How Do You Check In on Facebook: All You Need

How Do You Check In on Facebook
Photo by cottonbro studio

Most Facebook users relish sharing everything, from photos to their current locations. The process is called “checking in.” You can let Facebook know where you are using your phone or computer, and then others can look for you there or in a photo you posted. For private investigators, this feature can be a dream come true. When you can track someone’s whereabouts in real-time via their Facebook page, there’s no need to waste time knocking on doors. But how does it work? Let’s learn more about Facebook’s check-in feature.

Quick Summary

To check in on Facebook, you must first enable location services on your phone or computer and grant Facebook access to that location data. Open Facebook, make a new post and check in. Facebook will show you a list of nearby places. Select one, and it will be added to the post for publishing.


So, what exactly is Facebook checking in? Nothing more than scribbling “Your Name was here,” except instead of leaving graffiti, you post the information on the world’s largest social media platform.

A Facebook check in is a post that links to a specific location, such as a restaurant, museum, or ballpark, or a more general location, such as a town or city. While most people use Facebook check in to let others know where they’ve been, you can also use it as a more practical tool, checking in once you arrive somewhere to inform a large group trying to coordinate a meet-up, for example.

In more extreme cases, a Facebook check in is a good way to quickly inform dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of people of your location, possibly reassuring your own network that you are safe following a storm, wildfire, or terrorist attack.

Just keep in mind that your check-in is likely to be seen by many people other than your immediate Facebook friends, so don’t share your physical location too casually.

How to Use the Facebook App to Check In

To use the Facebook app to check in:

  • Enable location services on your device
  • Give Facebook the permission it needs to access your location. This usually happens when you check in for the first time and Facebook requests access to your location data. Allow it one-time access or access while the app is running.
  • Open a new status update post and scroll down to Check-in.
  • You will see a list of nearby places if Facebook can access your location. Select the correct one (or one nearby.)
  • The chosen location will be displayed on a map in the status update post.
  • Click the “Check-in” button.
  • Choose a location.
  • Publish the Post

In addition to the check-in, you can add a message, tag other Facebook users who are present, and add a ‘feeling.’ On a check-in post, the other options will be unavailable. If you try to select one of them, the check-in will be lost. Before publishing, double-check that the post’s privacy settings are correct.

How to Use the Facebook Website to Check In

On the Facebook website, the check-in process is very similar.

  • Click the coral red check-in logo in a new status update post.
  • By clicking on the location you want, you can select it. If Facebook has trouble locating you, ensure your browser has location access enabled.
  • The chosen location will now be displayed on a map in the status update post. Now you can add anything else you want, such as a message, a tag, or a feeling, and check that your privacy settings are correct. Perhaps you don’t want the entire world to know where you are.
  • Select the Check-in option.
  • Choose a location.
  • Publish the post

How to Remove Facebook Check-Ins

If you later decide that you have overshared and want to delete a check-in, it is very simple to do so. It only takes a few mouse clicks or taps.

#1. Remove check-ins from the Facebook desktop site

  • To the right of the post, click the three horizontal dots. Click Move to Recycle Bin in the menu that appears.
  • Click the Move to Recycle Bin button.

#2. Remove check-ins from the Facebook mobile app

  • The same is true for the mobile app. Select Move to Recycle Bin from the menu after clicking the three dots to the right of the post.
  • Click “Move to Recycle bin”

Moving the post to the recycle bin keeps it there for 30 days, during which time it can still be viewed in your account settings’ Activity Log. If you really need to delete the check-in right now, you’ll need to go into your Activity Log and delete it there.

Why isn’t the Facebook check-in working?

The feature is dependent on your phone’s location services being turned on. Facebook cannot determine your location if you have disabled this feature.

Are you able to keep your Facebook check-ins private?

Yes, you have the option of making the post Friends Only. This is recommended for reasons of security and privacy. Burglars have been known to break into homes after seeing the owner’s public check-in on Facebook, indicating that they were elsewhere.

How do you completely disable automatic check-in?

Turning off location services available on both iOS and Android devices will disable automatic check-ins.

On iOS, go to Settings, enter Location in the search bar, and then select Location > Facebook > Never. The process for Android may differ depending on the device. Navigate to Settings on your device, type Location into the search bar, and then select Location > Facebook > Permission > Location > Never. These measures will effectively prevent automatic check-ins.

Can we include check-ins in the Facebook About section?

Yes, you can add check-ins to specific locations in Facebook’s About section. To do so, go to your Facebook profile, then to the About section, select Places lived, and then Add Current City, Add Hometown, or Add City. You can then enter the location where you want to check in.


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