Photo by John Tekeridis

If you’ve had a memorable experience with an Airbnb host and want to share your feedback, there are step-by-step guides on how to leave a review on Airbnb. This also gives access to being able to leave private feedback for the host or guest. In tandem, a review of Airbnb should include accuracy, communication, cleanliness, the check-in process, value for money, and overall experience. In this article, steps will be given on how you can give your review.

How To Leave A Review On Airbnb

Leaving a review on Airbnb is not only a way to express your gratitude or concerns but also a valuable resource for fellow travelers. The process of leaving a review helps you share your experience and contribute to the Airbnb community.

Process That Should Be Taken To Review On Airbnb

To leave a review on Airbnb, follow these steps

#Step 1: Log into your Airbnb Account

Open a browser on your computer and log into your Airbnb account at

#Step 2: Navigate to the Review Page

Once you’re logged in, go to the review page by clicking on the following link: If you’re within the 14-day window after your stay, you’ll be prompted to leave a review.

#Step 3: Write your Review

In the text field provided, write your review of your stay. Airbnb encourages reviewers to be as helpful as possible by talking about their interaction with the host, the state of the property, and any personalized touches or amenities. Reviews are limited to 1000 words.

#Step 4: Submit your Review

After writing your review, press Enter to submit it. You can leave a review on Airbnb within 14 days of your stay. Remember that you can also leave private feedback for the host or guest, which will be shared only with them when reviews are posted. 

Information A Review On Airbnb Should Contain 

Maintain a relevant, unbiased review of Airbnb, avoiding private or confidential information, discriminatory content, or threats. Ensure firsthand experiences and provide information for informed decision-making among community members.

When leaving a review on Airbnb, it’s important to include the following information:

#1. Accuracy

Share your experience regarding the accuracy of the listing description, including details about the amenities, location, and overall condition of the property. This helps future guests have realistic expectations.

#2. Communication

Evaluate the host’s communication throughout the booking process, including responsiveness, clarity, and helpfulness. Did the host provide timely and accurate information?

#3. Cleanliness

Comment on the cleanliness of the property, including the bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, and common areas. Mention any issues you encountered or if the property was exceptionally clean.

#4. Check-in Process

Describe your experience with the check-in process, including the host’s instructions, ease of access to the property, and any assistance provided upon arrival.

#5. Value for Money

Assess whether the property provided good value for the price paid. Consider factors such as location, amenities, cleanliness, and overall experience.

#6. Overall Experience

Summarize your overall experience staying at the property. Highlight any exceptional aspects or areas that need improvement. Be honest and provide constructive feedback.

Benefits of Leaving a Review on Airbnb

Leaving a review on Airbnb offers several benefits for both guests and hosts. These benefits can be  

#1. Building Trust

Reviews play a crucial role in building trust within the Airbnb community. They provide valuable feedback and help potential guests make informed decisions about where to stay.

#2. Helping Future Guests

By leaving a review, you can help future guests by sharing your experience and providing insights into the property, the host’s hospitality, and any other relevant details. Your review can help others make better choices when booking accommodations.

#3. Acknowledging Good Service

Leaving a positive review is a great way to show appreciation for a host who provided exceptional service. It allows you to express gratitude and publicly acknowledge their efforts, which can be motivating for hosts to continue providing excellent experiences.

#4. Improving the Guest Experience

When you leave an honest review, it helps hosts understand what they are doing well and where they can improve. Constructive feedback can be valuable for hosts to enhance their listings and provide an even better experience for future guests.

5. Encouraging Reciprocal Reviews

Leaving a review for your host also reminds them to review you as a guest. Reciprocal reviews contribute to the overall trust and credibility of the Airbnb community.

#6. Influencing Future Bookings

Reviews can have a significant impact on a host’s reputation and future bookings. Positive reviews can attract more guests, while negative reviews may discourage potential guests from booking a particular listing. By leaving an honest review, you contribute to the overall integrity of the review system and help maintain high standards within the Airbnb community.

#7. Accountability

Reviews hold both hosts and guests accountable for their actions. Hosts are more likely to provide a positive and satisfactory experience if they know their guests will leave a review. Similarly, guests are more likely to adhere to house rules and treat the property with respect if they know their behavior will be reviewed.

#8. Enhancing Airbnb Community

By leaving reviews, you contribute to the larger Airbnb community. Your feedback helps shape the reputation of hosts and properties, making it easier for other guests to make informed decisions when booking their accommodations. Your review also helps maintain the overall quality and standards of the community.

#9.  Opportunity for Resolution

In cases where there may have been issues or challenges during your stay, leaving a review provides an opportunity for resolution. Hosts often appreciate the chance to address any concerns or rectify situations, and may reach out to you privately to resolve any issues. This can result in a positive outcome and potentially improve your overall experience.

#10. Recognition for Outstanding Experiences

Leaving a review is an opportunity to recognize outstanding experiences and exceptional hosts. By sharing your positive experiences, you not only provide valuable feedback to the host but also inspire and motivate them to continue providing excellent service to future guests.

How to Respond to a Review on Airbnb

Anyone who has booked and stayed at an Airbnb property is eligible to leave and respond to a review. Both hosts and guests can leave reviews for each other to provide feedback and share their experiences. It is important to note that reviews can only be submitted for stays that have been booked and paid for through Airbnb. 

