AUGMENTED ANALYTICS: What Is It & How Exactly Does it Work?

Augmented Analytics
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A new player has emerged in the quickly evolving field of data analysis and business intelligence, set to alter the way enterprises extract insights from their data: Augmented Analytics. This ground-breaking method blends the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms with human intuition, enabling analysts and business users alike to identify hidden patterns, make data-driven decisions, and drive innovation. In this blog article, we will look at the concept of Augmented Analytics, its tools and software solutions such as Tableau, real-world examples, and the game-changing influence it has on businesses across industries.

What is Augmented Analytics

Augmented Analytics is a cutting-edge approach that uses AI and ML technology to improve data analysis. Unlike traditional analytics, which frequently necessitates specialized skills and extensive understanding of statistical models, Augmented Analytics seeks to democratize data insights by providing user-friendly tools that automate and supplement the analytical process. Augmented analytics solutions aid users in data preparation, exploration, visualization, and interpretation by employing algorithms and natural language processing, allowing them to draw actionable insights more efficiently.

Augmented Analytics Software

There is a wide range of augmented analytics software on the market that provides sophisticated features and capabilities to help enterprises with data analysis and decision-making. Here are some noteworthy examples of augmented analytics software:

#1. Microsoft Power BI:

Power BI is a popular augmented analytics software with a full set of tools for data analysis, visualization, and reporting. It makes use of artificial intelligence capabilities to automate data preparation, create insights, and provide natural language querying for intuitive data exploration.

#2. ThoughtSpot:

ThoughtSpot is a search-driven augmented analytics software that allows users to utilize natural language queries to search and analyze data. It uses AI algorithms to give real-time insights, recommendations, and smart visualizations in response to user inquiries, reducing the need for sophisticated searches or scripting.

#3. SAP Analytics Cloud:

SAP Analytics Cloud is a business intelligence, planning, and predictive analytics service. It incorporates AI algorithms to automate data modeling, provide insights, and provide predictive analytics. The application includes interactive visualizations, collaboration features, and connections with other SAP products.

#4. Salesforce Einstein Analytics:

Salesforce Einstein Analytics is a native Salesforce platform-based AI-powered enhanced analytics product. It employs artificial intelligence algorithms to give intelligent insights, predictive analytics, and automated suggestions. Users can use the tool to analyze data, build interactive dashboards, and collaborate on data-driven decisions.

These are only a few examples of market-available augmented analytics software. Each tool has its own set of features and capabilities that appeal to different company demands and industries. It is critical to assess your organization’s specific needs and select software that corresponds with your data analysis objectives.

Augmented Analytics Examples

Augmented analytics has revolutionized data analysis and decision-making processes in a variety of businesses. Organizations are unearthing useful insights, streamlining processes, and driving innovation by employing artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies. In this section, we’ll look at examples of how augmented analytics is transforming industries ranging from retail and healthcare to banking and manufacturing.

#1. Retail:

Augmented analytics enables firms in the retail industry to get a comprehensive insight into customer behavior, tailor the shopping experience, and drive revenue development. Retailers can use AI-powered algorithms to provide personalized product recommendations by evaluating massive volumes of customer data such as shopping history, browsing tendencies, and demographics. These suggestions improve customer engagement, conversion rates, and brand loyalty.

For example, an e-commerce behemoth employs augmented analytics to evaluate client data, forecast purchasing patterns, and improve its recommendation engine. They may give individualized product ideas, tailored offers, and targeted marketing efforts by employing AI algorithms, resulting in improved customer satisfaction and increased revenue.

#2. Healthcare:

Augmented analytics has significant applications in the healthcare business, allowing medical professionals to improve patient outcomes, optimize treatment programs, and increase operational efficiency. Augmented analytics can find trends and connections in disease diagnosis, therapy selection, and patient monitoring by comparing electronic health records (EHRs), medical imaging data, and clinical studies.

