A Step-By-Step Beginners Guide to Ethical Hacking

A Step-By-Step Beginners Guide to Ethical Hacking
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Malicious hackers use an array of tools and methodologies to breach cybersecurity. These include social engineering techniques or exploiting vulnerabilities in networks, configurations, and software with cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection (SQLI), and other types of attacks. Ethical hacking adds hurdles in their way.

Also known as white hat hackers, ethical hackers use their own sets of tools and assessment techniques to identify security vulnerabilities before malicious hackers can take advantage of them.

Understanding the concept of ethical hacking

Ethical hacking is the practice of performing security assessments using the same techniques that hackers use. However, they use proper approvals and authorization from the organization you’re hacking into. The goal is to use cybercriminals’ tactics, techniques, and strategies to locate potential weaknesses and reinforce an organization’s protection from data and security breaches. 

An ethical hacker is an information security (infosec) expert who penetrates a computer system, network, application, or other computing resource on behalf of its owners — and with their authorization. Organizations call on ethical hackers to uncover potential security vulnerabilities that malicious hackers could exploit.

The purpose of ethical hacking is to evaluate the security of and identify vulnerabilities in target systems, networks or system infrastructure. The process entails finding and then attempting to exploit vulnerabilities to determine whether unauthorized access or other malicious activities are possible.

Origin of ethical hacking

Former IBM executive John Patrick is often credited with creating the ethical hacking term in the 1990s. However, the concept and its applied practice occurred much earlier.

The term hacking first started to appear in the 1960s in connection with activities at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It referred to applying creative engineering techniques to “hack” machinery and make it operate more efficiently. At the time, hacking was considered to be a compliment for those with exceptional skills in computer programming.

Malicious hacking became more frequent in later decades, in parallel with the commercialization of consumer-oriented computer technologies. Hackers realized computer programming languages could be used to manipulate telecommunications systems and complete long-distance calls for free, a practice dubbed phreaking.

The commercialization of hacking skills, known as hacking as a service (HaaS), has made cybersecurity more complex. On the positive side, cybersecurity firms and information technology (IT) security vendors have started to offer optional ethical HaaS via contract to corporate clients. However, an underground market is flourishing on the dark web, including online marketplaces for aspiring hackers, often in the pursuit of illegal activities.

The coronavirus pandemic created new avenues of pursuit for cybercriminals. In “The Hidden Costs of Cybercrime,” published in July 2020 by the Center for Strategic and International Studies and security software company McAfee, monetary losses from cybercrime in 2020 are estimated to top $945 billion.

In addition, the report estimated that organizations will spend $145 billion on cybersecurity services and technologies.

Difference between ethical hacking and hacking

Hackers, who are often referred to as black-hat hackers, are those known for illegally breaking into a victim’s networks. Their motives are to disrupt systems, destroy or steal data and sensitive information, and engage in malicious activities or mischief. 

Black-hat hackers usually have advanced knowledge for navigating around security protocols,  breaking into computer networks, and writing the malware that infiltrates systems. Here are some of the differences:

Ethical hackers, on the other hand, are commonly called white-hat hackers. They use many of the same skills and knowledge as black-hat hackers but with the approval of the company that hires them. These information security professionals are hired specifically to help find and secure vulnerabilities that may be susceptible to a cyber attack.

Ethical hackers will regularly engage in assessing systems and networks and reporting those findings.

Ethical hackersBlack-hat hackers
Increase security frameworkReduce security and steal data
Develop strong security and structuresAccess accounts and data without permission
Develop systems like ad blockers and firewalls and regularly update and maintain security systemsSteal valuable data and break into restricted data areas

What do ethical hackers do?

Ethical hackers can help organizations in several ways, including the following:

  • Finding vulnerabilities. Ethical hackers help companies determine which of their IT security measures are effective, which need updating and which contain vulnerabilities that can be exploited. When ethical hackers finish evaluating an organization’s systems, they report back to company leaders about those vulnerable areas. These may include a lack of sufficient password encryption, insecure applications or exposed systems running unpatched software.

Organizations can use the data from these tests to make informed decisions about where and how to improve their security posture to prevent cyber attacks.

  • Demonstrating methods used by cybercriminals. These demonstrations show executives the hacking techniques that malicious actors could use to attack their systems and wreak havoc on their businesses. Companies that have in-depth knowledge of the methods the attackers use to break into their systems are better able to prevent those incursions.
  • Helping to prepare for a cyber attack. Cyber attacks can cripple or destroy a business — especially a smaller business — but most companies are still unprepared for cyber attacks. Ethical hackers understand how threat actors operate, and they know how these bad actors will use new information and techniques to attack systems.

Security professionals who work with ethical hackers are better able to prepare for future attacks because they can better react to the constantly changing nature of online threats.

How to become an ethical hacker

There are no standard education criteria for an ethical hacker, so an organization can set its own requirements for that position. Those interested in pursuing a career as an ethical hacker should consider a bachelor’s or master’s degree in infosec, computer science or even mathematics as a strong foundation.

Individuals not planning to attend college can consider pursuing an infosec career in the military. Many organizations consider a military background a plus for infosec hiring, and some organizations are required to hire individuals with security clearances.

