Application Insights: Everything You Need

Application Insights
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You must find out about any potential software anomalies as soon as possible so that you may fix them before you get buried beneath an avalanche of complaints or, even worse, find out that people have switched to strong competitor solutions. In this article, we’ll take a look at Microsoft’s Azure Application Insights, a tool that keeps engineers and developers abreast of the state of program performance. Also, we will discuss application insights, cost, and logging.

What is Application Insights?

Application Insights is a comprehensive application performance management (APM) service that Microsoft Azure offers. For web apps running on Azure or any other cloud service or on-premises servers, this tool provides monitoring, detection, and diagnosis capabilities for developers.

This tool provides developers with real-time visibility into performance bottlenecks, failures, and other issues by monitoring application utilization, user experience, and usage patterns. It captures telemetry data, including metrics, traces, and logs, offering a holistic view of the application’s health and performance.

By utilizing Application Insights’ automatic instrumentation and other features, programmers can obtain knowledge without having to manually alter their code extensively. It works with several common programming languages and can be easily integrated into most toolchains.

Teams can increase the stability of their applications by using the gathered data to make data-driven decisions, prioritize upgrades, and so on. Application Insights’ extensive feature set helps keep applications running smoothly, makes users happier, and shortens the time it takes to fix bugs.

Features of Microsoft Application Insights

Microsoft Application Insights encompasses various features designed to enhance application monitoring and diagnostics. Automatic instrumentation stands out as a key feature, as it allows developers to effortlessly gain insights into their applications without extensive manual code modifications. The platform supports multiple programming languages, ensuring flexibility for diverse development environments.

Real-time analytics enable developers to promptly identify and address performance issues, errors, and user experience concerns. Customizable dashboards provide a tailored view of relevant metrics, facilitating efficient monitoring. Detailed telemetry data, including metrics, traces, and logs, contributes to a comprehensive understanding of application behavior.

Application Insights integrates seamlessly with popular development tools and offers compatibility with various platforms, including Azure and other cloud services, as well as on-premises servers. This flexibility makes it suitable for a wide range of applications and infrastructure setups.

Alerts and notifications empower teams to proactively respond to issues, preventing potential disruptions. The platform supports continuous improvement by providing actionable insights that aid in optimizing application performance, ensuring a positive user experience, and streamlining the development life cycle. Overall, Microsoft Application Insights is a robust solution for developers seeking comprehensive application monitoring and diagnostic capabilities.

What Are the Types of Application Insight Data?

Application Insights collects diverse types of data to provide a comprehensive view of application performance and user experiences. Firstly, it captures telemetry data, which includes metrics like response times, failure rates, and resource usage. This quantitative information aids in assessing the overall application’s health.

Traces offer detailed information about the execution flow within the application, helping developers pinpoint specific areas where issues may arise. Logs provide textual data, enabling the recording of custom events and diagnostic information for in-depth analysis. Exception data highlights errors and exceptions, facilitating rapid identification and resolution of issues in the application code.

Dependency tracking is another crucial aspect, offering insights into external services or components the application relies on. This is valuable for understanding how these dependencies impact overall performance.

User data, including user sessions, interactions, and geographic information, contributes to a better understanding of user behavior and experiences. Additionally, custom events and metrics allow developers to track specific activities or performance indicators relevant to their application.

By aggregating these diverse types of data, Application Insights empowers developers with a holistic understanding of their applications, facilitating effective monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimization.

How Do I Access Application Insights Data?

Accessing Application Insights data involves using the Azure Portal or programmatically interacting with the Application Insights API. Here are the basic steps:

#1. Azure Portal

  • Navigate to the Azure Portal 
  • Select the Application Insights resource associated with your application.
  • Inside the Application Insights resource, you can explore various tabs and sections, such as Overview, Failures, Performance, etc., to access different aspects of your application’s telemetry data.
  • Customizable dashboards and queries help you tailor the view according to your specific monitoring needs. Also, read AZURE DATA FACTORY: What It Means & All to Know

#2. Application Insights API

  • Use the REST API that Application Insights provides to programmatically retrieve data.
  • Authentication is typically managed through Azure Active Directory. Ensure you have the necessary permissions.
  • Use queries to extract specific information from your telemetry data. The API allows you to fetch metrics, events, traces, and other relevant data points.

#3. Integration with Visual Studio and other Tools

  • If you’re using Visual Studio, you can integrate Application Insights directly into your development environment for a seamless experience.
  • Application Insights also integrates with other development tools and platforms, providing additional ways to access and analyze data.

By combining these approaches, developers can effectively access and leverage Application Insights data for monitoring, diagnostics, and performance optimization.

Application Insights logging

Logging in Application Insights is a crucial aspect of capturing and analyzing data to monitor the performance and behavior of applications. Developers use logging to record specific events, traces, and diagnostic information, providing insights into the application’s runtime behavior. Here’s a breakdown of logging in Application Insights:

#1. Instrumentation

  • Developers instrument their code by adding logging statements at strategic points in the application to capture relevant information.
  • Application Insights provides SDKs for various programming languages, facilitating easy integration with the application’s codebase.

