeit emails and prevent them before they’re distributed to other networks. As a consequence, you won’t have to worry about your business’s credibility or bottom line taking a hit from these attacks.

Is Typosquatting Illegal?

The potential earnings from typo domains rely on several variables, including the traffic volume and ad revenue of the targeted website. However, people who engage in typosquatting risk legal consequences like fines or even jail time.

What Is the Difference Between Typosquatting and Spoofing? 

Domain spoofing is a form of cyberattack in which an attacker develops a website that looks identical to a target’s but uses a different URL (in contrast to typosquatting, in which the target’s actual domain name is used).

Both strategies aim to trick search engines like Google into placing your site higher in its rankings than it deserves.

Typosquatting, on the other hand, is when a domain name is misspelled so incorrectly that the victim’s site looks like it was hacked by an amateur, which can lead to security difficulties. In comparison, domain spoofing is far more convincing because the website looks exactly like its target counterpart but uses some tiny changes (such as misspelled words on the front page) to make it seem more real.

What Are the 4 Types of Cybersquatting? 

These are the various forms of Cybersquatting

  • Typosquatting.
  • Identify Theft.
  • Name Jacking.
  • Reverse Cybersquatting.

Why Is Cybersquatting Illegal?

The claimed cybersquatter registered the domain name with the intention of profiting from it in bad faith; the registered domain name is confusingly similar to or identical to the actual brand. According to federal trademark law, the trademark is protected.


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