Secure Code Warrior: Benefits & How it Works

Secure Code Warrior

Founded in 2015, Secure Code Warrior has become a component of over 450 different enterprises, including leading financial services, retail, and worldwide businesses via technology companies globally.

Secure Code Warrior is mostly related to programming and automation, to mention a few. It is an organized platform that provides secure coding and helps developers write more secure code. Secure code is focused on creating an innovative approach to enhancing a developer’s security training.

The platform provides tools that support developers, enabling them to quickly learn and apply different major secure coding techniques, thereby making them react positively to more preventive measures. 

How Does Secure Code Work?

Helping developers write secure codes, secure code warrior is focused on creating an effective solution via an approach to code security. It is important to establish that developers want to do well but they have not been properly equipped and fully trained in coding security, so secure coding is meant to introduce an abstraction layer that scans any existing or new code as it is enacted into a code repository, enforcing production-ready code standards that prevent developers from cutting corners to meet strict deadlines.

For applications to be designed and implemented with the proper security requirements, there are different methods of secure coding that must be integrated into the day-to-day operations and development processes. They are:

  • Input validation.
  • Output encoding.
  • Authentication and password management
  • Session management.
  • Access Control.
  • Data protection.
  • Error handling and logging
  • Communication security.
  • Database security.
  • System configuration.
  • Memory management.
  • General coding practices
  • Cryptographics practices.
  • File management.


Secure coding has many benefits since it enhances the information security of many software projects and protects data from being exploited.

Some of the benefits are;

  1. Risk and Cost Reduction- By applying secure coding and development practices, preventing or detecting early vulnerabilities in the software development lifecycle is achievable. This can save you time, money, and resources in recovering from security incidents, as well as avoiding reputational damages.
  2. Improves quality and reliability- Another benefit is that it can help improve the performance of the software application. This can make the code easier to assess, debug, and update, as well as reduce errors. The use of secure coding can also ensure the reliability and functionality of your software application.
  3. Trust gain and reputation improvement- The software market is large, competitive, and dynamic, making it hard to build trust. However, by demonstrating that you care about the security of your software application, you’ll build confidence and loyalty among your partners/Clients. This sets you apart from your competitors, who may not follow the proper secure coding guidelines or standards and you can also gain skilled developers who value working in a secure and professional environment.
  4. Learning and Innovation- The last but not least benefit of secure coding is that it helps you learn and be innovative in the field of information security. By applying different secure coding and development techniques, such as code analysis and penetration testing, you can enhance your knowledge and skills in the security concept and tools field too. In addition, secure coding can help you stay updated and informed about the latest trends and developments, as well as network with other developers.

Time Spent Secure Code Warrior

This is not definitive; it is only determined by monitoring the active playing mode every few 30 seconds. Secure Code Warrior builds its sellers on time spent on their core selling activities so the constant usage of a developer determines the time spent in Secure Code Warrior. If a developer closes a page or browser, or if the developer leaves the site inactive for as much as 10 minutes, the time spent would have to be paused.

To put it simply, the way a player interacts with learning resources (videos, training, assessments, and tournaments) is referred to as time spent.

Who is the CEO of Secure Code Warrior?

Pieter Danhieux is a globally recognized cybersecurity expert, CEO, and co-founder of Secure Code Warriors. He created a platform that gives developers access to tools that help them navigate security vulnerabilities, re-focusing their attention on the many different safe coding patterns and helping developers understand the common vulnerabilities and the steps to take to avoid them.

Secure Code Warrior Assessment

In security services, field records and surveys relating to building and evaluating vulnerabilities have been carried out, and building a more reliable and secure networking environment via assessment in various areas of the security system is part of the essential features that make up the Secure Code Warrior system.

Assessments are like stepping stones on the path to knowledge-gain and retention training. They are not intended to cause any diversion or stress to the developer; instead, they are seen as a chance for the developers to analyze their own knowledge and skills, find out what their strengths are, and develop them. It is difficult to do all these things once a developer starts working full-time so this should be seen as an upskilling opportunity.

This serves as a communication system in which the developers get important feedback and check in on their skills, enabling them to build better versions of themselves. Just like tournaments, assessments are part of the puzzle that forms the secure code warrior training. It is one useful way to help developers receive valuable feedback on how to improve their skills.

NOTE: To be able to answer questions on any Secure Code Warrior application, you should know the basic requirements that can be useful to you and your team.

