LISTING ON AIRBNB: Detailed Step-By-Step Guide

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Property owners have greatly benefited from Airbnb, with hosts together making billions of dollars. Homeowners have begun renting out rooms or entire properties on Airbnb thanks to the opportunity to rent out lodging anywhere in the world. However, listing on Airbnb is trickier than you might imagine. After all, you need to make your property desirable and strive to lure customers away from your rivals. Additionally, you want to be sure that a good listing will bring you the most money. To benefit from these things, you must understand how to list on Airbnb. In this guide, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions on how to create a listing on Airbnb.

Listing On Airbnb

Listing on Airbnb is the process of creating a rental property listing on Airbnb’s online marketplace. This involves providing detailed information about the property, including its location, type, and availability, as well as a clear description of the property’s unique features and amenities. Hosts can also add high-quality photos of each room and any exclusive amenities to make their listings stand out. Once the listing is published, it may take up to 72 hours for it to appear in search results. Hosts can set their own prices for the listing and any additional fees. Creating a listing on Airbnb is free, but as a host, you will be charged a service fee per booking.

Step-by-Step Guide to Listing Your Property on Airbnb

#1. Sign Up for an Airbnb Account

If you don’t already have an account, visit Airbnb’s sign-up page and click on Get Started. Fill out the required information, including your name, email address, and password.

#2. Complete your Profile

After creating an account, you’ll be prompted to complete your profile. This includes adding a profile picture, writing a short bio, and verifying your identity through Airbnb’s verification process.

#3. Click on Become a Host

Once your profile is set up, navigate to the Airbnb homepage and click on Become a Host at the top of the page. This will guide you through the process of creating a listing.

#4. Describe your Space

Provide details about your property, such as the type of accommodation (e.g., entire home, private room, shared room), the number of guests it can accommodate, and the number of bedrooms and bathrooms. You’ll also need to specify the amenities available, such as Wi-Fi, kitchen access, parking, etc.

#5. Set your Availability

Determine the dates your property will be available for guests to book. You can choose to set specific dates or use Airbnb’s calendar tool to manage availability.

#6. Set your pricing

Decide on your nightly rate and any additional fees, such as cleaning fees or security deposits. Airbnb provides pricing suggestions based on similar listings in your area, but you have the flexibility to set your own rates.

#7. Upload High-Quality Photos.

Take appealing photos of your space to showcase its best features. Make sure the lighting is good and the photos are clear and well-framed. Airbnb recommends including at least one photo of each room and highlighting unique aspects of your property.

#8. Write an Engaging Listing Description

Craft a compelling description of your property that highlights its unique features, nearby attractions, and any special amenities or services you offer. Be honest and accurate in your description to manage guests’ expectations.

#9. Choose your House Rules

Set clear expectations for guests by specifying any rules or guidelines they need to follow during their stay. This could include policies on smoking, pets, noise levels, or check-in/check-out times.

#10. Review and Publish your Listing

Once you’ve completed all the necessary information, review your listing to ensure accuracy and make any final adjustments. When you’re satisfied, click on the Publish button to make your listing live on Airbnb.

How To Delete Listing On Airbnb

There is a procedure for deleting a property or lodging listing from Airbnb’s platform, but it is essential to understand how to do it successfully. Hosts who no longer wish to rent out their property on Airbnb take this action. Deleting a listing permanently removes it from Airbnb’s website and app, making it inaccessible to potential guests. It’s an important step for hosts who want to discontinue hosting on the platform or if they have sold their property. Deleting a listing on Airbnb will remove it from the platform and make it unavailable for booking. Any upcoming reservations or confirmed bookings for that listing will be canceled, and you may be subject to penalties or fees depending on Airbnb’s policies.

Procedures On How To Delete A Listing On Airbnb

#1. Log in to your Airbnb Account

Go to the Airbnb website or open the Airbnb app and log in using your credentials.