#2. Logging Levels

  • Logging in Application Insights supports different levels, such as information, warning, error, and critical. Developers choose the appropriate level based on the significance of the logged event.
  • This helps in categorizing and filtering log data, allowing developers to focus on specific aspects during analysis.

#3. Custom Events and Metrics

  • Beyond standard logging, developers can log custom events and metrics tailored to the application’s specific requirements.
  • Custom events could include user interactions, application-specific milestones, or any other relevant activities.

#4. Exception Logging

  • Application Insights automatically captures exceptions and logs relevant information when errors occur. This aids in identifying and diagnosing issues in the application code.

#5. Telemetry Correlation

  • Application Insights ensures that logged data is correlated across different telemetry types, providing a cohesive view of the application’s behavior.
  • This correlation is valuable for tracing the flow of execution and understanding the relationships between various events.

#6. Structured Logging

  • Developers can leverage structured logging to include additional contextual information along with log messages. This makes it easier to analyze and filter log data effectively.

#7. Integration with Logging Frameworks

  • Application Insights integrates seamlessly with popular logging frameworks, making it convenient for developers already using tools like Log4Net, Serilog, or others.

In addition, logging in to Application Insights is a powerful tool for developers to gain visibility into their applications, aiding in troubleshooting, performance optimization, and proactive issue resolution. The collected log data is accessible through the Azure Portal, APIs, and various development tools for comprehensive analysis and monitoring.

What Is the Difference Between Log Analytics and Azure Application Insights?

Log Analytics and Azure Application Insights are both components of the broader Azure Monitor service, but they serve distinct purposes and cater to different aspects of monitoring and analysis.

Azure Application Insights:

#1. Focus

Application Insights is primarily designed for monitoring the performance, availability, and usage of applications. It’s focused on providing insights into the behavior of your application and its users.

#2. Data Collection

Application Insights collects telemetry data, including metrics, traces, and logs, from your application. It automatically captures information about requests, dependencies, exceptions, and custom events.

#3. Use Cases

It is particularly useful for developers and DevOps teams to troubleshoot issues, optimize performance, and gain a holistic understanding of application health.

Log Analytics:

#1. Focus

Log analytics, on the other hand, is more versatile and is designed for analyzing and acting upon vast amounts of log and performance data from various sources, not just applications.

#2. Data Collection

Log Analytics collects and centralizes log data from diverse sources, including applications, infrastructure, and Azure resources. It supports custom log data and provides a flexible schema for organizing information.

#3. Use Cases

Log analytics is broader in scope and caters to IT administrators, operations teams, and security professionals. It is used for troubleshooting, monitoring infrastructure, creating custom queries, and deriving insights from logs.


While Application Insights focuses on application-specific telemetry, it is integrated into Log Analytics. This integration allows you to correlate application-specific data with broader system and infrastructure logs, providing a comprehensive view of troubleshooting and analysis.

In summary, Azure Application Insights is specialized for application monitoring, providing specific insights into how an application is performing and being used. Log Analytics is a more general-purpose log and data analysis tool that handles a wider array of data sources beyond applications, catering to a broader set of monitoring and analysis needs.

How Do I Test Application Insights?

Testing Application Insights involves validating its integration with your application, ensuring that telemetry data is collected accurately, and confirming that it provides meaningful insights. Here are steps to test application insights effectively:

  • Instrumentation Verification: Confirm that your application is properly instrumented with the Application Insights SDK. Also, check that the SDK is correctly integrated into the codebase and that relevant instrumentation code is in place.
  • Local Testing: During development, use a local development environment to simulate interactions with your application. Also, verify that telemetry data is being generated and sent to Application Insights.
  • Integration Testing: As you progress through development, conduct integration tests to ensure that the telemetry data is collected when the application interacts with external dependencies, services, or components.
  • Exception Handling: Test exception handling scenarios in your application to confirm that Application Insights captures and logs relevant exception data.
  • Custom Events and Metrics: If your application includes custom events or metrics, create test scenarios to ensure that these are properly logged and reflected in Application Insights.
  • Load Testing: Conduct load testing to simulate a production-like environment. In addition, this helps assess how well Application Insights scales with your application’s usage and whether it captures performance metrics accurately under varying loads.
  • End-to-end Testing: Perform end-to-end testing by executing common user workflows. This ensures that telemetry data reflects actual user interactions and provides insights into user experiences.
  • Azure Portal Verification: Regularly check the Azure Portal for your Application Insights resource. Confirm that data is being populated in the various sections, such as Overview, Failures, Performance, etc.

In addition, by systematically testing these aspects, you can ensure that Application Insights is effectively monitoring your application and providing valuable data for analysis and troubleshooting.