Moving on, let’s start with a few possible vital assessment questions that can be used by developers to avoid vulnerabilities.

Examples are;

  • Question 1:List the top two vulnerabilities that could affect your organization.
  • Question 2: List out other vulnerabilities that could play a significant role in your organization.

The time given could be 30 minutes to an hour or more.

Secure Code Warrior Cheat Sheet

The secure code warrior cheat sheet is vast and varies because of the various specific features and capabilities of the code system. The Secure Code Warrior cheat sheet is listed below in alphabetical order.


  • Attack surface analyst cheat sheet
  • Authentication cheat sheet
  • AJAX security cheat sheet.
  • Abuse case cheat sheet.
  • Authorization testing automation cheat sheet.


  • Bean validation cheat sheet.


  • Cross-site forgery prevention cheat sheet.
  • Choosing and using a security code cheat sheet.
  • Content security policy cheat sheet.
  • Cross-site script policy cheat sheet.
  • Clickjacking defense click cheat sheet.
  • Cerediantel stuffing prevention cheat sheet.


  • Docker security cheat sheet.
  • Decentralized cheat sheet.
  • Denial of service cheat sheet.


  • Error handling cheat sheet.


  • Forget the password cheat sheet.


  • HTML5 security cheat sheet.
  • HTTP strict transport cheat sheet.


  • Injection prevention cheat sheet.
  • Input validation cheat sheet.
  • Injection prevention in Java cheat sheet.
  • Insecure direct objective reference cheat sheet.


  • JAAS cheat sheet.


  • Key management cheat sheet.


  • Logging cheat sheet.
  • LDAP injection prevention cheat sheet.


  • Mass assignment cheat sheet.
  • Multi-factor authentication cheat sheet.
  • Micro services-based security arch doc cheat sheet.


  • Node JS security cheat sheet.


  • OS command injection defense cheat sheet.


  • Password storage cheat sheet.
  • PHP configuration cheat sheet.
  • Pinning cheat sheet.


  • Query parameterization cheat sheet.


  • REST security cheat sheet.
  • REST assessment cheat sheet.
  • Ruby on Rails cheat sheet.


  • Securing cascading style cheat sheet.
  • SQL injection prevention cheat sheet.
  • Server-side request forgery prevention cheat sheet.


  • TLS cipher strings cheat sheet.
  • Transportation layer protection cheat sheet.
  • Third-party Java management cheat sheet.
  • Threat Modeling cheat sheet.


  • User privacy protection cheat sheet.
  • Unvalidated and forwarded cheat sheet.


  • Virtual patching cheat sheet.
  • Vulnerable disclosed cheat sheet.


  • Web service security cheat sheet.


  • XML external entity prevention cheat sheet.
  • XML security cheat sheet.

Secure Code Warrior Tournaments 

Like it was mentioned earlier, assessments and tournaments are just ways Secure Code Warrior uses to engage developers in kicking off security awareness, and it could never have been easier. Players are presented with a series of real coding challenges and missions, sometimes in competition with other developers to identify and fix vulnerabilities.

How Big is the Secure Code Warrior Company?

Operating in the B2B SaaS space, Secure Code Warrior has been able to raise a total funding of $101 million in the span of 3 rounds, with the first round being on September 12, 2018.

Its latest funding round was raised on July 13, 2023, with an accumulated sum of $50 million.

Additionally, they have seven institutional investors in the organization, including Paladin Capital and Cisco Investments.

Who are the Secure Code Warrior Founders?

The secure code warrior team members are

  • Pieter Danhieux. Chief Executive Officer, Chairman, and Co-Founder.
  • Matias Madou, Ph.D. Chief Technology Officer, Director, and Co-Founder.
  • Fatemah Beydoun. Chief Customer Officer, and Co-Founder.
  • Colin Wong. Director of Product Innovation.
  • Jaap Karan Singh. Director of Customer Strategy.

What Exactly Does Secure Code Mean?

Secure coding is the principle of designing code in accordance with best practices for code security. It safeguards and protects published code from known, unknown, and unexpected vulnerabilities such as security exploits, the loss of cloud secrets, embedded credentials, shared keys, confidential business data, and personally identifiable information.

What are the Steps in Coding?

There are four main steps in coding. They are:

Step 1: Comprehend the issue.

Step 2: Make a step-by-step plan for resolving it.

Step 3: Put the plan into action and write the real code.

Step 4: Reflect and potentially refactor your solution if it could be improved.


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