IS UGANDA SAFE? All You Need To Know

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A question that many travelers ask when planning their trip to Uganda is  “Is Uganda Safe? Uganda, known as the Pearl of Africa, is a land of incredible natural beauty and vibrant culture. While the country has much to offer, safety is a crucial concern for any traveler. Also, Uganda faces safety concerns due to terrorism, crime, anti-LGBTQI+ legislation, border regions, political unrest, road accidents, wildlife, and natural hazards. Travelers should consider rethinking travel to border regions and the Karamoja Region due to increased risk. This writing gives more information about Uganda and what to have in mind while planning for a visit.

Is Uganda Safe?

Uganda, like any other country, has its safety considerations. With potential threats of terrorism, Uganda faces security concerns due to crime, and anti-LGBTQI+ legislation. It is advised that there should be reconsideration of travel to border regions and the Karamoja Region due to increased risk. Travelers should be aware of these risks and take appropriate precautions to minimize risks. 

Here are the safety concerns in Uganda

#1. Terrorism

There is a threat of terrorist attacks in Uganda and throughout the region. Attacks have occurred in villages in western Uganda and bombings have taken place in and around Kampala. While the attacks did not specifically target foreign nationals, everyone can be a potential victim. 

#2. Crime

Uganda has a high crime rate, including petty crime and violent crime. It is important to exercise caution, especially outside of major cities like Kampala. 

#3. Anti-LGBTQI+ Legislation

The May 2023 Anti-Homosexuality Act in Uganda raises concerns for LGBTQI+ individuals. The law includes provisions that could lead to prosecution and severe penalties, including life imprisonment or death.

#4. Border Regions

Certain areas near the borders, particularly the South Sudan-Uganda border, have increased risks due to banditry and cross-border attacks by rebel groups. It is advised to avoid all travel within 50 km of the South Sudan border and consider non-essential travel near the Democratic Republic of Congo border.

#5. Political Unrest

Uganda has experienced periods of political unrest and demonstrations in the past. These protests can occasionally turn violent, leading to clashes between demonstrators and security forces. 

#6. Road Safety

Road accidents are a significant safety concern in Uganda. The country’s road infrastructure is often poorly maintained, and traffic laws are not always strictly enforced. It is common to encounter reckless driving, overloading of vehicles, and inadequate street lighting.

#7. Wildlife and Natural Hazards

Uganda is known for its diverse wildlife and beautiful natural landscapes. However, encounters with wild animals can pose risks, particularly in national parks and game reserves. It is crucial to follow the guidance of park rangers and maintain a safe distance from animals. Additionally, during the rainy season, flash floods and landslides can occur, especially in hilly areas. 

#8. Fraud and Scams

Like in many tourist destinations, there is a risk of fraud and scams targeting visitors. Be cautious when approached by strangers offering deals that seem too good to be true or requesting personal information. 

#9. Petty Theft and Pickpocketing

Petty theft and pickpocketing can occur in crowded areas, markets, and public transportation hubs. It is advised to keep a close eye on your belongings, avoid displaying valuable items, and use secure bags or money belts to minimize the risk of theft.

#10. Infectious Diseases

Apart from malaria and other vector-borne diseases, Uganda has reported cases of other infectious diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and hepatitis. It is essential to maintain good hygiene practices, drink bottled water or use water purification methods, and seek medical attention if you experience any symptoms of illness.

Ways to Stay Safe in Uganda

Uganda has many attractions for travelers, so it is important to be aware of safety concerns and take appropriate precautions to minimize risks

To stay safe in Uganda, consider the following measures:

#1. Be Aware of your Surroundings

Stay vigilant and aware of your surroundings at all times. Avoid displaying expensive items or carrying large amounts of cash. Pay attention to your belongings and be cautious in crowded areas where pickpocketing can occur.

#2. Travel in Groups and Stick to Well-Lit Areas

When possible, travel with a group, especially at night. Stick to well-lit and busy areas, as they tend to be safer. Avoid walking alone in remote or unfamiliar places, particularly after dark.

#3. Follow Local Laws and Customs

Familiarize yourself with local laws, customs, and cultural norms. Respect local traditions, especially in religious or sacred sites. Dress modestly and appropriately, especially in rural areas or when visiting religious sites.

#4. Use Reliable Transportation

Choose reputable transportation options such as registered taxis or ride-sharing services. If using public transportation, be cautious of overcrowding and keep an eye on your belongings.

#5. Avoid Political Demonstrations

Steer clear of political gatherings, demonstrations, and protests, as they can turn violent. Stay updated on the current political situation and follow guidance from local authorities and embassies.

