TRAVEL TRAILER INSURANCE: Coverages and Companies

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One crucial thing for travelers to do is to insure their travel or camping trailers against loss and damage from frequent threats like fire, storms, theft, and accidents. Understanding the many types of property covered Unsure which to choose? It’s simple. If the item that needs insurance is being towed, go for travel or camping trailer insurance. It is pertinent to know that travel trailer insurance offers financial protection against risks like accidents, theft, vandalism, fire, or weather-related incidents and includes lots of coverage, including personal property coverage. Get updated with this post and explore your options.

Travel Trailer Insurance

Travel trailer insurance is a type of insurance coverage specifically designed to protect travel trailers from various risks and damages. It provides financial protection in case of accidents, theft, vandalism, fire, or weather-related incidents. 

Travel trailer insurance includes coverage such as:

#1. Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage helps protect your travel trailer from non-collision incidents such as theft, vandalism, fire, or weather-related damage. Comprehensive coverage can help with the cost of repairs or replacement if one of these events damages or destroys your trailer.

#2. Collision Coverage

Collision coverage helps cover the cost of repairs or replacement if your travel trailer is damaged in a collision with another vehicle or object. This coverage is especially important if you frequently travel on busy roads or in areas with a higher risk of accidents.

#3. Liability Coverage

Liability coverage is a crucial component of travel trailer insurance. It helps protect you financially if you cause damage to someone else’s property or injure someone while using your travel trailer. This coverage can help cover legal expenses, medical bills, and property damage costs if you are found at fault in an accident.

#4. Medical Payments Coverage

Medical payment coverage, also known as personal injury protection (PIP), is designed to cover medical expenses for you and your passengers in the event of an accident. It can help cover costs such as hospital bills, doctor visits, and even funeral expenses if necessary.

#5. Vacation Liability Coverage

Vacation liability coverage protects you if someone is injured or their property is damaged while they are visiting or staying in your travel trailer. This coverage can help cover medical expenses, legal fees, and property damage costs if a guest is injured or their belongings are damaged while on your property.

#6. Personal Property Coverage

Personal property coverage protects your personal belongings inside the travel trailer, such as furniture, appliances, electronics, and other valuable items. If your personal property is damaged or stolen while in your travel trailer, this coverage can help cover the cost of replacement or repair.

#7.  Roadside Assistance

Some travel trailer insurance policies may also include roadside assistance coverage. This coverage assists if your travel trailer breaks down on the road, such as with towing, fuel delivery, tire changes, or locksmith services.

#8. Replacement Cost Coverage

Replacement cost coverage ensures that you receive the full cost of replacing your travel trailer with a brand-new one in the event of a total loss. This coverage takes into account the depreciation of your trailer over time, allowing you to get a comparable new trailer without a depreciation deduction.

#9. Awning and Accessories Coverage

Awning and accessories coverage helps protect your travel trailer’s awning and any attached accessories, such as antennas, satellite dishes, or bike racks. If these items are damaged or stolen, this coverage can help cover the cost of repair or replacement.

#10. Full-Timer Coverage

Full-time coverage is for individuals who use their travel trailer as their primary residence. This coverage provides extended coverage similar to a homeowners insurance policy, including personal liability, loss of use, and additional living expenses.

Travel Trailer Insurance Rates

Travel trailer insurance rates are the cost of insuring a travel trailer against various risks, such as accidents, damage, and liability. 

Factors Affecting Travel Trailer Insurance Rates

#1. Type and Value of the Travel Trailer

The type and value of the travel trailer can affect insurance rates. Generally, more expensive trailers will have higher insurance premiums. Additionally, factors such as the age, make, and model of the trailer can also influence the rates.

#2. Usage and Location

How often you use your travel trailer and where it is located can impact insurance rates. If you use your trailer frequently or if it is located in an area with a higher risk of theft or accidents, the insurance rates may be higher.

#3. Coverage Options and Deductibles

The coverage options you choose and the deductible amount can affect the insurance rates. Opting for higher coverage limits or additional coverages, such as emergency expense coverage or scheduled personal property coverage, may increase the premium. Similarly, choosing a lower deductible may result in higher premiums.

#4. Insurance Provider

Different insurance providers may have different pricing structures and underwriting criteria, which can lead to variations in insurance rates. It’s a good idea to compare quotes from multiple insurance companies to find the best rate for your travel trailer.

#5. Location and Local Laws

The location of the insured property can also influence insurance rates. Areas prone to severe weather, natural disasters, or high rates of theft or vandalism may have higher insurance premiums. Additionally, local laws and regulations regarding insurance requirements can also impact rates.

#6. Age and Experience of the Policyholder

The age and experience of the policyholder can impact insurance rates. Generally, older and more experienced policyholders may receive lower rates since they are often considered to be less risky to insure.

#7. Credit History

In some cases, insurance companies may consider the policyholder’s credit history when determining rates. A good credit history can help lower insurance premiums, as it is often seen as an indicator of financial responsibility.