Other technical subjects — including programming, scripting, networking and hardware engineering — can help those pursuing a career as ethical hackers by offering a fundamental understanding of the underlying technologies that form the systems they will be working on. Other pertinent technical skills include system administration and software development.

Certifications for Ethical Hackers

There are several ethical hacking certifications and related IT security certifications that help ethical hackers demonstrate their subject matter expertise. Industry certifications include the following:

Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)

This is a vendor-neutral certification from the International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants (EC-Council), one of the leading certification bodies. This security certification, which validates how much an individual knows about network security, is best suited for a pen tester role. The certification covers more than 270 attack technologies.

Prerequisites for this certification include attending official training offered by the EC-Council or its affiliates and having at least two years of infosec-related experience. The CEH Master certification encompasses two dozen hacking competitions and other challenges, with a focus on security for cloud computing and application containers.

Three programs by CompTIA

Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+), Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP+) and PenTest+. CySA+ teaches students to apply behavioral analytics to improve network security. The CASP+ certification “validates advanced-level competency” in risk management and issues related to enterprise security operations and architecture.

The PenTest+ certification is geared to IT professionals engaged in pen testing and assessing vulnerabilities.

Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)

CISM is an advanced certification offered by ISACA that provides validation for individuals who have demonstrated the in-depth knowledge and experience required to develop and manage an enterprise infosec program. The certification is aimed at infosec managers, aspiring managers or IT consultants who support infosec program management.

As with the CISA certification, five years of related work experience is a prerequisite.

Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)

This certification is offered by ISACA, a nonprofit, independent association that advocates for professionals involved in infosec, assurance, risk management, and governance. The exam certifies the knowledge and skills of security professionals. To qualify for this certification, candidates must have five years of professional work experience related to information systems auditing, control or security.

GIAC Security Essentials (GSEC)

This certification created and administered by the Global Information Assurance Certification organization is geared toward security professionals who want to demonstrate they are qualified for IT systems hands-on roles concerning security tasks. Candidates must to demonstrate they understand infosec beyond simple terminology and concepts.

Microsoft Technology Associate Security Fundamentals

Microsoft offered this exam as a starting point for the more comprehensive Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate. As of June 2021, however, Microsoft discontinued those exams in favor of its new role-based exams.

Ethical hacking techniques

Ethical hackers generally use the same hacking skills that malicious actors use to attack enterprises. They use a form of reverse engineering to imagine scenarios that could compromise business and operational data. The varied techniques and tools are part of an overall vulnerability assessment the ethical hacker performs on a client’s behalf.

Some of these hacking techniques include the following:

  • scanning ports to find vulnerabilities with port scanning tools. These include Nmap, Nessus, Wireshark and others. They also look at a company’s systems, identify open ports, study the vulnerabilities of each port and recommend remedial action;
  • scrutinizing patch installation processes to be sure that the updated software doesn’t introduce new vulnerabilities that can be exploited;
  • performing network traffic analysis and sniffing by using appropriate tools;
  • attempting to evade intrusion detection systems, intrusion prevention systems, honeypots and firewalls; and
  • testing methods to detect Structured Query Language injection to ensure malicious hackers can’t introduce security exploits that expose sensitive information contained in SQL-based relational databases.

Ethical hacking also relies on social engineering techniques to manipulate end users and obtain information about an organization’s computing environment. Like black hat hackers, ethical hackers rummage through postings on social media or GitHub or engage employees in phishing attacks through email or texting. They can also roam through premises with a clipboard to exploit vulnerabilities in physical security.

However, there are social engineering techniques that ethical hackers should not use. These include making physical threats to employees or other types of attempts to extort access or information.

Benefits of ethical hacking

Learning ethical hacking involves studying the mindset and techniques of black hat hackers and testers to learn how to identify and correct vulnerabilities within networks. Ethical hacking can be applied by security professionals across industries and in a multitude of sectors. This sphere includes network defender, risk management, and quality assurance tester. 

However, the most obvious benefit of learning ethical hacking is its potential to inform, improve, and defend corporate networks. The primary threat to any organization’s security is a hacker. Hence, learning, understanding, and implementing how hackers operate can help network defenders prioritize potential risks and learn how to remediate them best.

Additionally, getting ethical hacking training or certifications can benefit those who are seeking a new role in the security realm. It also helps those wanting to demonstrate skills and quality to their organization.

Types of hackers 

Black-hat hackers are always the outlaws, the ones with malicious intentions. But, over time, ethical hackers have shifted into a variety of roles other than white-hat hackers. 

Some of the roles include red teams that work in an offensive capacity, blue teams that work as a defense for security services, and purple teams that do a little of both:

  • Red teams may pose as a cyberattacker to assess a network or system’s risk and vulnerabilities in a controlled environment. They examine potential weaknesses in security infrastructure and also physical locations and people.
  • Blue teams are aware of the business objectives and security strategy of the organization they work for. They gather data, document the areas that need protection, conduct risk assessments, and strengthen the defenses to prevent breaches. These ethical hackers may introduce stronger password policies, limit access to the system, put monitoring tools in place. They also educate other staff members so that everyone’s on the same page.
  • Purple teams bring red and blue teams together and encourage them to work together. This creates a strong loop of feedback and helps reach the goal of increasing the organization’s security overall.


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