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Renting an Airbnb is an exciting way to experience new places and cultures. However, to embark on this journey, you might be wondering how old you have to be to rent one.  To rent an Airbnb, you must be at least 18 years old. Airbnb has implemented these age restrictions to protect hosts and guests and ensure a safe and responsible experience for everyone involved. These restrictions contribute to creating a safer and more responsible environment for all Airbnb users.

How Old Do You Have To Be To Rent an Airbnb?

To rent an Airbnb, you must be at least 18 years old. This age requirement applies to both booking a reservation and hosting your place on Airbnb. The age restriction is in place to protect hosts and guests and to ensure a safe and responsible experience for everyone involved. There are no upper-age limit booking restrictions on Airbnb. As long as you are over 18 and have a healthy Airbnb account, you are eligible to rent an Airbnb property.

Reasons Why Airbnb Age Restrictions Were Introduced

Airbnb introduced age restrictions to address specific challenges and concerns that have arisen over the years. 

#1. Protecting Hosts and Guests

One of the major challenges faced by Airbnb is ensuring the safety and well-being of hosts and guests. By implementing age restrictions, Airbnb aims to create a safer environment and reduce the risk of disruptive experiences.

#2. Preventing Unauthorized Parties

Unauthorized house parties have been a significant issue for Airbnb hosts, leading to property damage and safety concerns. Age restrictions help mitigate the risk of such parties by ensuring that guests are of a certain age and more likely to behave responsibly.

#3. Complying with Local Laws

Airbnb must adhere to local laws and regulations, which may include age restrictions for renting accommodations. By implementing age restrictions, Airbnb ensures compliance with these laws and avoids potential legal issues.

#4. Aligning with Industry Standards

Age restrictions in the travel industry are not unique to Airbnb. Many hotels and other accommodation providers have age restrictions in place to address concerns related to noise, partying, and other disruptive behavior. Airbnb’s age restrictions align with these industry standards.

#5. Risk Management

Age restrictions help Airbnb manage the potential risks associated with hosting guests. By setting a minimum age requirement, Airbnb can ensure that guests have a certain level of maturity and responsibility, reducing the likelihood of incidents or issues during their stay.

#6. Liability and Insurance

Age restrictions play a role in insurance coverage for Airbnb hosts. Many insurance policies have specific requirements regarding the age of the primary renter or guests. By enforcing age restrictions, Airbnb helps hosts maintain compliance with these insurance policies.

#7. Preventing Underage Bookings

By setting an age requirement, Airbnb aims to prevent underage individuals from booking accommodations without the knowledge or consent of their legal guardians. This helps protect both Airbnb hosts and young potential guests from potential legal and safety issues.

#8. Addressing Safety Concerns

Airbnb age restrictions contribute to the overall safety of Airbnb accommodations. Hosts are more likely to feel comfortable renting their properties to guests who meet a minimum age requirement, as they often perceive older guests to be more responsible and less likely to engage in risky behavior.

#9. Enhancing Trust and Confidence

Age restrictions help build trust and confidence among hosts and guests. By verifying the age of guests, Airbnb can provide a sense of security to hosts, knowing that guests have met a certain age threshold and are more likely to comply with the rules and expectations of their stay.

#10. Balancing Inclusivity and Safety

Airbnb aims to be inclusive of young guests while also protecting hosts and neighbors from disruptive experiences. Age restrictions help strike a balance between welcoming younger guests and ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all parties involved.

Things to know when booking an Airbnb if You’re Under 25 Years Old

If you’re under 25 years old, you can still book an Airbnb as long as you meet the minimum age requirement of 18. However, there may be additional considerations or restrictions for guests under 25. 

Here are some points to be aware of.

#1. Host Requirements

Some hosts may have specific age restrictions or requirements in place for their listings. These restrictions can vary depending on the host’s preferences or local regulations. Carefully read the listing details and communicate with the host to ensure you meet their specific criteria.

#2. Verification and Identification

 Airbnb may require guests to provide proof of age during the booking process. This can be done by submitting a valid government-issued identification document such as a driver’s license, passport, or national identity card. Hosts may also request identification upon check-in, depending on local laws and regulations.

#3. Additional Restrictions

In certain countries, like Canada, the US, the UK, France, and Spain, there may be further restrictions for guests under 25. For instance, guests under 25 may be denied booking an entire home in their area of permanent residence unless they have a minimum of three positive reviews and no negative reviews. These restrictions aim to prevent parties and ensure responsible guest behavior.

#4. Host Preferences

Some hosts may have personal preferences regarding the age of their guests. While this is not a widespread practice, a host may choose to only accept guests over a certain age. It’s always a good idea to carefully review the listing and communicate with the host to ensure you meet their requirements.

Booking an Airbnb if You’re Under 18 Years Old

Booking an Airbnb if you’re under 18 years old can be a bit more complicated due to Airbnb’s age restrictions and policies. Here are some important points to consider:

#1. Minimum Age Requirement

Airbnb’s minimum age requirement for creating an account and booking accommodations is 18 years old. This means that individuals under 18 are not allowed to create an account or book an Airbnb on their own.

#2. Third-Party Bookings

Airbnb generally discourages booking an Airbnb as a minor without the involvement of a parent or legal guardian because it is a third-party booking. It’s important to note that this practice goes against Airbnb’s Terms of Service.

#3. Parental Involvement

If you’re under 18 and want to book an Airbnb, it’s recommended to have a parent or legal guardian create the account and make the booking on your behalf. They can reach out to the host to explain that they will be accompanying you during the stay.