#6. Practice Safe Wildlife Viewing

When visiting national parks and wildlife reserves, follow the instructions of park rangers and maintain a safe distance from wild animals. Do not feed or provoke them, as this can be dangerous.

#7. Avoid Public Displays of Affection

Public displays of affection, such as kissing or hugging, may be considered disrespectful or offensive in some Ugandan communities. It’s best to be mindful of local cultural norms and avoid such displays in public.

#8. Be Cautious with Street Food and Water

While exploring local cuisine can be an exciting part of travel, be cautious when consuming street food. Ensure that the food is prepared in hygienic conditions and cooked thoroughly. Drink bottled or boiled water to avoid waterborne diseases.

#9. Use Reliable Tour Operators and Guides

If you’re planning to engage in adventure activities or go on safaris, choose reputable tour operators and guides. Check reviews, certifications, and licenses to ensure your safety during these activities.

#10. Take Precautions against Diseases

Consult with a healthcare professional before traveling to Uganda to ensure you have the necessary vaccinations and medications. Protect yourself from mosquito bites by using repellents and sleeping under mosquito nets. Drink bottled or boiled water to prevent waterborne diseases.

Is Uganda Safe To Visit?

Uganda is safe to visit but there are key aspects that help travelers to make informed decisions about the safety of their visit to Uganda, ensuring a rewarding and secure travel experience in this captivating East African destination. To ensure a safe visit to Uganda, travelers should obtain the correct visa, and be vigilant about crime, terrorist threats, and the Anti-Homosexuality Act.

Avoid road travel outside major towns at night, use reputable transportation, and engage in wildlife viewing with reputable guides. Consult a doctor a month in advance for necessary vaccines and medicines. Familiarize yourself with local laws and customs.

Requirements for a Visit to Uganda

#1. Passport

 Your passport should be valid for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of entry into Uganda. Ensure it has blank pages for visa stamps.

#2. Visa

Most visitors to Uganda require a visa. There are several types of visas available, including the Tourist Visa, East Africa Visa, and Transit Visa. The specific visa you need will depend on the purpose and duration of your visit. You can apply for a visa online through the Ugandan Directorate of Citizenship and Immigration Control website.

#3. Visa Application Form

Fill out the visa application form accurately and completely. Provide all the required information, including your details, travel itinerary, and accommodation details.

#4. Yellow Fever Vaccination

Uganda requires proof of yellow fever vaccination for all travelers coming from countries with a risk of yellow fever transmission. Carry your yellow fever vaccination certificate with you.

#5. Travel Itinerary

Provide a detailed travel itinerary or tour plan, including information on the places you plan to visit, duration of stay, and accommodation arrangements.

#6. Proof of Accommodation

If you have pre-booked accommodation, provide the confirmation or reservation details. If you plan to stay with friends or relatives, provide their contact information and address.

#7. Proof of Sufficient Funds

Show proof of sufficient funds to cover your stay in Uganda. This can be in the form of bank statements, traveler’s cheques, or credit cards.

#8. Restricted or Prohibited Items

There are restricted and prohibited items when entering Uganda. This includes firearms, narcotics, counterfeit currency, and certain agricultural products. Familiarize yourself with the customs regulations to avoid any issues during your visit.

#9. Currency

Uganda’s official currency is the Ugandan Shilling (UGX). It is advisable to carry some local currency or have access to ATMs to withdraw cash. Major credit cards are widely accepted in hotels, restaurants, and larger establishments, but it’s always good to have some cash for smaller businesses and markets.

#10. Return Ticket

Show proof of your return or onward flight ticket to demonstrate that you have plans to leave Uganda after your visit.

Safe Places in Uganda to Visit

There are safe places to visit in Uganda, and several popular destinations are generally considered safe for tourists. While these destinations are generally considered safe, it’s always a good idea to stay informed about the current situation and follow any travel advisories or warnings issued by your government or local authorities. 

#1. Kampala

Kampala, the capital city of Uganda, is generally safe for tourists. It has a vibrant atmosphere, bustling markets, and a variety of cultural and historical sites to explore. However, it’s important to exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded areas and at night.

#2. Entebbe

Entebbe, located on the shores of Lake Victoria, is another safe destination in Uganda. It is home to the country’s main international airport and offers beautiful lakeside views, botanical gardens, and wildlife sanctuaries. As with any city, it’s advisable to take standard safety precautions.

#3. Jinja

Jinja, known as the adventure capital of Uganda, is a popular destination for adventure enthusiasts. Situated on the source of the Nile River, Jinja offers activities such as white-water rafting, kayaking, and bungee jumping. The town has a relaxed atmosphere. 

#4. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and home to half of the world’s remaining mountain gorillas. It is considered safe for tourists, but it’s important to follow the guidelines provided by park authorities and experienced guides during gorilla-tracking activities.

