How to Reset or Change a Spotify Password: Step-By-Step

How to Reset or Change a Spotify Password
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Ensuring the security of passwords across various devices and profiles is of utmost importance. However, a significant number of individuals persist in employing identical login credentials for several accounts. The utilization of accessible and easily memorable credentials can have its advantages, but it also amplifies the vulnerability to thieves and hackers. Potential consequences may arise if an unauthorized individual gains access to one of your accounts and discovers that the same password has been utilized across multiple profiles. It is important to periodically change your Spotify password. Read on to learn more about how to change your Spotify password, email, and username.

How to Change Password on Spotify

If the user has knowledge of their existing password but desires to modify it to enhance security, they may proceed by adhering to the subsequent instructions:

  • Access the Spotify website using your preferred web browser. 
  • Access your account by providing your current password.
  • Subsequently, proceed to select the profile icon and navigate to the Account option.
  • Navigate to the bottom of the page to locate and select the “Change password” option.
  • It is possible to provide your existing password and proceed to enter a novel password.
  • To modify the password for your Spotify account, please click on the “Set New Password” button.

The minimum required length for a Spotify password is four characters. The password does not have a maximum length. The password should include both uppercase and lowercase letters, numerical digits, and special characters. The presence of duplicate characters should be avoided. To enhance the security of your Spotify account, it is recommended that you employ a lengthy password comprising a combination of alphabetic characters, uppercase letters, numerical digits, and unique symbols. However, it is advisable to employ distinct passwords for each of your many Internet service accounts. It is recommended that individuals regularly modify their passwords and refrain from disclosing them to others. More so, it should be noted that Spotify does not provide users with the ability to modify their account password directly through the desktop or mobile application. To complete the task, it is necessary to access the Spotify website through a web browser.

How to Change Spotify Email

The process of changing an old Spotify email with a new one can be perceived as challenging. One must use caution to avoid compromising the integrity of data stored in one’s account. More so, if an individual has previously established their Spotify account using an outdated email address, they may be contemplating the process of changing their Spotify email address to reflect a more current one. Also, the preservation of your data is of utmost significance, and if you plan to predominantly utilize this novel email address in the future, it is imperative to maintain the interconnection of all your accounts.

The following instructions outline the process for accomplishing the task within the Spotify platform.

To change the email address associated with your Spotify account, please follow the following steps:

  • Go to your Spotify account page using either a desktop or mobile browser. 
  • Next, choose the option labeled “Edit profile.”
  • Please remove the current email and enter your preferred email address in the designated email area. 
  • Click on the “SAVE PROFILE” option to complete the process.

It is imperative to ensure the timely changing and updating of the saved email and password data associated with Spotify, particularly if one utilizes autofill or a password manager. This feature will enhance the convenience of accessing your Spotify account upon subsequent logins.

How to Change Spotify Username

It has been determined that a Spotify username does not correspond to an individual’s profile name, commonly referred to as the display name. In actuality, there are notable distinctions between the two. The profile name serves as the publicly displayed name that other users can see, whereas the username is a fixed identifier that Spotify assigns to each user to uniquely identify them.

It is important to acknowledge that changing one’s username is not a possibility within the Spotify platform. Furthermore, it should be noted that the username is not a mandatory requirement for logging into the service. Instead, users have the option to utilize alternative credentials such as their email address, phone number, or social media login credentials (e.g., Facebook or Apple) for authentication purposes.

To change your Spotify username, you need to follow these steps:

  • Initiate the execution of the Spotify application.
  • Select the Home icon located at the bottom left corner.
  • Access the Settings menu by selecting the cog symbol located in the upper-right corner.
  • Click on the “View Profile” option located next to your profile photo.
  • Click on the “Edit” button located beneath your profile image.
  • Please update your current profile name with a new name that does not exceed 30 characters.
  • Click on the “Save” button to change your newly chosen public display name.

It is important to acknowledge that the username, often referred to as the Spotify username, is subject to modification without any limitations. Furthermore, it is crucial to note that this name will serve as the sole identifier visible to fellow Spotify users.

Why Can’t I Change My Password on Spotify?

At present, Spotify subscribers are unable to modify their usernames; however, they retain the ability to alter their passwords at their discretion.

Regrettably, the alteration cannot be executed through the mobile and desktop applications. Also, to modify one’s password on the Spotify platform, it is necessary to access the Spotify website through a web browser. To modify your Spotify password, it is necessary to use a web browser. Users have the option to reset their password by either clicking on the “Forgot My Password” link during the login process or by visiting the designated official password reset page. 