Healthcare institutions, for example, use enhanced analytics to identify high-risk patients who may require preventive measures. Healthcare professionals can identify patients who are more prone to develop specific ailments, such as diabetes or heart disease, by using predictive analytics algorithms for patient data. This allows for more proactive treatments, tailored care regimens, and better patient outcomes.

#3. Finance:

Augmented analytics is critical in the finance industry for detecting fraudulent activity, minimizing risks, and securing consumer assets. Augmented analytics tools can uncover patterns, abnormalities, and suspicious actions that may suggest fraudulent behavior by analyzing a massive volume of transactional data.

AI algorithms are used by financial organizations to detect fraudulent transactions, monitor account activity, and flag potential security breaches. Augmented analytics systems drastically minimize false positives, improve detection accuracy, and improve operational efficiency by automating the fraud detection process, protecting the security of client accounts, and retaining confidence.

#4. Manufacturing:

Augmented analytics is revolutionizing the industrial sector by optimizing operations, boosting supply chain management, and improving product quality. Manufacturers can discover inefficiencies, estimate maintenance needs, and optimize manufacturing processes by examining sensor data, production metrics, and historical records.

For example, a manufacturing corporation might use augmented analytics to examine sensor data from its manufacturing lines. They can detect equipment breakdowns, arrange preventative maintenance, and optimize production schedules to reduce downtime by using AI algorithms. This leads to increased operational efficiency, lower costs, and higher product quality.

Augmented Analytics Tools

The field of augmented analytics has seen an explosion of creative tools that are redefining how businesses extract insights from their data. These tools combine AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms to improve data analysis processes, democratize access to insights, and empower users of all skill levels. This section will look at popular augmented analytics tools that are changing the way firms approach data analysis and decision-making.

#1. Tableau:

Tableau, a market leader in data visualization and business intelligence, has embraced augmented analytics to let customers take advantage of its sophisticated capabilities. Users may receive rapid insights into their data by employing AI-powered algorithms with Tableau’s Explain Data functionality. The tool offers explanations automatically, discovers underlying trends, and provides interactive visualizations, allowing users to study data intuitively and confidently and make data-driven decisions.

#2. Power BI:

Microsoft’s Power BI is another well-known augmented analytics application that provides a comprehensive set of data analysis and visualization features. Power BI combines AI and machine learning capabilities to automate data preparation, spot patterns, and provide insights. Users can utilize the tool to generate dynamic dashboards and reports, collaborate smoothly, and explore data with natural language querying.

#3. Qlik Sense

Qlik Sense is a strong augmented analytics tool that is well-known for its user-friendly interface and advanced features. Also, Qlik Sense’s associative data paradigm enables users to easily examine data relationships and reveal hidden insights. AI-driven algorithms are used in the product to identify data linkages, build smart visuals, and provide data storytelling capabilities.

#4. Domo:

Domo is a cloud-based analytics tool that helps businesses simplify data analysis and reporting. Also, Domo automates data preparation, cleansing, and blending using its powerful AI and ML capabilities, allowing users to focus on data exploration and insight generation. To keep users informed, the technology provides interactive dashboards, real-time data updates, and intelligent alarms.

#5. ThoughtSpot:

ThoughtSpot is a prominent augmented analytics platform that focuses on search-driven analytics. The platform employs AI algorithms to allow users to explore and analyze data intuitively using natural language queries. Based on user searches, ThoughtSpot’s augmented analytics capabilities give fast insights, recommendations, and smart visualizations.

