Photo by Jean-Daniel Francoeur

Road trips can be long and boring, but playing games can make them more enjoyable. To keep road trips enjoyable, you can consider playing games. These activities ensure fun and engagement during long drives and can help keep the car full of fun. Car games can enhance road trips by promoting creativity and sharing experiences. These games cater to different preferences and interests, fostering fun and conversation during the ride. Adapt these games to suit everyone’s interests and preferences. Find out more about what games to play on a road trip in this article.

Games To Play On A Road Trip

Road trips can be a lot of fun, but they can also become monotonous after a while. To keep everyone entertained and engaged during a road trip, here are some games you can play:

#1. While You Were Sleeping

This game is perfect for sleepy passengers in the car. One person starts by pretending to sleep, and the others in the car have to come up with a fictional story about what happened while they were sleeping.

#2. 21 Questions

Everyone in the car can enjoy playing this traditional guessing game. One person thinks of an object, and the others have 21 questions to guess what it is. The questions can only be answered with yes or no.

#3. Did You Hear That…?

This game is great for car mates who are up-to-date with current events. One person starts by making up a fictional news headline, and the others have to come up with a story based on that headline.

#4. The Singing Game

If your car is full of human jukeboxes, this game is perfect. One person starts by singing a line from a song, and the others have to continue with the next line from a different song. The game continues until someone can’t come up with a line.

#5. The Movie Game

This game is ideal for a car full of film buffs. One person starts by naming a movie, and the next person has to name an actor or actress from that movie. The game continues with each person naming a movie or an actor or actress related to the previous response.

#6. Fortunately/Unfortunately

This game is great for a car full of optimists. One person starts by saying something fortunate, and the next person has to follow with something unfortunate. The game continues with alternating fortunate and unfortunate statements.

#7. The Alphabet Categories

This game is perfect for know-it-alls who love competition. One person starts by naming a category (e.g., animals, countries, foods) and a letter of the alphabet. Each person has to name something that fits the category and starts with the given letter. The game continues with each person naming something new.

#8. I Spy

People of all ages can enjoy playing this classic game. One person starts by saying I spy with my little eye, something that is… and then gives a clue about an object they can see. The others take turns guessing the object until someone gets it right and then it’s their turn to spy.

#9. License Plate Game

This game is perfect for long road trips where you’ll encounter many different license plates. The goal is to spot license plates from as many different states or countries as possible. Keep a tally and see who can spot the most unique license plates.

#10. Name That Tune

If you have a music-loving group, this game is a blast. One person hums or sings a few bars of a song, and the others have to guess the name of the song and the artist. You can keep score or just play for fun.

Car Games To Play On A Road Trip

Car games help make your road trip more enjoyable and entertaining. Remember to adapt them to suit the preferences and interests of everyone in the car.

#1. Name the Artist

One person names the artist or group when a song comes on the radio, and they get a point. The game continues until you reach your destination, and the person with the most points wins.

#2. The Storytelling Game

This game involves creating a collaborative story. One person starts by saying a few sentences to begin the story, and then each person in the car takes turns adding to the story. The goal is to create a funny or imaginative story together.

#3. Would You Rather?

This game presents players with a series of funny or thought-provoking scenarios. Each person takes turns presenting a scenario, and everyone else has to choose which option they would rather pick. This game can lead to some interesting discussions and debates.

#4. The Alphabet Game

This game requires players to find words on signs or license plates that start with each letter of the alphabet, in order. For example, someone might find a sign with the word apple for the letter A, then someone else might find a sign with the word bicycle for the letter B, and so on.

#5. 20 Questions: Animal Edition

Similar to the original 20 Questions game, but with a focus on animals. One person thinks of an animal, and the others have 20 yes-or-no questions to guess the animal. The questions can be about the animal’s appearance, habitat, or behavior.

#6. The Animal Name Game

The first person names an animal, and the next person has to name an animal that starts with the last letter of the previous animal’s name. For example, if the first person says elephant, the next person could say tiger, and so on.

#7. The Grocery Store Game

One person starts by saying, I went to the grocery store and bought [an item that starts with the letter A]. The next person continues by repeating the previous item and adding another item that starts with the letter B. The game continues with each person reciting the previous items and adding a new item based on the next letter of the alphabet.