Does Changing Your Spotify Password Log Everyone Out?

Indeed, the response is affirmative. If a user updates their password on one device, Spotify automatically logs out the user and any other users logged into their Spotify account on all other devices. Also, if Spotify updates necessitate a restart, users may be logged out. It is highly recommended that anyone who has not recently upgraded their Spotify app do so immediately.

How Do I Change My Spotify Password and Log Out of All Devices?

Here is how to change your password within a minute:

  • Navigate to the Change Password page –
  • Enter your current password in the current password field.
  • Set up and confirm a new Spotify password.
  • Click the green Set New Password button.

Please note that changing your Spotify password will log you out of all devices. Alternatively, you may navigate to the Account page at and opt for the sign out everywhere feature, which will log you out from all instances of Spotify that are currently active, encompassing mobile and desktop applications, web browsers, and any other connected devices.

How Can I Know My Spotify Password?

There exist multiple justifications for the necessity of accessing one’s Spotify password within the application. Initially, if one has inadvertently forgotten their password and consequently encounters difficulty accessing their Spotify account, the retrieval of said password assumes a paramount level of importance. Moreover, the possession of one’s password can be advantageous in the event of device migration or the desire to access one’s account on a new mobile device or computer. Hence, acquiring knowledge on the process of retrieving one’s Spotify password can prove advantageous in many scenarios and is a fundamental proficiency for all users of the Spotify platform.

If one is unable to recall their Spotify password and desires to view it within the application, the following procedures can be undertaken:

  • Launch the Spotify app on your device.
  • Tap on the “Log in” button to access the login screen.
  • Below the password field, you will find the “Forgot your password?” option. Tap on it.
  •  On the next screen, enter the email address associated with your Spotify account and tap on the “Send” button.
  • Check your email inbox for a message from Spotify with further instructions. If you don’t see the email, make sure to check the spam or junk folder as well.
  • Open the email and click on the password reset link provided.
  • You will be redirected to a web page where you can create a new password for your Spotify account.
  • Choose a strong password and confirm the changes.
  • Return to the Spotify app and log in using your new password.

Why Can’t I Log in to Spotify?

Occasionally, users may encounter an issue with the Spotify application wherein repeated attempts to enter their username and password into the login field prove unsuccessful. Spotify login problems typically stem from connectivity issues or software or hardware flaws in the user’s device or the Spotify app itself. Also, one common reason for being unable to log in to Spotify is the use of an incorrect username or password. Trying to access the wrong application can also result in login issues. If you’re having trouble logging into Spotify or encountering other technical difficulties, try the solutions outlined below. More so, these solutions are organized in a prescribed order, starting with the quickest and easiest and working their way up to the most involved.

#1. Use Spotify Connect

Launching the Spotify app on a smartphone is preferable to attempting to use the platform on a smart TV or game console. From there, users may navigate to the Connect or Devices section of the app and proceed to select the desired device for connection. Also, the process described enables automatic authentication to the Spotify platform, eliminating the requirement of manually inputting a username and password.

#2. Turn off Airplane Mode

The activation of airplane mode on a device results in the deactivation of all Wi-Fi and cellular connections, potentially impeding the device’s ability to establish a connection with the Spotify servers. Finally, Android and iPhone users have different airplane mode locations.

#3. Turn Off WI-FI

When utilizing a smartphone, it is advisable to deactivate the Wi-Fi functionality and opt for the utilization of the cellular network connection. The internet connectivity of the Wi-Fi network may be disrupted or experiencing congestion due to high user demand.

#4. Check Your Username and Password

It is advisable to verify the accuracy of your Spotify username and password. It is possible that an inadvertent typographical error was made during the input of your login credentials.

#5. Check Your App

It is advisable to verify the usage of the Spotify platform. It’s surprising how often people ignore this very obvious piece of advice and instead launch the wrong program.

#6. Use Another Login Method

Access the Spotify platform using authentication with Facebook, Google, or Apple credentials. It is conceivable that before the present moment, one may not have employed a combination of a password and username to authenticate access to the Spotify platform.

Note: There are numerous additional login alternatives that you may consider exploring. We recommend attempting each of these alternative login options to determine their compatibility with your requirements.

How Much Is Spotify Premium?

Spotify offers a range of subscription options, encompassing the individual plan priced at $10.99 per month, the duo plan priced at $14.99 per month, the family plan priced at $16.99 per month, and the student plan priced at $5.99 per month. Upon initial registration for Spotify Premium, users are eligible to receive a complimentary three-month subscription for the Individual or Student plan or a one-month subscription for the Duo or Family plan.


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