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The short answer is that you cannot bring pepper spray on a plane in your carry-on bag or personal item. The long answer is that, depending on the size of the pepper spray and the airline you’re flying with, you might be able to bring it to your checked baggage.

TSA regulations allow you to pack pepper spray in checked luggage. The TSA accepts one 4-ounce container of pepper spray in a checked bag, and the formula cannot contain more than 2% tear gas by mass. A safety device must also be included in the pepper spray to avoid inadvertent discharge.

We also recommend verifying your airline’s restrictions, as some, such as United, JetBlue, and Southwest, forbid bringing pepper spray in luggage regardless of TSA requirements.

The same holds for your destination. While pepper spray is permitted in all 50 states, each has its own set of rules and regulations. Check the local regulations before traveling, whether domestically or overseas.

Can You Take Pepper Spray on a Plane?

Yes, pepper spray is acceptable in checked baggage on a plane; however, it is not authorized in carry-on bags. It must be packaged securely and declared to the airline. Regulations may differ, so check with the specific airline and destination country’s policies before traveling.
MACE’s triple-action products, as well as any other self-defense spray containing more than 2% tear gas, are not permitted in checked luggage.

These constraints are understandable. In such a tight place, pepper spray would cause considerable pain and possibly even respiratory difficulty to sensitive individuals.
You might wish to put your pepper spray in an airtight bag to avoid any unpleasant results if it unexpectedly discharges during the journey.

The Best Way to Bring Pepper Spray on a Plane

Whether you’re a first-time or experienced passenger, most people are startled to realize that bringing pepper spray on a plane is straightforward (and legal) as long as you know what you’re doing. The following is a step-by-step strategy to ensure that your pepper spray does not get you flagged at the gate. Or even worse.

Step #1: Select the appropriate pepper spray.

Passengers are only permitted to bring specific varieties of pepper spray on board (in the cargo hold, not as a carry-on item). Canisters must be less than four fluid ounces in size and have some form of safety device integrated into the construction, according to TSA standards. Otherwise, airlines risk an unintentional discharge.

A pepper spray discharge in a recirculated air cabin would cause extreme discomfort and even respiratory distress in sensitive passengers. It’s critical for everyone’s health and safety onboard that any mace you bring is capped and fastened before packing. To be safe, you may want to seal it in an airtight bag.

Airlines also restrict the use of any pepper spray containing more than 2% tear gas, regardless of size. Unlike pepper spray, which is manufactured entirely of natural ingredients, tear gas spray incorporates stronger man-made chemicals like CS or CN. Most airplanes forbid the use of tear gas sprays because they have a longer range and more dangerous side effects.

Step #2: Pack properly

Although it is permissible to take pepper spray on a plane, it cannot be kept in your carry-on luggage. A mace canister left in a handbag, suitcase, or backpack may discharge into the cabin, disrupting both passengers and crew. It may even necessitate an emergency landing, especially if it creates any medical problems.

It’s easy to leave mace in your purse or backpack, so always take extra precautions to keep it correctly before leaving. Make a point of including it among other prohibited things, such as sharp objects or large fluid containers. You’re less likely to get stopped at the security checkpoint and delayed for your trip this way.

And don’t expect to be able to outwit TSA agents. Airport scanners can detect mace and pepper spray just as easily as they can detect drugs.
Any Mace you bring on your trip must be packed in your checked luggage (to be stored in the cargo hold). The compartment is separated from the cabin so that an inadvertent discharge does not cause injury.


This restriction is strictly enforced to ensure the safety of the cabin crew and other passengers. Airlines don’t want Mace someplace where a disruptive or hostile passenger (such as a prisoner escorted by law enforcement) could easily access it. Yes, prisoner transport by plane is more common than you might suppose.

One of the most straightforward methods is to search for someone screening the cabin for passengers carrying illegal materials (such as pepper spray). Even if you manage to bring pepper spray on a plane, it will be obvious to an air marshal, and you could face harsh consequences.

Finally, even though mace and pepper spray stowed in the cargo hold is safe for you and your fellow passengers, it’s still a good idea to seal the canister in an airtight and watertight bag or container. Because the stain and scent of mace can be difficult to remove from garments, you may end up with a bag full of unwanted luggage.

Airlines That Don’t Accept Pepper Spray

Despite the TSA’s stance, the following airlines have banned the use of pepper spray on their planes:

  • Alaska
  • Delta
  • American
  • Frontier
  • JetBlue
  • Hawaiian Airlines
  • Southwest
  • Spirit
  • United Airlines

If you’re flying with any of these airlines, you might try to argue your case by referring to the TSA’s website for assistance, or you could be extra careful and leave your pepper spray at home.

Can You Take Pepper Spray on an International Flight Plane?

Although pepper spray is entirely legal in the United States and Mexico, several nations outright prohibit it, making carrying it on an overseas flight problematic.

Most nations in Europe and Asia forbid people from carrying or bringing pepper spray into the country, so you could be breaking the law the moment you land.
Personal safety alarms are a legal substitute for pepper spray and can provide some amount of protection no matter where you are in the world.

Can You Bring Pepper Spray on a Plane as a Carry-On?

The short answer is that you cannot bring pepper spray on an airplane in your carry-on bag or personal item. The long answer is that depending on the size of the pepper spray and the airline you’re flying with, you might be able to bring it to your checked baggage.