#2. Go to your Listings

Once you are logged in, navigate to your Airbnb host dashboard. You can usually find this by clicking on your profile picture or name in the top right corner and selecting Host or Host Dashboard from the dropdown menu.

#3. Select the Listing you want to Delete

In your host dashboard, you will see a list of all your listings. Locate the listing you want to delete and click on it to open the management page for that listing.

#4. Access Listing Settings

On the management page for the listing, look for an option or tab that says Listing Settings or similar. Click on it to access the settings for the listing.

#5. Deactivate or Delete the Listing

In the listing settings, you should find an option to deactivate or delete the listing. Depending on the Airbnb interface, it may be labeled as Deactivate, Unlist, or Delete. Click on this option.

#6. Confirm the Deletion

Airbnb will ask for confirmation before deleting a listing. Read any prompts or messages carefully and confirm that you want to delete the listing. Be aware that deleting a listing is usually irreversible, so make sure you want to proceed.

#7. Follow any Additional Steps

In some cases, Airbnb may require you to provide a reason for deleting the listing or complete additional steps before the deletion is finalized. Follow any prompts or instructions provided by Airbnb to complete the deletion process.

Tips For Listing On Airbnb

The goal of listing on Airbnb is to attract more bookings, earn positive reviews, and provide a great experience for guests. Some tips can enhance a host’s understanding of how to present their property effectively and maximize their success as an Airbnb host. These tips cover various aspects of creating a listing, including writing descriptions, setting prices, taking photos, managing availability, and interacting with guests.  To make your listing stand out on Airbnb, consider implementing the following tips:

#1. Use High-quality Photos

Include a mix of wide and detailed shots that accurately represent your space. Good photos can significantly impact a guest’s decision to book.

#2. Craft an Attractive Title and Description

Create a catchy and descriptive title that highlights the unique features of your property. Write a detailed and engaging description that showcases what makes your listing special.

#3. Highlight Amenities and Features

List all the amenities and features your property offers, such as Wi-Fi, parking, kitchen appliances, and any extras like a pool or a garden.

#4. Set Competitive Pricing

Research the local market and set a competitive price for your listing. Consider factors like location, size, and the amenities you provide.

#5. Offer Clear and Transparent House Rules

Clearly state your house rules to manage guest expectations. This includes policies on smoking, pets, check-in/out times, and any other important guidelines.

#6. Provide Exceptional Customer Service

Be responsive and friendly in your communication with potential guests. Answer inquiries promptly and provide helpful information to ensure a positive guest experience.

#7. Encourage Positive Reviews

Strive to provide an excellent experience for your guests, and kindly ask them to leave a review after their stay. Positive reviews can boost your listing’s credibility and attract more bookings.

#8. Update your Calendar Regularly

Keep your availability calendar up to date to avoid double bookings or disappointing guests. Regularly review and adjust your pricing and availability based on demand and seasonal fluctuations.

#9. Consider Offering Unique Experiences

If possible, offer unique experiences or services to enhance your guests’ stay. This can include providing local recommendations, organizing guided tours, or offering personalized services.

#10. Maintain a Clean and Welcoming space

Ensure your property is clean and well-maintained before each guest’s arrival. Pay attention to details like fresh linens, tidy common areas, and a welcoming ambiance.

How To Pause A Listing On Airbnb

Pausing a listing on Airbnb is to temporarily deactivate or make a property listing unavailable for booking on the Airbnb platform. Hosts can choose to pause their listings for various reasons, such as making renovations, taking a break from hosting, or addressing unforeseen circumstances. However, pausing a listing on Airbnb temporarily removes it from search results and makes it unavailable for booking during the specified pause period. Although, your listing information and reviews will still be visible to guests.

Steps To Guide You On How To Pause A Listing On Airbnb

#1. Log in to your Airbnb Account

Open the Airbnb app or go to the website to log in using your credentials.

