How to Go Live on TikTok in 2023: Easy Step-By-Step Guide

How to Go Live on TikTok
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TikTok Live is a fantastic option for expanding your business’s reach to new audiences. The platform provides brands with a means to connect with their customers beyond simple product promotion. However, when you’re just starting out and hoping to have constant two-way communication with your followers, a lot of questions may arise! How do I even begin? Exactly what do I require? Is it really that easy? Using this manual will drastically reduce the difficulty. If you’ve never done a live stream before or don’t know how to go live on TikTok without 1000 followers, following this guide will make it easy as pie.

How to Go Live on TikTok 2023 

TikTok Live is a function of the TikTok app that enables users and content developers to stream live videos. The purpose of this function is to facilitate real-time communication between you and your audience, thus providing a more intimate and engaging experience.

What Do You Need to Go Live on TikTok?

You must fulfill the following criteria before becoming live on TikTok:

  • There’s a minimum age requirement of 18, though. Your TikTok profile’s age restriction will be set according to the day you first signed up.
  • You need at least one thousand people to follow your TikTok channel.
  • Live Gifting requires users to be 18 or older.
  • Tips for getting ready for your very first TikTok livestream

We just want to make sure you’re aware of a few things before you start streaming.

#1. Try Out the TikTok App in Advance of Going Public With It.

Before releasing the software to the public, you should give it a thorough test run. This will help you become familiar with the app’s layout and functionality. When making a good impression, the last thing you want to be doing is fumbling with it. If there are any features of the program that make you nervous or uneasy, you may want to practice using them in advance so that they don’t throw you off while you’re actually performing.

#2. Prepare Your Technology

Make sure your iPhone or other mobile device is fully charged and ready to go before beginning your streaming session. If you anticipate heavy phone use for an extended period, a cable charger or an additional battery pack may be in order.  It’s also important to make sure the camera isn’t frozen due to overheating on your computer or device.

#3. Make Sure Your Online Connection Is Stable.

In order to guarantee the best possible quality for your live stream, it is important to double-check with your internet service provider. If it isn’t, you might want to consider obtaining a mobile hotspot for your phone or tablet to ensure seamless connectivity throughout the broadcast.

#4. Make Sure Your Online Connection Is Stable.

You don’t want any shadows or glare from lights behind you, so make sure the lighting is just right. Find a place with plenty of natural light if you can’t alter the lighting in your office or house. If you must use artificial light, strike a balance between too much and too little. 

It’s important to double-check the volume settings, too, to ensure that everyone in the room can hear and understand the presentation without difficulty. The absence of ambient noise (such as the sound of traffic or birds chirping) is preferred. That way, everyone who tunes in may give their whole attention to whatever it is they feel most strongly about.

#5. Perform a Dry Run of the System in Advance of Becoming Live.

Don’t let technical difficulties mar your first live stream, especially if you’re utilizing brand-new or rarely-used equipment. Is there anything that you could use to make your TikTok lives better?

When broadcasting live on TikTok from a personal computer, a decent microphone (but not a professional one) is essential. 

A steadying aid for your camera so it doesn’t shake during capture Table lamps, ring lights, or studio lights

If you want your TikTok LIVE event to go off without a hitch (and nobody to miss a crucial moment while you figure anything out), make sure you’ve tested all of your equipment in advance.

#6. To Begin Your Live Broadcast, You Should Introduce Yourself and Your Company.

Determine the nature of the material you hope to disseminate. Do you want the public to know what goes on behind the scenes? Or maybe you’d like them to witness the product in action. Your audience might have fun with even a short Q&A session with you. Create a strategy or script to introduce yourself and your company, discuss the services you provide, and anticipate questions that may arise during the live broadcast. 

#7. Know Exactly What You Want Your Brand to Be Recognized For.

Consider how you might connect with the TikTok community by highlighting the things that set your company apart. Keep in mind that your audience is expecting something fresh, and challenge yourself to come up with novel ways to engage with them. Everything that will be shown in the live broadcast should be prepared in advance. 

#8. Have Some Questions Ready in Advance

People tuning in to your TikTok live video will be expecting something spectacular to happen almost immediately; having some questions ready in advance might help keep viewers interested and entertained until the main event begins. 

Observing the successes and failures of others is a great way to improve your own actions.

You can learn from the triumphs (and failures) of other brands that have tried TikTok Lives by looking at their examples. Check out their video production setup, audience interaction, and material to see how they do it—anything that might help you improve your own broadcasting efforts.