#8.  Safety and Security Features

The presence of safety and security features on the travel trailer can influence insurance rates. Features such as anti-theft devices, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and alarm systems can help reduce the risk of theft or damage, thereby potentially lowering insurance premiums.

#9. Usage and Storage

How the travel trailer is used and stored can impact insurance rates. If the trailer is used for recreational purposes only and stored in a secure location when not in use, it may be seen as less risky to insure, resulting in lower premiums.

#10. Claims History

A history of previous insurance claims can affect insurance rates. If you have a history of filing claims for your travel trailer or other vehicles, insurance companies may view you as a higher risk and potentially charge higher premiums.

Travel Trailer Insurance Cost

Travel trailer insurance costs vary based on factors such as type, age, condition, coverage selection, location, usage, deductibles, credit history, and claims history.  To find the best rate, compare quotes from multiple insurance companies and consider factors like your trailer’s specific details and coverage options.

Here are the travel trailer insurance costs:

#1. Average Costs

The average premium for a 12-month travel trailer insurance policy at Progressive in 2022 was $573.  The average cost of RV insurance, including travel trailers, is around $1,500 per year or about $125 per month. 

#2. Towable Campers

Travel trailers, such as fifth-wheel RVs, are typically cheaper to insure compared to motorhomes because they have fewer mechanical systems and require a vehicle to pull them. The average towable RV policy cost was $502 per year. 

#3. Motorhomes

Motorized RVs, including Class A, B, and C motorhomes, are generally more expensive to insure than towable campers. The average motorhome insurance policy cost was $848 per year, 69% more expensive than its average towable policy. 

#4. Customized Trailers

Customized travel trailers, such as toy haulers, can cost up to $500 a year to insure, especially if you choose to get comprehensive coverage. 

#5. Coverage Options

The cost of travel trailer insurance can also depend on the coverage options you choose, such as liability, collision, comprehensive, and personal property coverage. More extensive coverage will typically result in higher premiums.

#6. Discounts

Some insurance companies offer discounts that can help lower the cost of travel trailer insurance. These discounts may include bundling multiple policies, having a good driving record, or completing RV safety courses.

Best Travel Trailer Insurance

The best travel trailer insurance is specifically designed to protect travel trailers. It includes coverage for theft, accidents, damage, and liability while the trailer is being towed or parked. Several companies offer travel trailer insurance and choosing the best would depend on individual needs and preferences, but it is best to find a policy that offers comprehensive coverage, competitive rates, and good customer service from a reputable insurance provider. 

Here are some of the best travel trailer insurance companies:

#1. Progressive

Progressive is a top choice for travel trailer insurance. They offer customizable policies that can include collision, comprehensive, and liability protection. They also provide coverage for personal effects and optional coverages like total loss replacement and emergency expense allowance.

#2. Geico

Geico is a reputable insurance company that offers coverage for travel trailers. They provide insurance for various types of towable RVs, including conventional travel trailers, fifth-wheel trailers, folding camper trailers, and truck campers. Geico also covers toy haulers used to transport motorcycles or ATVs.

#3. Good Sam

Good Sam is known for its coverage options and customer service. They offer comprehensive coverage for travel trailers, including options for personal belongings, vacation liability, and total loss replacement. Good Sam is particularly popular among RV owners and offers specialized coverage for RVs.

#4. All state

Allstate is a good option for travel trailer insurance, especially for bundling policies. They offer discounts for bundling multiple insurance policies, such as auto and home insurance. Allstate provides coverage for travel trailers and offers options like full-timer coverage.

#5. Nationwide

Nationwide offers travel trailer insurance coverage that includes liability, comprehensive, and collision coverage options. They also provide coverage for personal belongings and offer additional coverage options such as emergency expenses and vacation liability.

#6. Farmers

Liability, accident, and comprehensive coverage are all available for travel trailer insurance from Farmers Insurance. They also provide coverage for personal belongings, roadside assistance, and optional coverages like total loss replacement and emergency expense coverage.

#7. Safeco

 Safeco is known for its customizable travel trailer insurance policies. They offer coverage for liability, collision, and comprehensive protection. Safeco also provides coverage for personal belongings, emergency expense coverage, and options for total loss replacement.

#8. USAA

USAA primarily serves military members and their families, offering travel trailer insurance coverage with options for liability, collision, and comprehensive protection. They also provide coverage for personal belongings and offer additional coverage options like emergency expenses and vacation liability.

#9. specializes in providing insurance coverage for recreational vehicles, including travel trailers. They offer comprehensive coverage options tailored specifically for RV owners, including liability, collision, and comprehensive coverage. also offers coverage for personal belongings, emergency expenses, and optional coverages such as total loss replacement.

#10. Blue Sky RV Insurance

Blue Sky RV Insurance is known for its expertise in RV insurance coverage. They offer specialized coverage for travel trailers, including liability, collision, and comprehensive protection. Blue Sky RV Insurance also provides coverage for personal belongings, towing and roadside assistance, and optional coverages like emergency expenses and vacation liability.

