CONTENT MODERATOR: What They Do & How to Become One

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Content moderation is a popular service in digital marketing that helps brands and enterprises improve their online reputation. Content moderators eliminate inappropriate material that users upload on a company’s website or online message boards and promote positive brand conversation. So,  if you want to become a TikTok content moderator, you need to first understand their job responsibilities and decide if this is the ideal job for you. In this article, we will look at what a social media content moderator does and the skills required to become one. 


The process of moderating online content as a whole is complicated because it requires a careful look at all kinds of online content. However, the goal is to keep platform users safe, protect the reputations of digital brands, and make sure that all laws are followed.  In many cases, this means that content moderators have to look at every single piece of text, image, video, and audio, or they have to look at every report to see if anything looks suspicious.

Who is a Content Moderator

A social media content moderator is an experienced expert who oversees user-generated content on a website. As such, it is their responsibility to check all content for errors, scams, and infringements on intellectual property rights and other legal rules before posting. In order to protect their website, customers, and other interested parties from potential harm, many businesses filter out potentially malicious content.

What Does Content Moderator Do

In case you’ve ever wondered, “What does a social media content moderator do?” here’s your chance to figure it out. Depending on the organization they work for, the type of content they are moderating, and the demographics of the target audience, a content moderator’s duties and responsibilities may vary. Also, moderating content can be done in two ways. They’re versatile enough to be utilized individually or in tandem.

#1. Moderation of Content Manually

A human moderator screens out any potentially offensive, illegal, inappropriate, or harmful material in your content. This method is rather in-depth, and it can be used to pick up on slang or nuanced expressions. But the flip side is that it takes a lot more time than an automated approach, which may add up quickly if your platform hosts a lot of user-generated content.

#2. Automated Moderation of Content

Artificial intelligence analyzes user-generated content to spot any that needs to be done away with. With the help of AI, teams can streamline their content filtering efforts. However,  if you want a safer platform, using AI to moderate content is a great idea. But if you don’t have the resources to pay or appoint a moderator, you might consider starting with AI, which is getting better at extracting meaning from words.

What Does Content Moderator Do: Examples Of Responsibilities

Some of the common responsibilities of a social media content moderator include the following:

#1. Comprehending Client Insurance Policies

In order to meet their clients’ needs, content moderators develop and implement strategies for content development and distribution. It’s possible that their employer will have them monitor the content shared on social media using a set of rules and regulations. As a result of their knowledge of the client’s preferred kind of content.

#2. Studying Feedback From Users

It is part of a content moderator’s work to look at customer feedback about the company’s website and marketing efforts. To better understand how their content is performing, they can review these statistics and make comparisons to the same time period last month or last year. They can also utilize these analytics to learn what kinds of content resonate most strongly with specific audiences, which can then be used to boost user engagement.

#3. Making an Effort to Develop Brand Recognition

The ability to think independently and come up with ways to make one’s company stand out from the crowd is crucial for a content moderator. In order to better their own marketing strategies, they routinely assess how well rival content performs. By engaging in constructive brand-building activities like publishing media and public relations (PR) reports, they make sure their target market sees them as genuine and concerned about their requirements.

#4. Setting Sights on Attainable Goals

To guarantee the organization and its marketing campaigns run as smoothly as possible, content moderators are always looking for ways to streamline processes. For instance, if they discover that the brand’s current social media design model doesn’t reflect their ideals, they can offer suggestions for how to enhance the company’s social media presence. The content team can also benefit from their original suggestions on how to improve the visual appeal of their digital offerings and win over repeat clients.

#5. Communicating with Teams

Maintaining open lines of communication with the in-house marketing and client service departments is crucial for any content moderator. As part of their job, content strategists frequently participate in weekly or daily client meetings, where they hear from a variety of stakeholders about a content strategy and make adjustments as necessary to better suit the goals of the client and the interests of the target audience. 

#6. Online Content Filtering

A content moderator must take great care to protect their users’ privacy while online. There is an effort to shield users from scammers’ potentially offensive or sexually explicit content. A content moderator may review user-generated content about a business or brand, checking it for grammatical and factual errors as well as any other standards set by the brand. Some users or members may be banned if they are found to be in violation of the company’s policies regarding content creation.

How to Become a Content Moderator

It’s common practice for companies with an online presence to employ moderators to examine the user-generated content on their sites. This guarantees content is appropriate and useful, which is great for brands’ credibility. Therefore, finding out more about the position will help you decide if it’s the right fit for you. To help you, how to become a social media content moderator is explained in this article, along with some of the qualifications and skills you might require to thrive in this field.

