How to Manage and Control IoT Devices in 2024: Easy Guide

IoT device management
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Users can remotely manage multiple areas of their lives from any location at any time, thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT gadgets enable people to engage with electrical equipment more conveniently and effectively. The million-dollar question, however, is, “How do you go about this?”

Well, this article covers standard protocols, the idea behind controlling IoT devices, and a comprehensive, step-by-step procedure on how you can leverage it.

What Is IoT Device Management?

The term IoT device management” refers to the group of procedures, instruments, and technologies that assist you in setting up, keeping an eye on, and managing the expanding number of connected objects (also known as edge devices or IoT) in your home or business network.  The need for IoT device management software is growing as more and more devices acquire network capabilities. 

 IoT device management is crucial for two reasons: push and pull. 

There is a vital pull factor since clever IoT device management opens the door to more inventive business models, better analytics, smoother automation, and internal efficiencies. IoT device management is essential to business models like servitization, which replaces outright equipment sales with leasing equipment and provides services based on IoT data. 

IoT Device Management and How It Works

The lifecycle management of IoT devices involves five steps: 

#1.  Authentication and Provisioning

Enrolling a device in a system is known as provisioning. A smart device needs to be initially connected to the internet to operate. Registration is the first step to enable the gadget to connect to the internet. You can register one device at a time or numerous devices simultaneously, depending on what you need.

You can customise the device to meet your needs once registered. For seamless operation, registration and configuration are automatic. It indicates if a legitimate user is utilizing trustworthy applications on the device.  Each gadget has a unique certificate of validity and authentication procedure.

#2. Setup and Management

Configuration gets a new gadget ready for usage after installation. It entails setting up a few things to make the equipment function better. For instance, for the data uploaded to the cloud to be functional, the device must link with a particular truck in your fleet.

It facilitates optimal operation, protecting against security risks and enhancing performance. It’ll also make sure it adheres to any updated setups.

#3. Observation and Examination

Any gadget may malfunction due to software bugs or other problems. Device management software can offer resources for problem diagnosis, alert the user, and quickly release an update to resolve the issue.

#4. Updating and Maintaining Software

For optimal performance, a gadget requires updates after installation. For example, you can improve it to have more features. Large numbers can make manual updating challenging, if not impossible. You can remotely maintain and update the software on your device with effective device management.

#5. Off-boarding of Devices

Considering what will happen to the devices after IoT initiatives are finished is essential. Or when a device’s life cycle comes to an end. Such devices must be decommissioned by removing validations and authentications. Take into account economical methods without sacrificing security.

The process ought to be quick and not impede the network’s ability to operate. It must defend the network from hostile attacks and data leaks caused by breaches.

Typical Methods for Managing and Controlling IoT Devices

IoT devices can be managed and controlled via various methods, including voice control, NFC tags, Bluetooth, and mobile apps. Remote control methods and online interfaces are more options. Even physical controls are available on some IoT devices, facilitating everyday management and supervision.

#1. Applications for Mobile

Mobile applications are one of the most popular and convenient ways to control Internet of Things devices. Manufacturers frequently offer specialized apps that let consumers use tablets and smartphones to connect with their products. These applications, which typically have an easy-to-use interface, let users monitor data, change device settings, and send commands from a distance.

#2. Voice Control

 Voice-controlled assistants have grown in popularity due to their ability to allow users to engage hands-free with Internet of Things devices. Several smart home appliances at the forefront of IoT technologies can easily interface with voice control services like Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa. These platforms or gadgets allow users to perform a variety of commands just by speaking. Voice control is an excellent option for smart home applications since it increases accessibility and convenience.

#3. Based Interfaces

A different way to operate IoT devices is using web interfaces. Users can use a web browser on their computer or mobile device to access the gadget’s control panel. This method is helpful when customers need to install a specific mobile app or are away from home. Mobile apps and web interfaces often provide comparable features and controls.

#4. Protocol for Remote Control

Specific remote control protocols facilitate the communication between IoT devices and their controllers. Examples of protocols that enable effective and lightweight data exchange are MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) and CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol). Developers can implement different protocols to establish dependable and safe connections between controllers and devices.

NFC, or near-field communication, is a technology that enables communication between adjacent devices. NFC technology offers safe and effective control for particular use cases.

#5. BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and Bluetooth

IoT devices and controllers frequently communicate across short distances using Bluetooth and BLE. Bluetooth connectivity lets users control them directly from their smartphones or other Bluetooth-enabled devices. BLE is more energy-efficient and appropriate for battery-operated devices than Bluetooth.