#8. The Geography Game

One person starts by naming a place, such as a city or country. The next person has to name a place that starts with the last letter of the previous place. This game can be challenging and educational.

#9. The Movie Quote Game

One person quotes a line from a movie, and the others have to guess which movie it’s from. The game can be played with specific genres, decades, or any other variation to make it more interesting.

#10. Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament

Have a rock-paper-scissors tournament in the car. Create a bracket and have players go head-to-head until there is a final winner. It’s a simple game that can keep everyone engaged and entertained.

Fun Games To Play On A Road Trip

The fun games to play on a road trip include I Spy, 20 Questions, the License Plate Game, the Alphabet Game, Would You Rather?, the Singing Game, and the Storytelling Game. These games are suitable for players of all ages and can help make the road trip more enjoyable and entertaining. It is important to choose games that suit the interests and age group of the players.

General Characteristics That Make Games Enjoyable On A Road Trip

Certainly! Here are some additional characteristics of fun games to play on a road trip:

#1. Portability

Games that are easy to carry and require minimal materials are ideal for road trips. They should be compact and lightweight and not take up too much space in the vehicle.

#2. Engaging and Interactive

Fun road trip games should actively engage all players and encourage interaction among them. They should promote conversation, laughter, and friendly competition.

#3. Suitable for All Ages

As they appeal to a wide range of passengers, enjoyable games are great for road trips. They should be adaptable to different age groups and skill levels.

#4. Minimal Setup and Rules

Most fun games are simple and easy-to-understand rules. They are preferable, as they can be quickly explained and started without much hassle. This allows for more playing time and less time spent on setup.

#5. Variety and Flexibility

Having a variety of games to choose from ensures that there is something for everyone’s preferences. Games that can be adapted or modified based on the situation or players’ interests add flexibility and keep the experience fresh.

#6. No or Minimal Equipment

Games that require little to no additional equipment are convenient for road trips. This reduces the risk of losing or misplacing game pieces and makes it easier to play on the go.

#7. Time Management

The fun games that can be played in short bursts or have flexible time limits are suitable for road trips. This allows for gameplay during different intervals, such as during rest stops or while waiting in traffic.

#8. Cooperative or Competitive

Games can be either cooperative, where players work together towards a common goal, or competitive, where players compete against each other. This allows for different dynamics and preferences among the players.

#9. Engaging Themes

Games with interesting and engaging themes can add excitement and make the gameplay more immersive. Themes could include trivia, wordplay, storytelling, or specific topics related to travel or road trips.

#10. Adaptability to Different Settings

Games that can be played in various settings, such as inside the car, at rest stops, or during meals, are versatile and keep the entertainment going throughout the trip.

Games To Play On A Road Trip For Adults

Road trips can be a great opportunity for adults to have some fun and enjoy each other’s company. These games are designed to entertain and engage adults during a road trip. They encourage conversation, laughter, and friendly competition, making the journey even more enjoyable. Remember to play responsibly and consider the safety of everyone in the car while playing these games.

Games That Are Perfect For Adults On A Road Trip

#1. Never Have I Ever

This party game can be adapted for a road trip. Each person takes turns saying something they’ve never done before. If someone in the car has done it, they take a drink or earn a point. This game can lead to interesting and hilarious conversations.

#2. Truth or Dare

This game is always entertaining, especially with a group of close friends. Players take turns asking each other truth questions or assigning dare challenges. It’s a great way to learn more about each other and have some laughs along the way.

#3. The Rhyme Game

In this game, players take turns saying a word, and the next person has to come up with a word that rhymes with it. The game continues until someone can’t think of a rhyme. You can make it more challenging by limiting the rhymes to a specific category or theme.

#4. Two Truths and a Lie

This game is a great way to get to know your fellow road-trippers better. Each person takes turns sharing two true statements and one false statement about themselves. The others have to guess which statement is the lie.

#5. The Trivia Challenge

Prepare a list of trivia questions or use a mobile trivia app. Players take turns asking the questions, and the others try to answer them. The person with the most correct answers at the end of the game wins.