How to Become a Content Moderator:  Step-by-step Guide

Here are the steps you can follow to become a content moderator:

#1. Obtain a Bachelor’s Degree

Employers prefer candidates with at least a bachelor’s degree as content moderators, but expertise in content monitoring or digital media work can also serve. Hence, individuals joining this sector will benefit the most from a bachelor’s degree in a related field, such as digital marketing, as it demonstrates to potential employers that you have a working knowledge of social media and online content. In essence, earning a degree increases your value as a content moderator and introduces you to people who might be able to assist you in securing your first job in the field.

#2. Gain Experience With Digital Content

You can further develop your expertise in digital marketing and social media while studying for your bachelor’s degree. Think about the future platform you’d like to moderate, such as a forum or social media site. Review the brand’s policies and contribute your own content to learn how to best utilize these channels. In this way, you could discover what kinds of content work best on the service.

#3. Consider an Internship

An internship is another option for gaining practical knowledge in the field of digital content. You can obtain insight from those at the top of their field by working with them. Even if your program doesn’t provide internships, you can always look for and apply for one on your own time. So, you should look for an internship with a company you’d like to work for after you graduate. In essence, successfully completing an internship can increase your chances of landing a job or getting a glowing recommendation, both of which will look great on your resume.

#4. Update Your Resume

You can apply for content moderation jobs once you have the required expertise and experience. To do this, you will need a well-written resume that emphasizes your current skill set. Include your name, contact information, and relevant qualifications in the heading of your resume. This is because it will help hiring managers quickly locate the information they need. Then, in two words, sum up your most prominent professional qualifications and explain why you’re the ideal candidate for the position.

#5. Get Ready for An Interview

If the hiring manager is impressed with your resume, they might offer you an interview for the content moderation position. Hence, preparing for the interview increases the likelihood that you will be offered the position. One strategy is to anticipate potential questions from the hiring manager and do some reading up on them before the interview. By doing so, you can feel prepared for the interview and prevent yourself from forgetting important points.

How to Become a Content Moderator: Skills and Requirements

Content moderators need the following skills in order to be successful:

#1. Competence in Analysis

To assess if a piece of content is appropriate for the site, moderators can apply their analytical prowess. This guarantees that the content is appropriate for everyone and useful to the business.

#2. Paying Close Attention 

If you’re a content moderator, you are likely responsible for checking everything for typos and other mistakes. So, you’ll need to give each piece of content you’re checking out your undivided attention.

#3. Engaged Hearing

Content moderators need this ability since they are responsible for enforcing the site’s rules and ensuring that the content is appropriate for its intended audience and tone. 

#4. Reasoning Critically

The ability to think critically is crucial for any content moderator. Because you must be able to evaluate content and decide whether or not it violates company guidelines or standards for appropriateness.

#5. Experience With Social Media Platforms

Familiarity with social media is essential for the job of a content moderator, whose job it is to ensure that the content posted on a company’s social media accounts is suitable and adheres to the company’s requirements. 

TikTok Content Moderator

TikTok is one of the most widely used social networking sites, with over 200 million monthly active users. People from all walks of life use this well-liked app to make and share brief videos and to communicate in groups. It’s a place where people can meet and share their thoughts and knowledge. 

So, to keep things operating smoothly and prevent any unwanted situations, Tiktok has content moderators that look over all the content and postings on the network. Becoming a TikTok moderator is an exciting opportunity, whether you’re looking for a new way to generate money or you simply want to have a say in how the community is managed.

TikTok Content Moderator: Roles and Responsibilities

It’s not easy being a TikTok moderator. You’ll play an essential part in bridging the gap between the video platform, its users, and the content they produce. Therefore, there are specific skills that must be exhibited in order to be successful in carrying out your roles as a TikTok moderator: TikTok moderators’ primary roles include:

  • Keep an eye on user-submitted content like comments and posts.
  • Keep the official TikTok accounts’ content under control.
  • Canceling out any violent or otherwise unsuitable content 
  •  Keep the video comments moderated.
  • Control the chat rooms
  • Assist in maintaining a vibrant and active community
  • Take care of monitoring new user registrations and moderating existing threads.

TikTok Content Moderator: Qualifications

To qualify as a TikTok content moderator, you need to have at least:

  • hold a bachelor’s degree or above
  • Active user of short videos
  • Good with the English language
  • Learn the rules and regulations that apply to the Internet.
  • Be interested in current events and sensitive to societal concerns.
  • Possess high levels of accountability, solid research and execution skills

Can anyone be a content moderator?

The basic qualifications for this role include a bachelor’s degree, experience with digital content, and software-specific training.

Is it hard to be a moderator?

Sometimes being an event moderator is hard work!

What are the three types of moderation?

They are,

  • Pre-Moderation
  • Post-Moderation.
  • Reactive Moderation.

How much do TikTok moderators make? 

The average annual pay for a Tiktok Content Moderator in the United States is $116,940 a year


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