#4. Host Discretion

Some hosts may have their own policies regarding the age of guests. It’s advised to carefully read the listing details and communicate with the host to ensure they are comfortable hosting a minor or if they have any specific requirements or restrictions in place.

#5. Alternative Accommodation Options

If you’re under 18 and unable to book an Airbnb, you may consider alternative accommodation options such as hotels or hostels. Many hotels have a minimum age requirement of 18; check with the specific hotel you’re interested in as policies may vary.

Consequences of Booking an Airbnb if You’re Under 18 Years Old

Booking an Airbnb if you’re under 18 years old can have several consequences due to Airbnb’s age restrictions and policies. 

These are some of the consequences, which include

#1. Violation of Airbnb’s Terms of Service

Booking an Airbnb as a minor without the involvement of a parent or legal guardian is considered a violation of Airbnb’s Terms of Service This can result in penalties, including the cancellation of your booking and the potential suspension of your account.

#2. Third-Party Booking Issues

Booking an Airbnb without the direct involvement of a parent or legal guardian is considered a third-party booking, which is generally discouraged by Airbnb hosts, who may be hesitant to accept such bookings due to liability concerns or their policies.

As a minor, you may have limited legal protection and rights when it comes to booking accommodations. This can potentially create challenges if any issues or disputes arise during your stay.

#4. Difficulties with Verification

Airbnb may require guests to provide proof of age during the booking process If you’re unable to provide the necessary identification as a minor, it may be challenging to complete the verification process.

#5. Limited Accommodation Options

Some hosts may have policies regarding the age of guests and may not be willing to host minors. This can limit your options when searching for suitable accommodations.

#6. Safety Concerns

Airbnb’s age restrictions are in place to ensure the safety and well-being of both hosts and guests. By booking as a minor without proper supervision, you may be more vulnerable to potential risks or unsafe situations.

How to Book or Rent an Airbnb for a New 18-Year-Old

To book an Airbnb as a new 18-year-old, follow these steps:

#1. Create an Account

Visit the Airbnb website or download the mobile app and create an account. Provide the required information, including your name, email address, and phone number.

#2. Search for Accommodations

Enter your desired destination, travel dates, and the number of guests. Browse through the available listings that meet your criteria.

#3. Read Listing Details

Click on a listing to view more details about the accommodation, including photos, amenities, house rules, and the host’s profile. Pay attention to any age restrictions or requirements mentioned in the listing.

#4. Contact the Host

If you find a listing that suits your needs, you can send a message to the host to inquire about availability, ask questions, or discuss any specific requirements. Use the “Contact Host” button on the listing page.

#5. Booking Request

If the host confirms availability and is willing to host you, you can proceed with making a booking request. Select the number of guests, review the pricing details, and click on the “Request to Book” button.

#6. Verification Process

Airbnb may require you to complete the verification process, which may include providing identification documents to confirm your age and identity. Follow the instructions provided by Airbnb to complete this step.

#7. Payment

You will be required to make the payment as soon as the host accepts your booking request. Airbnb offers various payment options, including credit or debit cards, PayPal, or other local payment methods.

#8. Confirmation

After making the payment, you will receive a confirmation email with the details of your booking. You can also view your booking details in your Airbnb account.

Can You Rent An Airbnb At 18?

Yes, you can rent an Airbnb at 18 years old. The minimum age requirement to book a reservation or host your place on Airbnb is 18 years old. However, hosts can set their minimum age requirements for guests attending their experiences. It is important to note that the Airbnb age requirement only extends to the person booking the Airbnb, and as long as the person who created the booking is over 18 years of age, all additional guests can be under 18.

Do You Have To Stay In An Airbnb?

All guests must be at least 18 years old to stay in an Airbnb. The person who creates the booking must be at least 18 and be present at the property during the stay. While there are no upper age limits for staying at an Airbnb, hosts may have their own age restrictions or policies. 

Can Airbnb Hosts See Your Age?

Airbnb hosts do not have direct access to see the age of guests. While hosts may have their own age restrictions or policies, they generally cannot see the age of guests before booking. Before booking, hosts are only shown the guest’s first name and their identity verification status. The identity verification process may require guests to provide personal information, such as their legal name, address, phone number, and government ID, but it is primarily used to establish trust and prevent fraud rather than to disclose the guest’s age specifically.

Do Airbnb Hosts Check IDS?

Airbnb hosts have the option to request ID verification from guests. This can include providing an official government ID, such as a driver’s license or passport, to confirm their identity. The extent to which hosts check IDs can vary. Some hosts may require all guests to complete ID verification, while others may not request this information. It’s essential to read the specific requirements and policies of each Airbnb listing you’re interested in to understand the host’s expectations regarding ID verification.

Can 2 17-Year-Olds Stay In An Airbnb?

2 17-year-olds can stay in an Airbnb, although the minimum age requirement for guests staying at an Airbnb is 18 years old. However, there may be some flexibility for 17-year-olds if they are accompanied by a parent or guardian. 

Can A 17-Year-Old Book An Airbnb?

If a parent or guardian is with them, there may be options for a 17-year-old to book an Airbnb on their own. According to Airbnb’s Terms of Service, all guests must be at least 18 years old and have the legal capacity to enter into a binding contract. If a parent or guardian who is at least 18 years old and has reserved the rental is with the 17-year-old, there might be some flexibility.


Be aware of any additional restrictions or requirements set by the host and communicate with them to ensure a smooth booking process. Individuals under 18 years old are not allowed to create an Airbnb account or book accommodations on their own. A parent or legal guardian should create and book a minor’s account. Booking an Airbnb as a minor without the involvement of a parent or legal guardian can result in violations of Airbnb’s Terms of Service and other discrete violations.


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