#5. Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park is known for its diverse wildlife, including elephants, lions, hippos, and various bird species. It is safe especially when visiting with reputable tour operators and following park regulations.

#6. Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park is Uganda’s largest national park and offers stunning landscapes, wildlife viewing, and boat safaris along the Nile River. 

#7. Lake Bunyonyi

Lake Bunyonyi is a picturesque lake located in southwestern Uganda. Known as the Place of Many Little Birds, it offers stunning views, peaceful surroundings, and opportunities for activities such as canoeing, nature walks, and bird watching. The area provides a tranquil escape.

#8. Kibale National Park

Kibale National Park is famous for its population of chimpanzees and is one of the best places in Africa for chimpanzee tracking. The park also boasts diverse wildlife, including other primates, birds, and butterflies. Visitors can enjoy guided forest walks and experience the beauty of the lush green landscapes.

#9. Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is another destination in Uganda where you can encounter endangered mountain gorillas. The park offers gorilla tracking experiences, as well as opportunities for hiking, bird watching, and cultural encounters with the Batwa people. 

#10. Ssese Islands

The Ssese Islands, located in Lake Victoria, offer a relaxing getaway with beautiful beaches and a tropical island atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, fishing, and exploring the islands’ unique flora and fauna. 

What Are The Risks Of Traveling To Uganda?

Traveling to Uganda carries certain risks that should be considered. These risks include crime, terrorism, anti-LGBTQI+ legislation, border security concerns, and health risks such as malaria. It is important to stay cautious, be aware of your surroundings, and take appropriate safety measures. Stay updated on travel advisories and consult with relevant authorities before your trip.

Is Uganda A Cheap Country?

Uganda is a relatively cheap country to live in, with a cost of living 73% less than the United States and 67.7% less in Kampala, the capital city. Food, transportation, and basic services are relatively low, with average meals around $2.72 and public transportation tickets around $0.95. However, internet packages and fitness club fees can be expensive. Accommodation costs vary depending on location and type of housing, with Kampala’s monthly rental cost ranging from $150 to $1,000.

Is Uganda Rich Or Poor?

Uganda is a poor country with a low GDP per capita, it has experienced economic growth in recent years, with the World Bank predicting it will accelerate to above 6% per year in the medium term. Agriculture, industry, and services are the main sectors. Challenges include external shocks, a less supportive environment, and weak policy frameworks.

Is Uganda A Safe Place To Work?

 Uganda is a safe place to live and work, but there are potential risks. It is important to consider factors such as crime, terrorism, and anti-LGBTQI+ legislation when assessing the safety of working in Uganda. 

Do I Need A Visa To Visit Uganda?

Yes, you need a visa to visit Uganda. All travelers, including U.S. citizens, are required to have a visa before their trip to Uganda. Visa applications can be made through the Uganda Electronic Visa/Permit Application System, and tourist visas can also be obtained upon arrival at Entebbe International Airport. It is advisable to apply for a visa in advance and consult the Embassy of the Republic of Uganda. 

Can Foreigners Work In Uganda?

Foreigners can work in Uganda but must obtain a work permit. The Department of Immigration and Ministry of Internal Affairs processes work permits for both paid and voluntary work. The main sectors for expat jobs include non-profit, public health, diplomacy, and tech. Employers can assist foreign employees in obtaining visas. Citizenship can be obtained, but the process is expensive and time-consuming.

What Should I Be Careful Of In Uganda?

Be aware that Uganda has a high crime rate, with violent incidents common in larger cities. To protect yourself, stay vigilant, keep car windows open, and avoid walking alone at night. Anti-LGBTQI+ legislation and food and drink safety are also important. Avoid large public gatherings, avoid political rallies and protests, and avoid taking inappropriate photos. Lastly, be aware of potential offenses in photography.

What Is The Safest African Country?

Mauritius is the safest country in Africa to visit. It is ranked 28th on the 2022 Global Peace Index, and it is safer than many developed countries such as Spain, Italy, and the United Kingdom. Mauritius is a beautiful Indian Ocean island that is very safe to visit.


To stay safe in Uganda, be vigilant, travel in groups, follow local laws and customs, use reliable transportation, avoid political demonstrations, practice safe wildlife viewing, avoid public displays of affection, and be cautious with street food and water. Uganda is a safe East African destination, but travelers should ensure safety by obtaining the correct visa, being vigilant about crime, and following local laws. Requirements include a valid passport, a visa, a valid visa application form, and proof of accommodation. Entebbe, the country’s main international airport, offers beautiful views and wildlife sanctuaries. Visitors should follow park guidelines and follow local regulations.


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