#2. Go to your Listings

Go to your Airbnb host dashboard once you have logged in. Typically, you can access this by clicking on your name or profile image in the top right corner and choosing Host or Host Dashboard from the dropdown menu.

#3. Select the Listing you want to Pause

In your host dashboard, you will see a list of all your listings. Locate the listing you want to pause and click on it to open the management page for that listing.

#4. Access Listing Settings

Search for an option or tab labeled “Listing Settings” or something similar on the management page for the listing. To view the listing’s options, click on it.

#5. Pause the Listing

In the listing settings, you should find an option to pause the listing. It may be labeled as Pause, Snooze, or Deactivate. Click on this option.

#6. Set the Pause Dates

In most cases, Airbnb will ask you to be specific about the days you wish to stop the listing. Indicate the beginning and ending dates of the pause period. During that period, this will momentarily remove your listing from search results.

#7. Save the Changes

After setting the pause dates, click on the Save or Update button to apply the changes and pause your listing.

#8. Reactivate the Listing

Once the pause period is over and you want to make your listing active again, you can go back to the listing settings and select the option to reactivate or unsnooze the listing. Follow any prompts or instructions provided by Airbnb to reactivate your listing.

Is Listing Your Property On Airbnb Worth It?

Listing your property on Airbnb can be worth it for many hosts, as it provides extra income, flexibility, and control over your property. You have the opportunity to personalize your listing and access a large user base. However, it requires time and effort, income can be uncertain, there are risks of negative experiences, and legal and regulatory considerations to be aware of. Additional expenses should also be considered. Ultimately, the decision depends on your circumstances, goals, and willingness to manage the responsibilities of being a host.

What Percentage Does Airbnb Take For Listing?

Airbnb charges hosts a service fee of 3% of the booking subtotal. Guests pay a service fee of around 14% of the booking subtotal. However, the exact percentages may vary depending on factors such as the length of stay, location, and cost of the reservation.

What Are The Rules For Listing On Airbnb?

To list on Airbnb, hosts must adhere to certain rules. These include honoring reservations, maintaining clear communication with guests, providing accurate information about the listing, keeping the property clean, following local laws and regulations, and setting house rules. Compliance with these rules is crucial for a positive hosting experience and to avoid any problems or penalties.

Is It Profitable To List On Airbnb?

Listing on Airbnb can be profitable for hosts. The average income for Airbnb hosts is around $924 per month, although this can vary based on factors such as location, rental frequency, and the quality of the property and services provided. Note that profitability depends on various factors, including market demand, pricing, and the host’s ability to effectively manage the property. Additionally, being an Airbnb host requires hard work, dedication, and compliance with local regulations and guidelines. However, with the right approach and effort, owning an Airbnb property can be a profitable venture.

What Is The Downside Of Doing Airbnb?

The downsides of hosting on Airbnb include service fees, competition and pricing challenges, uncertain income, additional expenses, legal and regulatory considerations, and management responsibilities. These factors should be carefully considered to determine if the benefits of hosting on Airbnb outweigh the potential drawbacks for individual circumstances.

How Much Do Airbnb Owners Make?

The income potential of hosting on Airbnb varies depending on various factors such as property location, type, occupancy rate, and pricing. The average monthly income for an Airbnb host in the US is $924. However, there is a wide range in this number. While a few hosts have claimed to make $5,000 or more each month, some may make less based on their unique situation. Consider factors such as competition, expenses, and local regulations when assessing the profitability of hosting on Airbnb.


Creating a detailed and appealing Airbnb listing is crucial to attracting potential guests and ensuring a smooth booking process. Be detailed and honest in descriptions and photos to attract guests and ensure a positive experience. Creating a listing on Airbnb is free, but as a host, you will be charged a service fee per booking. Airbnb asks for confirmation before deleting the listing, and you may need to provide a reason or complete additional steps. Any upcoming reservations or confirmed bookings for the listing will be canceled, and you may be subject to penalties or fees depending on Airbnb’s policies. 


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