Cheap Travel Trailer Insurance

Cheap travel trailer insurance is insurance coverage for travel trailers that is affordable and fits within your budget. It typically involves finding insurance policies with lower premiums while still providing adequate coverage for your travel trailer. GEICO, Progressive, Good Sam Insurance Agency, Freeway Insurance, and A-MAX Insurance have affordable travel trailer insurance plans. 

Finding cheap travel trailer insurance involves several strategies and considerations. 

Ways to Find Affordable Insurance for Your Travel Trailer

#1. Shop Around and Compare Quotes

Obtain quotes from multiple insurance companies to compare prices and coverage options. This allows you to find the best deal for your specific needs.

#2. Consider Bundling

If you have other insurance policies, such as auto or home insurance, consider bundling them with your travel trailer insurance. Many insurance companies offer discounts for bundling multiple policies.

#3. Maintain a Good Driving Record

Insurance companies often offer lower rates to individuals with a clean driving record. Avoid accidents and traffic violations to keep your insurance premiums low.

#4. Opt for Higher Deductible

Choosing a higher deductible can lower your insurance premium. However, make sure you can afford to pay the deductible in case of a claim.

#5. Explore Available Discounts

Inquire about discounts offered by insurance companies. These may include safe driver discounts, multi-policy discounts, or discounts for installing safety features on your travel trailer.

#6. Consider Usage-Based Insurance

Some insurance companies offer usage-based insurance programs where your premium is based on how often you use your travel trailer. If you only use it occasionally, this type of insurance may be more cost-effective.

#7. Join an RV Association

Some RV associations offer discounted insurance rates to their members. Consider joining an association to access these benefits.

#8. Review Coverage Options

While you want to find cheap insurance, ensure that the coverage options meet your needs. Look for coverage against accidents, theft, natural disasters, liability, and any other risks specific to your travel trailer.

#9. Check Customer Reviews

Research customer reviews and ratings of insurance companies to ensure they have a good reputation for customer service and claim handling.

What Is the Cheapest Travel Trailer Insurance?

The cheapest travel trailer insurance depends on the insurance company, coverage options, and your specific needs. Some insurance companies known for offering affordable travel trailer insurance include Nationwide, GEICO, Progressive, Good Sam Insurance Agency, and A-MAX Insurance. To find the cheapest insurance, it is recommended to obtain quotes from multiple companies, compare coverage options and discounts, and consider the type of trailer, usage, location, and specific requirements.

What Is The Meaning Of Trailer Insurance?

Trailer insurance is a type of auto insurance that provides coverage for damages to the contents of a trailer or damages caused by a trailer. It protects the policyholder from financial losses resulting from accidents, theft, vandalism, natural disasters, and other perils associated with trailers. Trailer insurance can be separate from or included as part of a comprehensive auto insurance policy, depending on the insurance company and the specific coverage options chosen. It is designed to provide financial protection and peace of mind for individuals who own and use trailers for personal or commercial purposes.

Does A Travel Trailer Need Insurance In Florida?

In Florida, there is no legal requirement to have separate insurance specifically for a travel trailer. However, it is advisable to consider obtaining separate insurance coverage for your travel trailer to ensure adequate protection against damages, theft, and other perils. Standard auto insurance or homeowners insurance may not provide sufficient coverage. Insurance companies like GEICO and Progressive offer coverage options for travel trailers in Florida. 

How Much Is Rv Insurance In Texas?

The average cost of RV insurance in Texas is around $1,400 per year. However, the actual premium can vary widely depending on several factors, including the type of RV, its value, and the coverage options you choose. 

How Much Is Travel Insurance?

Travel insurance costs vary depending on factors such as trip cost, coverage level, number of travelers, age, destination, and trip duration. The average cost is 5% to 6% of trip costs, with a range of $154 for basic coverage to $437 for generous coverage. Travelers should expect to pay 6.87% of their total trip cost for travel insurance, with a minimum of 4.15% and a maximum of 15.8%. The U.S. Travel Insurance Association states that the amount can be expected to vary between 4% and 8% of the overall trip cost.

What Is The Best Insurance For A Camper?

The best insurance for a camper depends on factors like the type of camper, specific needs, and budget. Geico, Progressive, Allstate, Nationwide, Good Sam, Auto-Owners, Foremost, National General, and Safeco are some of the top providers of camper insurance.


Higher premiums are associated with more expensive trailers, while higher premiums may be associated with more frequent or high-risk usage. Comparing quotes from multiple insurance companies is recommended. Progressive offers customizable policies; Geico covers various RV types; and Good Sam offers comprehensive coverage. Cheap travel trailer insurance offers affordable coverage for travel trailers. To find affordable insurance, compare quotes, consider bundling, maintain a good driving record, opt for a higher deductible, and explore available discounts. Shop around, bundle policies, maintain a clean driving record, and explore discounts.


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