Application Insights Cost

The cost of using Application Insights depends on various factors, including the volume of data ingested, the chosen pricing model, and any additional features or services utilized.  Here are some key considerations for the cost of using Application Insights:

  • Data Ingestion: Application Insights typically charges you based on the amount of telemetry data it consumes. This includes metrics, traces, and logs generated by your application.
  • Pricing Tiers: Application Insights offers different pricing tiers, often categorized into Basic, Enterprise, and Custom plans. The features and data retention vary across these tiers.
  • Data Retention: The duration for which your telemetry data is retained affects the cost. Longer data retention periods usually result in higher costs.
  • Alerts and Actions: If you set up alerts and take actions based on these alerts, there might be additional costs associated with these features.
  • Sampling and Retention Policies: Application Insights allows for data sampling to manage costs. Adjusting sampling rates can impact the accuracy of the collected data and, consequently, the cost.
  • Azure Monitor Integration: If you use other Azure Monitor features in conjunction with Application Insights, such as Log Analytics, there may be additional costs associated with those services.

It’s crucial to check the official Azure pricing page for the most up-to-date information, as pricing structures can change over time. Additionally, keep an eye on any announcements or updates from Microsoft regarding changes to pricing models or features related to Application Insights.

Does Application Insights Use Log Analytics?

Yes, Application Insights and Log Analytics are tightly integrated components within the Azure Monitor service, working together to provide a comprehensive monitoring and diagnostics solution. Application Insights utilizes Log Analytics to extend its capabilities and facilitate in-depth analysis of log data.

Application Insights focuses on application-specific telemetry, capturing data such as performance metrics, traces, and exceptions. This information is critical for understanding the behavior and performance of your application. However, for a more holistic view and to address broader monitoring needs, it collaborates with Log Analytics.

Log Analytics is designed for analyzing and acting upon log and performance data from various sources, not limited to applications. It collects and centralizes logs from diverse resources, including applications, infrastructure, and other Azure services.

The integration allows users to:

#1. Correlate Data

Correlate application-specific telemetry from Application Insights with logs from various sources in Log Analytics, enabling a unified view for troubleshooting and analysis.

#2. Query Across Data Types

Users can write queries that span both Application Insights data and custom log data stored in Log Analytics, providing a comprehensive analysis of both application and system-level logs.

#3. Consolidate Dashboards

Create consolidated dashboards that display a unified view of application-specific telemetry and broader system logs, enhancing overall monitoring capabilities.

In summary, Application Insights and Log Analytics work together to offer a synergistic monitoring solution that addresses both application-specific and broader system-level monitoring and analysis needs.

Benefits of Microsoft Application Insights

Microsoft Application Insights offers several benefits for developers, operations teams, and businesses aiming to enhance the performance, reliability, and user experience of their applications. Here are the key advantages:

  • Application Performance Monitoring: Provides real-time insights into application performance, helping identify and address issues promptly. This includes metrics on response times, failure rates, and resource usage.
  • End-to-End Transaction Tracking: Allows tracking of user interactions and requests throughout the entire application stack, aiding in understanding and optimizing the user journey.
  • Automatic Instrumentation: Offers automatic instrumentation for various programming languages, simplifying the process of integrating monitoring capabilities into the application code without extensive manual effort.
  • Exception Tracking: Automatically captures and logs exceptions, errors, and crashes, facilitating quick identification and resolution of issues within the application code.
  • Dependency Tracking: Monitors external dependencies, such as databases and APIs, allowing teams to identify performance bottlenecks and issues related to these dependencies.
  • Custom Events and Metrics: Supports the logging of custom events and metrics, enabling developers to track specific activities and performance indicators relevant to their application.
  • Integration with Development Tools: It integrates seamlessly with popular development tools and platforms, including Visual Studio, making it convenient for developers to incorporate Application Insights into their workflows.
  • Scalability: Scales with the application, supporting monitoring needs as the application grows in terms of user base and complexity.
  • Proactive Issue Resolution: Enables proactive issue resolution through alerting and notification features, helping teams address potential problems before they impact users.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Facilitates data-driven decision-making by providing rich telemetry data, empowering teams to make informed choices for optimizing application performance and user satisfaction.

Overall, Microsoft Application Insights contributes to the development and maintenance of high-performing, reliable, and user-friendly applications through its robust monitoring and analytics capabilities.

Bottom Line 

In conclusion, there are other options for performance monitoring, and the specifics of your IT infrastructure will determine whether or not you should use Application Insights. Thus, we feel it to be quite a useful tool, as it can greatly contribute to a more comprehensive assessment of the application’s performance.

It is up to you to decide which option works best for you. Whatever path you take, however, you must ensure that your applications run smoothly and efficiently for the benefit of your end users.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use Application Insights?

After enabling Application Insights by instrumenting an application, we suggest first checking out live metrics and the application map.

What is application insights a feature of?

Application Insights is a feature of Azure Monitor, Microsoft’s comprehensive cloud-based monitoring and management solution. It is specifically designed for monitoring and analyzing the performance of applications.

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