Tableau Augmented Analytics

Tableau, a well-known data visualization and business intelligence platform, has adopted augmented analytics features to improve data analysis and provide customers with actionable insights. Also, Tableau provides the following main augmented analytics features:

  • Explain Data: Tableau’s Explain Data tool uses AI algorithms to evaluate data sets automatically and give explanations for underlying trends and anomalies. It assists users in comprehending the factors influencing certain data points and gives context for their study.
  • Ask Data: Ask Data is a natural language processing (NLP) function in Tableau that allows users to use plain language queries to ask questions about their data. Users can receive instant visualizations and insights by putting inquiries into the search field, eliminating the need for sophisticated queries or manual research.
  • Data Prep Conductor: Data Prep Conductor is a Tableau data preparation tool that uses machine learning to automate and streamline the data preparation process. It enables users to clean, transform, and combine data from numerous sources, saving time and effort on data preparation activities.
  • Tableau Prep: Another data preparation tool that uses drag-and-drop functionality to visually profile, clean, and shape data is Tableau Prep. It enables users to design data flows to automate repetitive activities and transform data before analyzing it.
  • Tableau Catalog: Tableau Catalog is a metadata management solution that delivers a comprehensive picture of an organization’s data assets. It allows users to identify and comprehend the various data sources, as well as their history and utilization.

Tableau’s augmented analytics tools enable users to obtain insights, intuitively explore data, and make data-driven decisions. Tableau increases the data analysis experience by integrating sophisticated visualization capabilities with AI-driven algorithms, allowing users to identify hidden patterns, trends, and correlations in their data.

Embracing the Future: Benefits and Challenges

The adoption of augmented analytics provides numerous benefits to enterprises. It enables business users to acquire faster and more accurate insights, lessens the pressure on data analysts, and promotes a data-driven culture throughout the firm. Furthermore, augmented analytics enables businesses to discover new revenue streams, recognize industry trends, and make proactive decisions. To fully realize the potential of augmented analytics, however, obstacles such as data quality, privacy concerns, and the need to upskill people in data literacy must be addressed.

Why is Augmented analytics important?

Augmented analytics enables business users and executives to access relevant data more quickly, ask the right questions, and uncover insights in the context of their organization.

Is augmented analytics the future of analytics?

Augmented analytics is widely considered to be the future of analytics due to its transformative potential and the numerous benefits it offers.

What are the disadvantages of augmented analytics?

While augmented analytics has various benefits, it is also vital to be aware of some potential drawbacks. Here are a few things to think about:

  • Reliance on Data Quality
  • Lack of Human Interpretation
  • Privacy and Ethical Concerns
  • Overreliance on Automation
  • Skill Requirements and Learning Curve

Many of these drawbacks can be overcome through good data governance, user training, and a balanced strategy that blends the virtues of augmented analytics with human knowledge.

How do you use augmented analytics?

Augmented analytics provides easy, intelligent tools for data preparation, analysis, and visualization to business users, allowing them to make more data-driven decisions faster.

What are the 5 advantages of AR?

Augmented Reality (AR) provides several benefits that have the potential to transform numerous sectors and improve user experiences. Here are the top five benefits of augmented reality:

  • Enhanced User Experience: AR overlays digital information onto the real world, creating an immersive and interactive user experience. 
  • Real-time Information and Guidance: AR enables users to access real-time information and guidance directly in their field of view.
  • Improved Training and Education: AR has significant potential in training and education. It allows users to visualize and interact with digital content in a real-world context, making learning more engaging and effective.
  • Enhanced Visualization and Design: AR enables users to visualize and manipulate digital objects in the physical world.
  • Increased Efficiency and Productivity: AR can boost efficiency and productivity in various industries. By providing real-time information, instructions, and guidance, AR can streamline complex tasks, reduce errors, and improve overall performance.

These benefits emphasize the potential of augmented reality to alter industries, improve user experiences, and open up new avenues for interaction and visualization in the digital world.


As organizations navigate an increasingly complex data landscape, augmented analytics emerges as a game-changer, transforming data analysis from a specialized skill to an accessible and intuitive process. By leveraging AI and ML algorithms, augmented analytics tools empower users to extract meaningful insights, make informed decisions, and unlock the true value of their data. Whether it’s Tableau’s Explain Data or other augmented analytics software solutions, organizations that embrace this paradigm shift will gain a competitive edge, driving innovation and achieving data-driven success in the digital era.


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