What Items Are Not Permitted in Checked Baggage?

Most countries rigorously ban the use of illegal drugs and narcotics. Firearms and ammunition, as well as any imitations or duplicates. Fireworks, gas, and aerosols are examples of explosives and flammable things. Toxic and poisonous compounds, such as insecticides and some chemicals.

Do Metal Detectors Pick Up on Pepper Spray?

My metal detector will detect a keychain pepper spray canister. It will also charge some credit cards. Recently, there was a novel approach to catching ATM thieves by spraying a chemical that would last for years and would be visible under UV light.

Can You Bring a Self-Defense Keychain on a Plane?

No. Self-defense keychains, often known as kubatons, are not permitted on commercial aircraft in the United States. However, if your nice TSA officer says no, it means no.

Is It Better to Have Pepper Spray or an Alarm With You?

If you set off the alarm while waiting, it may be overheard by passing cars, trains, or buses. Having pepper spray on hand allows you to spray an attacker and escape to safety without worrying about loud noises deterring someone from assisting you.

What Happens if the TSA Discovers a Forbidden Item in a Checked Bag?

Forbidden items may result in both a civil enforcement action and a criminal enforcement action by the TSA. Remember to check your luggage before leaving the house to ensure you are not carrying any prohibited things to prevent an arrest and/or civil penalties.

Are Checked-in Baggage Scanned?

The vast majority of checked baggage is scanned without a physical bag search. Notices of Inspection: During the screening process, the TSA may inspect your checked baggage. TSA will place a notification of baggage inspection inside your bag if your stuff is physically inspected.

Does the TSA Inspect All Checked Bags?

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is obligated by law to screen every bag flown on a commercial airplane, regardless of whether the bag travels as carry-on luggage or is checked with the airline.

Is It Okay to Have Bear Spray in My Checked Luggage?

Animal repellent (such as bear spray) is a difficult topic. If it is less than four ounces and contains less than 2% of the active CS or CN ingredient, it can be examined. Because most products do not reach this standard, it is preferable to leave the bear spray at home and buy it when you arrive.

What Types of Self-Defense Weapons Are Permitted on Planes?

Weapons of Legal Self-Defense
Stun weapons. Stun guns may appear overkill, but can you think of a more effective non-lethal defense weapon?

  • Tactical Gloves….
  • Multipurpose Items….
  • Flashlight….
  • Pepper Spray….
  • Tactical Pens….
  • Tactical Knife….
  • Personal Alarms.

Is Pepper Spray Permitted in Delta Luggage?

Any kind of gunpowder, such as tear gas, pepper spray, or mace, is never permitted aboard a Delta flight.

If carrying pepper spray on your keys isn’t your thing, an attaching clip provides an alternative. The clip is easy to attach to pockets or the interior of a pocketbook or bag, and it is also easier to conceal for inconspicuous protection. You can also use a belt holster to carry your pepper spray.

Is It Permissible to Bring a Knife in a Checked Bag?

Yes, checked bags are permitted.

Except for knives with rounded blades and blunt edges devoid of serration or teeth, such as butter knives, and plastic cutlery. Sharp objects in checked bags should be sheathed or securely wrapped to protect baggage handlers and inspectors from injury.

Can You Take Sprays in Your Carry-On?

You may bring liquids, aerosols, and gels in your cabin bags as long as they do not exceed a maximum amount of 100 ml per item and are carried in one resealable, transparent plastic bag with a capacity of no more than 1 liter per passenger.

Is It True That TSA Random Checks Are Truly Random?

(In some cases, depending on the length of the wait at your security line, it may be faster than waiting in that line.) Despite the TSA’s claim that the process is “random,” it has received significant criticism.

Why Is Toothpaste Prohibited on Airplanes?

To be clear, toothpaste is permitted on airlines; however, toothpaste in containers larger than 3.4oz is not permitted in carry-on bags. The TSA limits the amount of toothpaste travelers can bring on planes because it could be used to manufacture explosive devices.

X-ray scanners seek anything that resembles bombs. Anything in your luggage that appears to be explosive will raise a red alert for the X-ray. For an X-ray scanner, many common items resemble explosives.

Can the TSA Seize Items From Checked Bags?

Weapons and narcotics are subject to a distinct protocol (yes, airport scanners can detect substances). If the TSA seizes such things from checked or carry-on luggage, they notify local law authorities, who take over the investigation.

Why Do People Take Pepper Spray With Them?

The entire purpose of pepper spray as a self-defense technique is to keep you from coming into direct contact with your attacker. To be at a relatively safe distance, you should be at least two arm lengths away. When dealing with criminals, avoid going too close and keep reactionary space in mind.

Are Stabby Cat Keychains Prohibited?

Consider this. For example, despite their beautiful appearance, kitty cat keychains are categorized as brass knuckles, a lethal weapon that is outlawed in California.

If you prefer not to deal with the various pepper spray restrictions while you plan your vacation, a personal alarm is a perfectly legal alternative to carry everywhere, especially on flights, to feel secure wherever your travels may take you.


Although the TSS allows for up to 4 fl oz of pepper spray in checked luggage, not all airlines will accept it.
For safety reasons, many national and international flights prohibit self-defense weapons such as pepper spray and MACE, making it impossible for frequent fliers to protect themselves.
Personal safety alarms and smart jewelry are permitted in most overseas places and are safer to fly with.


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