These steps can help you respond to a review on Airbnb:

#1. Log in to your Airbnb Account

Access your account on a desktop computer or browser (not using the Airbnb app).

#2. Locate the Review

Find the review you want to respond to. If you are a host, you can go to the Inbox message area, click on the message section for the guest, click on details (top right), and then click on read review. If you are a guest, you can go to your Trips page or visit the Reservation section of your Today tab.

#3. Click on Reply

Look for the Reply button next to the review. Click on it to start composing your response.

#4. Craft your Response

Take your time to think about what you want to say in your response. Be thoughtful, professional, and considerate. Address any concerns or feedback mentioned in the review and provide your perspective or additional context if necessary.

#5. Submit your Response

Once you have written your response, submit it. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to edit it after submission, so make sure to review it before posting.

Tips For Engaging With Reviews On Airbnb

Engaging with reviews on Airbnb is an important aspect of building trust, maintaining a positive reputation, and enhancing the overall guest experience. 

Tips for effectively engaging with reviews include:

#1. Respond Promptly

Aim to respond to reviews on time. This shows that you value guest feedback and are actively engaged with the Airbnb community.

#2. Be Appreciative

Start your response by expressing gratitude for the guest’s review. Thank them for taking the time to share their experience and choosing your property.

#3. Personalize your Response

Tailor your response to each review. Address the guest by name, refer to specific aspects of their stay, and show that you have read and understood their feedback. This personal touch demonstrates your attentiveness and care.

#4. Keep it Concise

While it’s important to address the guest’s concerns, try to keep your response concise and to the point. Avoid going into excessive detail or getting too wordy, as this can make your response less effective and harder to read.

#5. Maintain a Positive Tone

Even if the review is negative or critical, strive to maintain a positive and constructive tone in your response. Responding with hostility or defensiveness can escalate the situation and reflect poorly on you as a host.

#6. Address Concerns or Issues

If the review mentions any concerns or issues, address them in a professional and empathetic manner. Please apologize if necessary and provide a solution or explanation to show that you take guest satisfaction seriously.

#7. Offer Solutions or Resolutions

If the review highlights specific issues, offer appropriate solutions or resolutions. This could include refunds, discounts on future stays, or other gestures to make amends. Demonstrating your willingness to address concerns can help mitigate the impact of a negative review.

#8. Offer Additional Information

If there are any misunderstandings or miscommunications mentioned in the review, provide additional information or context to clarify the situation. This can help future guests understand the situation better.

#9.  Invite Further Communication

Encourage guests to reach out to you directly if they have any further questions or concerns. This shows that you are open to resolving any issues and providing exceptional customer service.

#10. Learn from Feedback

Use reviews as an opportunity to learn and improve. Take constructive criticism seriously and consider implementing changes based on guest feedback. This demonstrates your commitment to continuously enhancing the guest experience.

How Do I Write a Review On Airbnb Guests?

To write a review for guests on Airbnb. You have to wait for the review period, access the review section, assign a star rating, write a detailed review, submit it, and encourage reciprocal reviews. Honest and respectful feedback to maintain transparency within the Airbnb community is important. 

Can You Leave an Airbnb Review on the App?

Yes, you can leave an Airbnb review on the app. Guests can write a review directly on the Airbnb app. If you’re a guest, you can go to your Trips page on the app and leave a review from there. However, it’s worth noting that the Airbnb app may not support editing reviews. If you need to make any changes to your review, you may have to log in to the Airbnb website on your phone, tablet, or computer’s web browser.

What Do You Say When Leaving an Airbnb Review?

When leaving an Airbnb review, it is important to provide honest and constructive feedback while maintaining a respectful tone. This includes highlighting positive aspects, mentioning any issues or areas for improvement, considering the overall experience, being fair and balanced, and avoiding personal attacks. Reviews play a crucial role in helping both hosts and guests make informed decisions and contribute to the trust and transparency of the Airbnb community.

Do You Have To Leave A Review On Airbnb?

No, you are not obligated to leave a review on Airbnb. However, leaving a review is highly encouraged as it helps maintain transparency and trust within the Airbnb community. Reviews provide valuable feedback for hosts and assist future guests in making informed decisions. After your stay, Airbnb will send you an email asking you to leave a review for your most recent host or guest. You can also write a review directly on the Airbnb app or website. Keep in mind that reviews are published after 14 days, even if one party does not leave a review.

How To Write a Good Review?

When writing a good review, provide specific, detailed, and balanced feedback. Be authentic, respectful, and constructive in your critique, and use clear and concise language. Consider the target audience and proofread your review before submitting it. By following these guidelines, you can write a helpful and meaningful review for other users.

How Do I Write a Good Airbnb Host Review?

To write a good Airbnb host review, start with the guest’s name, highlight their positive qualities with specific examples, mention specific experiences related to their stay, encourage future bookings if they were a good fit, be honest and fair in your review, consider using templates for guidance, give a star rating, and adhere to Airbnb’s guidelines.


Both hosts and guests can leave feedback and share experiences, but only for stays booked and paid for through Airbnb. Engaging with reviews on Airbnb is crucial for building trust, maintaining a positive reputation, and enhancing the guest experience. Tips include responding promptly, being appreciative, and personalizing responses. Reviews help guests make informed decisions, improve the host’s reputation, and maintain high standards within the community. 


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