THINGS TO DO ON A ROAD TRIP: 21+ Ideas for a Memorable Adventure

Photo by Maurício Eugênio

Road trips are a great way to see the country and create lasting memories. But with so many hours to spend in the car, it’s important to have some activities planned to keep everyone entertained.

Here are a few ideas for things to do on a road trip:

Best Things To Do On A Road Trip

Here are things you can do to make your road trip more enjoyable

#1. Listen to Podcasts

Podcasts are a great way to pass the time and learn something new while on the road. There are podcasts available on a wide range of topics, so you’re sure to find something that interests you.

#2. Keep a Travel Journal

Recording your journey in a journal or diary allows you to remember what happened during the trip and share the memories with others. It’s a great way to document your experiences and reflect on your adventures.

#3. Look for Fun Attractions

Take breaks from driving and stay entertained by looking for attractions along your road trip route. This can include visiting museums, and amusement parks, or even checking out quirky roadside attractions like the world’s largest ball of twine.

#4. Take Videos and Photos

Capture the moments and scenery of your road trip by taking videos and photos. These will help you preserve your memories and allow you to relive the trip in the future.

#5. Post on Social Media

While you don’t want to be glued to your phone all day, making posts for social media can be a fun way to pass the time on road trips. Consider starting a new Instagram account dedicated to your travels.

#6. Crack your Favorite Jokes

Laughter is a great way to make the journey more enjoyable. Share jokes and funny stories with your travel companions to lighten the mood and create a fun atmosphere.

#7. Make a Scavenger Hunt

Create a list of items or landmarks to find along the way and turn it into a scavenger hunt. This can be a fun and interactive way to engage with your surroundings and make the trip more exciting.

#8. Plan Stops at Interesting Locations

Research interesting places to visit along your route and plan stops accordingly. This could include national parks, historical sites, or local landmarks. It adds an element of exploration and discovery to your road trip.

#9. Play Road Trip Games

There are plenty of classic road trip games that can keep everyone entertained. Games like “I Spy,” the license plate game, or the alphabet game can help pass the time and create a fun and interactive atmosphere.

#10. Enjoy the Scenery

One of the best parts of a road trip is the opportunity to see beautiful landscapes and scenic views. Take the time to appreciate the surroundings and enjoy the journey itself.

Fun Things To Do On A Road Trip

Road trips are a fantastic opportunity to have fun, bond with your travel companions, and create unforgettable memories. Some fun things you can do to make your road trip include 

#1. Sing Along to your Favorite Songs

Create a road trip playlist filled with your favorite tunes and have a sing-along session in the car. Belt out your favorite lyrics and enjoy the music together.

#2. Play Car Karaoke

Take the singing to the next level and turn your car into a karaoke stage. Use a karaoke app or bring a portable microphone and take turns performing your favorite songs. It’s a great way to showcase your talent and have a good laugh.

#3. Have a Movie Marathon

Bring a portable DVD player or use a streaming service on your mobile device to have a movie marathon during long stretches of the journey. Choose some classic road trip movies or your all-time favorites to enjoy together.

#4. Play Road Trip Trivia

Prepare a list of trivia questions about the places you’ll be passing through or general knowledge questions. Take turns asking questions and see who can answer the most correctly. It’s a fun way to learn interesting facts and keep everyone engaged.

#5. Create a Photo Challenge

Come up with a photo challenge where each person has to capture specific moments or objects during the road trip. It could be capturing a sunrise, finding a unique roadside sign, or taking a group selfie at every rest stop. Compare your photos at the end of the trip and see who completed the challenge.

#6. Try Local Cuisine

Research local restaurants and food specialties along your route. Make it a point to stop and try some regional delicacies or famous dishes. It’s a great way to explore the local culture and indulge in delicious food.

#7. Play “Would You Rather?”

Engage in a game of “Would You Rather?” where you take turns presenting two options and discuss which one you would choose and why. It can lead to interesting conversations and hilarious debates.

#8. Have a Picnic

Pack a picnic basket with your favorite snacks, sandwiches, and drinks. Find a scenic spot along your route and stop for a relaxing picnic. Enjoy the food, soak in the surroundings, and take a break from driving.