#6. The Singing Challenge

This game involves challenging each other to sing specific songs or lines from songs. Players can take turns picking a song for others to sing, and the performances can range from serious to comical.

#7. Charades

This classic game involves acting out a word or phrase without speaking, and the others have to guess what it is. Prepare a list of words or phrases in advance or come up with them on the spot. It can lead to hilarious moments and lots of laughter.

#8. The Riddle Game

Each player takes turns sharing riddles with the group, and the others try to solve them. Riddles can be general knowledge or specific to a topic of interest. This game keeps everyone engaged and challenges their problem-solving skills.

#9. The Celebrity Game

Players take turns naming celebrities, and the next person has to name another celebrity whose first name starts with the first letter of the previous celebrity’s last name. For example, if someone says Tom Hanks, the next person could say Halle Berry, and so on.

#10. The Emoji Game

Players take turns sending each other emoji messages, and the others have to guess the word, phrase, or movie title that the emojis stand for. This game tests your emoji deciphering skills and creativity.

What Games To Play on a Road Trip?

A list of games to play on a road trip includes I Spy, 20 Questions, License Plate Game, The Alphabet Game, The Singing Game, Trivia Pursuit, Would You Rather, The Storytelling Game, Name That Tune, and The Alphabet Categories. These games are meant to entertain and engage everyone during the journey.

What Is a Road Trip Game?

A road trip game is a game that is played during a journey by car to keep passengers entertained and engaged. These games can range from simple guessing games to word games, trivia games, storytelling games, and more. The objective is to make the travel time more enjoyable and create a fun and interactive atmosphere within the vehicle. People of all ages can play road trip games, which can pass the time and help make enduring memories during the journey.

How To Do A Road Trip With Friends?

The tips for a successful road trip with friends include choosing compatible companions, making a loose plan together, engaging in conversation and games, sharing driving responsibilities, creating a road trip playlist, respecting personal space, planning regular breaks, embracing new experiences, staying connected with loved ones, and being prepared with essentials and a well-maintained vehicle.

How Can I Make Driving Around Fun?

There are various ways to make driving more fun, such as creating a playlist, exploring new routes, playing road trip games, taking breaks at interesting spots, appreciating the journey, driving with friends or loved ones, making pit stops for food, and ensuring safety and comfort.

How To Have Fun On A Road Trip?

To have fun on a road trip, including playing trivia games, keeping a travel journal, visiting attractions, taking videos and photos, posting on social media, playing road trip games, watching movies or shows, having snacks, engaging in word games, and investing in travel accessories. The key is to engage with travel companions, explore new places, and create lasting memories.

How Do You Play Street Games?

Playing street games is a fun and engaging way to spend time outdoors with friends or family. To start, choose a game and discuss the rules before starting. Find a suitable location, gather the necessary equipment, and assign roles and teams. Explain the rules to all participants, and start playing by following established rules. Rotate roles or switch teams to ensure everyone gets a chance to participate. Prioritize safety by watching out for traffic, avoiding dangerous areas, and being mindful of others in public spaces. Enjoy the game, laugh, and make lasting memories with friends or family. Remember to adapt and modify the rules as needed for the best experience.

How Do You Have a Fun Trip?

To have a fun trip, it is important to plan, be flexible, travel with good company, embrace the journey, try local cuisine, engage with locals, capture memories, stay positive, unplug and disconnect from technology, and practice self-care. Ultimately, it’s about being open-minded, embracing new experiences, and savoring the moments along the way.

How Do I Plan A Fun Trip With Friends?

To plan a fun trip with friends, choose the right companions, set expectations, decide on a destination together, appoint a trip leader, communicate effectively, consider group dynamics, set a budget, plan activities together, be flexible, and prioritize enjoying each other’s company. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip with your friends.


Road trips can be filled with fun and laughter for adults. Here are some games that can be perfect for adults: Never Have I Ever, Truth or Dare, Rhyme Game, Two Truths and a Lie, Trivia Challenge, Singing Challenge, and Charades These games encourage conversation, laughter, and friendly competition, but it’s important to play responsibly and consider the safety of everyone in the car. Fun road trip games are portable, engaging, suitable for all ages, require minimal setup and rules, and offer variety and flexibility.


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