#6. Controls in Physical Form

Some Internet of Things devices have physical controls, including switches, buttons, or touchscreens, allowing on-device management. These controls provide a practical means of interacting with the device without depending on external controllers or networks.

Steps on How to Manage IoT Devices

Still need help managing and controlling your Internet of Things devices more efficiently? For your reference, the procedure is outlined here.

#1. Choose IoT devices

Choosing the IoT devices that best meet your demands is the first thing you should do. These devices might be any IoT-enabled item you want to operate, such as smart plugs, speakers, thermostats, lights, or bulbs.

#2. Construct an IoT Hub

To connect and administer a large number of IoT devices, a central hub or gateway is needed. As directed by the manufacturer, configure the IoT hub. This hub serves as a bridge between your gadgets and your home network or smartphone.

#3. Establish Device Connectivity

To connect each IoT device to your home WiFi network or the IoT hub, follow the instructions that come with the device. You might need the manufacturer’s mobile app or web interface to join the devices in this phase.

#4. Establish Accounts

Make accounts or use your login information to access the application. This step is crucial if you want to access your gadgets remotely or sync them across several devices.

#5. Device Pairing, Naming, and Grouping

Scan QR codes or follow on-screen instructions to couple each IoT device with the hub or your smartphone using the app. After that, give each IoT device a name to identify it quickly. To manage many devices simultaneously, you can also categorize them according to rooms or features.

#7. Examine and Regulate

It’s time to control and test your devices if you have completed all the previously mentioned stages. You can enable voice control and particular buttons to ensure all IoT devices are linked and appropriately respond to voice assistant or mobile app commands.

The Top  Software Solutions for IoT Device Management in 2024

 In addition to maximising device functioning and controlling IoT sprawl, a potent IoT device management software can facilitate IoT scalability. The best IoT device management software programs are made to be easily scalable to accommodate a range of business settings. These are our suggestions for 2024, listed alphabetically. 

#1. AWS Device IoT Management: 

AWS offers a software solution to remotely and systematically manage, organize, track, and onboard your connected devices. It comprises various AWS IoT services, such as analytics, control, and device software. 

#2.  Google Cloud IoT Core

Google, a leader in cloud technology, offers Cloud IoT Core as its IoT device management software. It facilitates data ingestion, management, and connection from dispersed endpoints. There is little to no on-site technical work needed because it is a completely managed service. 

#3. Bosch IoT Suite 

Bosch, a technology and engineering company, has developed a potent IoT solution designed for industrial applications. It consists of three parts: Asset Communication, which can control assets remotely, and Edge, which provides local connectivity. And Hub, which offers direct device connectivity. 

#4. Hologram 

Hologram is an IoT device management solution for businesses with a sizable, internationally dispersed IoT presence, where it is challenging to establish and manage network connections smoothly. It is simpler to switch between several local carriers while using a hologram.

#5.  IBM Watson IoT Platform

IBM Watson IoT Platform leverages the company’s visual dashboards, security protocols, cognitive APIs, and developer tools to address use cases related to IoT device management. Thanks to Watson’s cognitive abilities, you can extract and comprehend unstructured material, such as handwritten text, photos, and videos. 

#6. Oracle’s Cloud Service for Internet of Things Asset Monitoring

As a component of its IoT Intelligent Applications Cloud, Oracle offers Internet of Things Asset Monitoring Cloud Service, which facilitates machine monitoring, data extraction for diagnostics, and industrial workplace safety. Although Oracle provides services for various Internet of Things needs, the software is primarily intended for device maintenance and diagnosis. 

IoT Device Management Challenges

As the IoT ecosystem grows, scalability poses issues for device management. Managing the ecosystem grows more difficult when there are more devices, cloud instances, databases, communications protocols, and networks. Adding to the problem is the need for security and management procedures to keep up with technological advancements to protect the integrity of the ecosystem and guarantee smooth operations.

#1. Large-Scale Remote Management

Remote management procedures are needed to oversee many devices dispersed over various places. The number of deployed IoT devices is growing, and with it, human procedures’ inefficiency and resource consumption. Furthermore, updating software and modifying configurations becomes difficult because IoT devices are frequently dispersed over large geographic areas. 

Using a device management platform gives distant devices the automation and centralized control they require. An IoT device platform should enable mass activations, easy administration of devices and their connectivity to grow effectively. 