#9. Create a Road Trip Playlist

Instead of listening to individual songs, create a collaborative road trip playlist where everyone adds their favorite songs. It’s a fun way to discover new music and cater to everyone’s taste.

#10. Play the “License Plate Game.”

Keep an eye out for license plates from different states or countries and see who can spot the most unique ones. You can keep score and make it a friendly competition.

Things To Do On A Road Trip In A Car

The fun things to do on a road trip in a car include listening to podcasts or audiobooks, playing car games, having a karaoke session, taking memorable photos, creating a road trip playlist, playing trivia or quiz games, planning interesting stops, packing snacks for a picnic, sharing stories and memories, and enjoying the scenery. Have fun, bond with travel companions, and make the most of the car journey. By having a range of activities and entertainment options available, a road trip in a car becomes more than just a means of transportation. It becomes an opportunity for adventure, connection, and personal growth.

Importance Of Having Things To Do On A Road Trip In A Car

The importance of having things to do on a road trip in a car cannot be overstated. Here are some reasons why:

#1. Entertainment and Enjoyment

Having activities and games planned for the journey keeps everyone entertained and makes the trip more enjoyable. It helps pass the time, especially during long stretches of driving and prevents boredom.

#2. Bonding and Connection

Road trips provide an opportunity for bonding with travel companions. Engaging in fun activities, sharing stories, and having deep conversations foster a sense of connection and create lasting memories.

#3. Enhanced Safety

Keeping the driver and passengers engaged in activities can help prevent drowsiness and fatigue, promoting safer driving. It’s important to take breaks, play games, or listen to stimulating content to stay alert on the road.

#4. Exploration and Discovery

Planning interesting stops and activities along the route allows for exploration and discovery. It adds an element of adventure to the road trip, as you can visit local attractions, try new cuisine, or engage in outdoor activities.

#5. Reduced Stress and Relaxation

Engaging in enjoyable activities during the journey helps reduce stress and promote relaxation. It allows you to disconnect from everyday worries and immerse yourself in the experience of the road trip.

#6. Creating Memories

Road trips are often filled with unique and memorable experiences. Having things to do ensures that you make the most of your journey and create lasting memories that you can cherish for years to come.

Traveling in a car for long periods can be physically and mentally taxing. Having planned activities and breaks helps alleviate travel-related stress, making the journey more enjoyable and relaxing.

#8. Maximizes the Road Trip Experience

A well-planned road trip with various activities ensures that you make the most of your journey. It allows you to explore new places, try new things, and create a memorable experience that you will fondly remember.

#9. Encourages Creativity and Imagination

Road trips offer a unique opportunity to tap into your creativity and imagination. Activities like storytelling, photography, or creating a road trip playlist encourage creative thinking and self-expression.

#10. Enhances Communication Skills

Engaging in games, discussions, and activities during a road trip encourages communication and improves interpersonal skills. It provides a platform for open and meaningful conversations, helping to strengthen relationships.

Fun Things To Do On A Road Trip For Adults

Fun things to do on a road trip for adults are enjoyable and entertaining activities that are specifically suited for grown-ups who are traveling by car. These activities are designed to make the road trip more engaging, exciting, and enjoyable for adult passengers. They include 

#1. Explore Local Wineries or Breweries

Visit local wineries or breweries along your route. Take a tour, participate in tastings, and learn about the different flavors and brewing processes. It’s a great way to indulge in adult beverages and discover new flavors.

#2. Try New and Exotic Cuisine

Seek out local restaurants that offer unique and diverse cuisine. Step out of your comfort zone and try dishes you’ve never had before. It’s an opportunity to expand your culinary horizons and savor new flavors.

#3. Plan a Road Trip to a Destination Known for its Nightlife

If you’re looking for a lively atmosphere, plan your road trip to a destination known for its vibrant nightlife. Enjoy live music and dance clubs, and experience the local entertainment scene.

#4. Take Scenic Detours

Research scenic routes or detours that offer breathtaking views. Drive along coastal roads, through picturesque mountain ranges, or across idyllic countryside. The beauty of the scenery will add a touch of magic to your road trip.