#9. Settle in!

You’ve checked and double-checked your camera settings, adjusted the lighting, and are now ready to concentrate on how you feel. It’s easier said than done, but when you’re live on TikTok, you should feel confident in yourself, your business, and your ability to connect with your audience. When you’re comfortable, your audience is more likely to do the same. Don’t stress if things don’t go exactly as planned; remember that it’s normal! Going live for the first time can make you feel uneasy or ill at ease. But after some practice, it will become automatic, and then everyone will see how great you really are!

How to go live on TikTok

Start up the program on your mobile phone. To add something, just use the “Plus” (+) button at the screen’s bottom center.

  • Use the tiktok’s plus button.
  • There are a few buttons labeled camera, templates, and live at the very bottom of the screen. Moving your finger to the left until you reach “live” will take you to the next screen. 
  • To broadcast live on TikTok, scroll down until you see the LIVE icon.
  • When you do, you’ll be directed to the live screen, where you can choose a thumbnail for your stream and give it a name. How prepared do you feel? If you open the app and then tap the red “Go Live” button, you’ll be taken to the app’s live stream interface, where you may begin streaming immediately. 

After you go live, you can adjust the settings to include special effects, moderate comments, and more. At any time during a live stream, you can pause recording by tapping the Stop Live Stream button. So simple!

How to Go Live on TikTok Without 1000 Followers

Here’s what you should do if you want to go live on TikTok without 1000 followers.

  • Launch TikTok and go to the menu tab labeled “Profile.”
  • Access settings by tapping the ellipsis (…) in the upper right.
  • Under the support tab, choose to report an issue.
  • Select “I am a live host” and then “I cannot go live” under “I have an issue with life.”
  • Just hit the “Submit” button when you’re done.
  • Now you should submit a report asking them to provide your account access to LIVE. It’s preferable to keep things brief and succinct.
  • Send off your heartfelt appeal as soon as you’ve finished writing it.

Within 48-72 hours, you will hear back from a TikTok representative about the status of your request. If you have been given permission, the LIVE option will appear in the create submenu.

Tips for Going Live on TikTok with Less Than 1000 Followers Without Raising Red Flags

Unless there is an issue, you can’t go live on TikTok without at least 1000 followers. The best course of action is to report a problem on TikTok by following the steps outlined above. A friend’s live session is also open to your Tasa guest. If all else fails, you might try to get 1,000 TikTok followers by simply doing it. This may appear impossible, but it is not. Followers will come rolling in if your films feature the newest TikTok trends and the most popular TikTok hashtags.

Can You Go Live on TikTok With 500 Followers 2023? 

Live streaming is restricted to those who have at least 1,000 followers. Going live on TikTok is a fun and engaging way to interact with your audience.

Why Is There No Live Option on My TIKTOK? 

You need one thousand followers or more in order to use the live function in the TikTok app. You can use workarounds, such as upgrading to a business account, to gain access to some features of TikTok, such as putting a link to your profile bio.

How to Get 1K Followers on TikTok in 5 Minutes? 

Focusing on providing entertaining and original content is key while trying to obtain 1k followers on TikTok in 5 minutes. Your material needs to be well-written, well-designed, and fun to read. It’s difficult, but not impossible, to make material that goes viral on TikTok.

What Is the New Feature of TikTok 2023? 

TikTok is experimenting with a sleep alert function. In addition to the ability to block TikTok messages during the recommended 7 hours of sleep, users will be able to create a sleep reminder that will warn them when it’s time to go to bed.

Can You Make Money on TikTok in 2023?  

Users who have amassed a sizable fan base may want to look into the TikTok Creativity Program as a means of monetizing their creations. The TikTok Creator Fund was replaced by this initiative, which was announced in February 2023 and debuted in May of that year.

Is It Too Late to Start TikTok 2023? 

Many video makers wonder if it’s too late for them to find success on TikTok. No, it’s not too late to make progress on the platform, to put it briefly.

How Much Is TikTok Worth 2023?

TikTok/Douyin’s brand value was estimated to be $66 billion in 2023. With a market cap of $200 billion in 2022, it was the most valuable unicorn in the world by far. 

How Many Accounts Can You Have On TikTok 2023?

TikTok will support up to three accounts per device in 2023. This number was 5 before. For some customers, this is a major drawback.


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