#2. Enormous Volumes of Data Produced

IoT devices necessitate efficient handling, storage, and analysis techniques to generate massive volumes of data. Cloud platforms and data management systems provide scalable analytics, processing, and storage capabilities for effective data management. 

#3. Taking Care of Carrier Connections

Connectivity for cellular IoT devices frequently depends on network access, but contract negotiations with carriers are complex and time-consuming. The complexity rises if you require numerous carriers for more comprehensive service in different places. However, Zipit allows you to control connectivity fully via our platform. We handle the discussions, providing data plans from one carrier or several tailored to your device’s needs. This keeps your devices’ connectivity flawless and frees you up to concentrate on other areas of your organization.

#4. Getting IoT Devices to Pay

To pay for ongoing expenditures associated with connectivity and cloud software, manufacturers of cellular IoT devices need to figure out how to monetize their products after they are sold. For consistent recurring revenue, a data-usage-based regular subscription billing model works well. 

With the help of Zipit’s connection management technology, you may charge customers for individual or group devices by linking a device and a subscription to a user upon activation. The billing cycle starts when a consumer selects a subscription plan and activates a device. End consumers can manage their subscriptions through our user-friendly interface. You can adjust your subscription pricing tiers to suit the demands of your clients as an admin by viewing usage data down to the device level. 

IoT Device Management Benefits 

Many IoT providers have historically needed users to be physically close to IoT devices for setup and maintenance. This is so that users can only connect to an IoT gateway when they are within its service area, much like they can with an internet router.

However, in the case of corporations, to communicate with thousands of nodes, numerous gateways are frequently put in numerous difficult-to-access and dispersed locations. All these gates still need to be set up and monitored constantly. IoT devices: can we control them remotely? Of course, we can.

How remote IoT system administration might help businesses use industrial, shipping, and agricultural scenarios.

#1. Organisational Logistics

The global IoT in the supply chain market is anticipated to grow at a 13.2 per cent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2020 and 2030, according to Research and Markets’ IoT in Logistics Market Research Report. The following supply chain divisions stand to gain the most from remote physical IoT device management:

#2. Storage

Equipment such as pallets and forklifts may be easily located by attaching sensors to tags. Organizations can place sensors in a facility to monitor temperature, humidity, smoke, and air quality. Each warehouse usually needs one gateway for remote IoT system management.

#3. Moving

According to a Research and Markets analysis, from 2014 to 2019, IoT fleet management generated the most significant income for the logistics industry out of all other IoT-related segments. Enabling real-time fleet visibility is to blame for this.

Logistics firms use public or private IoT networks to locate locations. Businesses that employ private networks can install gateways in the warehouses that cars pass through. Businesses typically obtain data from operator platform gateways mounted on roadside posts when utilizing public networks.

#4. Agriculture

According to IBM, a typical farm can produce 500,000 data points a day, which would help farmers increase yields and revenues.

Agribusinesses may own multiple fields ranging in length from 10 to 100 hectares. To guarantee efficient irrigation, it is imperative to consider the prevailing weather conditions.

Sensors can employ radio frequency bands, which are useful for agriculture since they cover vast areas, penetrate soil readily, and consume little energy to send data to gateways. The last feature guarantees a few years of operation for such a sensor.

#5. Producing

As per Statista, in 2020, gadgets facilitating factory automation accounted for 57% of the global investment in IoT manufacturing. This is so efficient that field device management can decrease equipment maintenance and operating expenses.

One setting where remote field device management is used is in factories subject to stringent clean air regulations. The necessary level of air purity must be ensured by adjusting equipment such as filters and turbines.

How do I communicate with IoT devices?

D2D communication usually uses protocols like Bluetooth and Zigbee because of their low power consumption and capacity to form a mesh network. This collective communication network greatly increases the range and durability of IoT devices.

How do you identify IoT devices on your network?

A distinct MAC address identifies every IoT device linked to your network. Any new or illegal devices connected to your networks can be easily identified by maintaining an inventory of all active MAC addresses. It would be best if you also watched for any changes or anomalies in the ARP data.

Is IoT remotely controllable?

The technology’s capacity to safely and remotely control many devices from any location worldwide is among its most potent features. IoT remote control devices help you see more clearly into your assets, which lowers costs.


With IoT device activations, a connection management platform shortens deployment times, speeds up time-to-market for IoT solutions, and allows monetising IoT-generated data to produce steady income streams. 


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