#5. Engage in Outdoor Activities

Incorporate outdoor activities into your road trip itinerary. Go hiking, biking, or kayaking in nature reserves, national parks, or along scenic trails. It’s a great way to connect with nature and get some exercise.

#6. Plan a Themed Road Trip

Choose a theme for your road trip, such as a foodie adventure, a historical journey, or a scenic photography tour. Tailor your stops and activities accordingly, making the trip more immersive and engaging.

#7. Listen to Adult-Oriented Podcasts

Select podcasts that cover adult-oriented topics like true crime, history, politics, or personal development. Engage in intellectual discussions and gain new insights while enjoying the journey.

#8. Take Part in Adventure Sports

If you’re an adrenaline junkie, plan stops that offer adventure sports like zip-lining, bungee jumping, or white-water rafting. Challenge yourself and embrace the thrill of these activities.

#9. Engage in Deep Conversations

Use the uninterrupted time in the car to engage in deep conversations with your travel companions. Discuss life, philosophy, or personal experiences. It’s an opportunity to bond and gain a deeper understanding of each other.

#10. Embrace Spontaneity

Allow room for spontaneity and serendipity during your road trip. Be open to exploring off-the-beaten-path locations, trying new activities, or making impromptu stops. It adds an element of adventure and excitement to your journey.

How Do I Entertain Myself On A Road Trip?

To entertain yourself on a road trip, consider these options: create a playlist, play games, take photos, enjoy snacks, engage in conversation, plan scenic stops, watch movies, try local food, or even stargaze during night drives. Tailor your entertainment to your interests for an enjoyable journey.

How Do I Get Bored On A Road Trip?

To avoid boredom during long car rides, plan, have a loose plan, bring entertainment, play games, take breaks, bring snacks, keep a travel journal, bring educational materials, take a nap, and watch a movie. These tips will make your journey more enjoyable and memorable while ensuring safety and taking breaks as needed. Remember to stay safe and alert while driving.

What Is The 20-Question Car Game?

The 20-question car game is a classic guessing game that can be played during a road trip. The answerer thinks of an object, person, or place, while the questioners ask yes-or-no questions to guess the answer within 20 questions. The answerer can only respond with “yes” or “no” to each question. The questioners use deductive reasoning and logical thinking to narrow down the possibilities. The game continues until the answerer guesses correctly or exhausts their 20 questions. This game is fun and interactive and stimulates critical thinking skills, encouraging creativity, problem-solving, and strategic questioning.

How Do You Pass The Time in a Car?

To pass the time during a car trip, you can enjoy various activities such as listening to music, playing games, enjoying audiobooks, engaging in conversation, taking in scenic views, watching movies or TV shows, snacking on road trip treats, planning stops at interesting attractions, stopping for food at local eateries, trying travel journaling, observing the night sky during night drives, and participating in geocaching or other interactive activities. These activities can make the journey more enjoyable and help pass the time.

How Do You Make a Long Drive Fun?

To make a long drive fun, engage in classic car games, listen to podcasts or audiobooks, create a road trip playlist, try interactive apps, plan interesting stops, pack snacks and picnics, engage in deep conversations, capture memories, play road trip-themed trivia or quiz games, and embrace spontaneity. This creates a positive atmosphere, makes lasting memories, and embraces the adventure of the journey.

How Do I Start Life on The Road?

Starting life on the road can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it requires careful planning and preparation. To start, define your goals, research options, plan your finances, downsize possessions, prepare your vehicle, learn new skills, stay connected with friends and family, and embrace the unknown. Define your goals and expectations, research options, and consider your income sources, expenses, and budget.


Road trips offer fun and bonding opportunities for travelers. There are lots of activities to enjoy and these activities help create unforgettable memories and keep everyone engaged throughout the journey. You also get to make a road trip for adults more engaging, explore local wineries, try new cuisine, and allow adults to explore new flavors, experience local cuisine, and connect with nature. These activities foster bonding, enhance safety, and promote exploration. Planned stops and activities can also reduce stress, create memorable experiences, and alleviate travel-related stress. Overall, having a variety of activities and entertainment options on a car trip can make the journey more enjoyable and fulfilling.


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